the lieutenant.

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As the days passed and they continued to navigate through the world together, Ryujin found herself increasingly interested in Yeji. It wasn't just the physical attraction, although she couldn't deny that Yeji was stunning. It was the way she was able to carry herself, the resilience she showed in the face of loss and danger, and the vulnerability that occasionally peeked through her tough exterior.

Yeji's determination to survive was admirable, even though it was clear that the loss of her family and friends had left deep scars. With her back turned to the violinist when they slept, she could hear the small, restrained sniffles and sobs for her father, then the next day waking up to Yeji eager to get on with their journey.

Their nomadic existence continued with them never staying in one place for more than a day. The world was a treacherous place, and settling down in any one location for too long risked attracting unwanted attention from both zombies and other survivors.

Each day brought its own set of challenges, from finding food and clean water to staying hidden from threats. But over time, Ryujin and Yeji had developed a seamless partnership, Yeji's survival skills exponentially excelled with each undead encounter allowing their instincts to become finely tuned to one another. They communicated with few words, relying on unspoken signals and gestures to navigate the dangers that lurked around every corner.

Searching for another place to shelter for the day, the pair stumbled upon a neighbourhood as they passed through. The houses were decrepit and abandoned, the remnants of lives that once thrived there.

However, one house stood out from the rest, like a beacon of normality amidst the desolation. The well-kept lawn, the unbroken windows, and the neatly trimmed hedges all seemed surreal within the chaos.

"Should we?" Ryujin turned over to the feline-eyed woman, looking at the strangely well-maintained house.

"We'll be fine, right?"

"Oh yeah, totally."

"And we gotta stay away from that group."


They got out of the car and picked up their bags. Ryujin led the way, her axe ready in her hand, while Yeji kept a watchful eye on their surroundings. They moved silently, not wanting to alert any potential threats to their presence. As they approached the front door, they exchanged a glance of apprehension.

With a cautious push, Ryujin's brows ceased with shock as she eased the front door open. The creaking hinges echoed in the silence, making them wince at the loud noise.

Why is it unlocked?

The inside of the house appeared just as well-kept as the exterior. Family portraits adorned the walls, and the living room was tidy, with a well-placed vase of fresh flowers on the coffee table.

Yeji cautiously stepped forward, her empty backpack hanging from her shoulder. The eerie calm of the house was both inviting and unsettling. Ryujin followed closely behind, her senses on high alert.

"This is... weird..." The feline-eyed woman whispered to herself, eyeing the dust-free tables and chairs in front of her.

They explored room by room, finding bedrooms with neatly made beds and a kitchen stocked with canned food and bottled water. It was as if the house was untouched by the cruelty of the world.

As they made their way back to the living room, they exchanged puzzled glances as they laid eyes on the TV. Ryujin approached the TV cautiously and examined the shattered screen, the damage appeared to be old with dust building up inside.

"This wasn't recent," She said as she turned around to the feline-eyed woman.

Yeji crouched on the floor, examining a broken vase, its porcelain scattered across the floor with a mess of decayed petals and stems. "So was this."

Home; I Found With You // Ryeji FFWhere stories live. Discover now