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The bolt cutter hit the ground with a solid thud, and Yeonjun pulled the fence open, creating an entrance to the scrapyard.

"Ladies first," he said with a grin.

Ryujin was the first to step through, with Yeji close behind. Soon, everyone had made their way inside. The scrapyard stretched out further than they could have imagined, with mountains of kitchen appliances, technology, and scrap cars scattered around.

"Where do we start?!" Chaeryeong sighed, hands on her hips as she surveyed the chaotic landscape.

"We can start with the cars, see if there are any batteries," Ryujin suggested. She turned to face Yuna through her tinted glasses. "Yuna, do you want to cover the car with metal, like mine?"

Yuna shrugged. "As long as it doesn't ruin the car's beauty."

Ryujin chuckled. "Of course not."

"Should we split up?" Yeonjun suggested. "I can go with Ryu and Yeji."

"Sure!" Ryujin replied immediately, earning a judgmental stare from Yeji.

They parted ways, with Yuna and Chaeryeong heading to the decaying cars to check for batteries, while Ryujin, Yeji, and Yeonjun walked further into the scrapyard to find potential sheets of metal.

"Hopefully, there's something here I can use to weld the metal onto the car," Ryujin mumbled.

"I reckon there should be," Yeonjun nodded. "Did you pimp the Evo yourself?"

"Yeah, early in the outbreak..."

Yeji heard the little quiver at the end of Ryujin's sentence, remembering vividly the story about the mechanic—the first person Ryujin had killed. She squeezed Ryujin's hand, catching her attention.

Ryujin looked back, eyes hidden behind the tinted shades, but Yeji could see right through her. She hoped Ryujin knew that she was there for her... always.

"Look over there!" Yeonjun pointed ahead.

Ryujin and Yeji broke their eye contact, turning to where Yeonjun was headed. He jogged over to a thick sheet of metal at the base of a scrap heap.

"This one is perfect—oh shit!"

A decaying hand reached out from behind the sheet, leaving a trail of darkened blood. A head slowly peeked out, teeth bared with a loud scream. Yeonjun stumbled back, frozen in horror, before sprinting back to Ryujin and Yeji.


Without missing a beat, they turned and dashed back the way they came. Ryujin glanced over her shoulder, witnessing a horde of undead emerging from the heap, rolling down the side with their eyes locked on them.

Ryujin tightened her grip on Yeji's hand, almost pulling her along as they bolted toward the rundown cars. Chaeryeong and Yuna were preoccupied with trying to open the hood of one of the cars, oblivious to the impending danger.

"Corpses!" Ryujin yelled as they closed the gap.

Chaeryeong looked up, eyes widening in terror as she nudged Yuna, redirecting her attention to the chaos approaching behind them.

Immediately, the pair drew their weapons. Chaeryeong pulled out her Bowie knife, pulling up her bandana to cover her face, while Yuna raised her silenced gun. Ryujin's eyes widened as she pulled Yeji aside.

Recognizing the gun in Yuna's hand, Yeonjun abruptly stopped, falling to his side and sliding along the gravel-covered ground.

Yuna seized the opportunity to fire a few well-aimed shots into the undead's heads. However, there were still dozens more behind them.

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