sleep well.

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Time was a blur for Yeji while she slowly stirred from her sleep, her eyes painfully adjusted to the faint light filtering through the bar's windows. As she blinked away the remnants of restful slumber, she realized she was lying on the dusty bar sofa.

Quietly, she groaned while sitting up. The empty bottles and half-filled glasses sat on the mold-covered counter glowed gold, its untouched liquid shimmering in the morning light. (Or was it afternoon... It was hard to tell.)

The events of the previous night rushed back to her in painful throbs to her temple. All their shared blissful laughter and sorrowful stories, and the warmth of abandoned alcohol alighted a small smile on her chapped lips.

Her yawn broke the tranquillity of the moment, and she felt a sudden chill. As she groggily looked around, she spotted a haphazardly discarded sweater and shirt on the floor. Panicked, her hand patted all around her body before she let out a deep, relieved exhale to find all her clothes were still on her tired frame.

But if it wasn't her clothes on the floor, it could only be–

A soft snore filled her ears. Yeji's tired eyes widened in shock as her gaze settled on Ryujin's shirtless form beside her. Without thinking, she let out a loud, startled scream that pierced the quiet of the room. The sound echoed off the walls, and her own scream startled her even more.

She was sent tumbling off the sofa in a chaotic jumble of limbs and panic, landing with a loud thud on the floor.

Ryujin jolted awake, disoriented and alarmed, her eyes shot open as she tried to process the situation. "What?!"

The older's eyes unconsciously lingered on the younger's. The dim light cast intriguing shadows on Ryujin's alluring features, emphasizing her toned muscles, the faint outlines of her abs, and the rugged beauty of the scars and tattoos that adorned her body.

"What happened?" The dark-haired woman asked, her morning voice deep and husky which sent shivers down Yeji's spine.

The feline-eyed woman stuttered, embarrassed as she was unable to form the right words, "W-why are you naked?"

Ryujin looked down at her shirtless frame and brushed her untamed hair away from her face, "I'm not naked–"

"Well, why are your clothes not on your beau- ON YOUR BODY?" Yeji yelled in a whisper, throwing the sweater and shirt that was beside her at the younger.

She caught the clothes and began to put her clothes on, "When I drink, I run hot."

A light-hearted chuckle escaped from her throat as she smirked at the other, "And don't worry, I don't sleep with straighties."


With her clothes back on her (beautiful) body, she slowly stood up with a weary, childish grin and offered her hand out to the flustered woman on the floor. Yeji, still slightly dazed from her earlier shock, accepted her hand and got up.

"Oh fuck..." Yeji groaned with her hand on her forehead.

The room was slightly spinning as she steadied herself with her other hand on the younger's shoulder. Yeji blinked, trying to focus her bleary vision on Ryujin.

"You good?" Ryujin asked, her voice a bit hoarse. She placed her bruised hands on either side of her arms, supporting her from collapsing back to the ground.

The cat-eyed woman nodded slowly, the pain in her head subsiding slightly as she took a deep breath, "I think so. Should we... have some water or something?"

Ryujin nodded in agreement, and they both stumbled over to the counter where their drinks were placed. She reached over to the worn-out backpack that was carelessly placed on the floor and handed Yeji a bottle of water.

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