i'm yours.

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"Thanks for sticking around these past few days," Hyunjin said with a grin, though everyone could tell he was nursing a serious hangover. "We wish you could stay a bit longer!"

Seulgi smiled warmly, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. "We'll definitely check in on you guys regularly," she said, then reached into her bag. "And here's something for you."

The guys gathered around as she pulled out the object.

"Oh, a radio!" Felix exclaimed, taking it from Hyunjin's hands to examine it closely.

"Military-grade," Yuna explained, "It has a huge range and a long-lasting battery. You can use it to call us anytime you need something or for emergencies."

Ryujin approached with Yeji tucked under her arm, "Just remember—no prank calls or false alarms, okay?"

"Do invitations for a street race count?" Yeonjun asked with a mock pout.

Yeji laughed, "Only if they're not too frequent."

Yeonjun grinned, "Got it, we'll keep it to a minimum."

Lia squeezed between Ryujin and Yeji, casting a glance at the boys. "Make sure the line stays open for Beom and me. We've got plenty more to discuss."

Ryujin raised an eyebrow at them, confusion plastered on her face. "What on earth are you two talking about?"

"That's a Choi secret—"

"I'm a Choi too!" Yeonjun interjected, with a hint of jealousy.

The Lieutenant chuckled, shaking her head. "Alright, we should get going. We'll catch up with you all soon!"

Yuna, Chaeryeong, and Lia climbed into the new Camaro, while Ryujin and Yeji followed Seulgi to the Humvee. As they drove off, the pair glanced back to see the guys waving energetically, their faces lit up with bright grins, until they were out of sight.

Everything was going to be okay.


Over the course of the week, Seulgi and Ryujin noticed that the other group was using the radio sparingly, so they took the initiative to call and check up on them. Most of the time, these were brief conversations just to ensure everyone was safe and well.

As they grew more comfortable with the radio, the calls became more frequent and adventurous. The group would reach out to plan meetups, hangouts, or even late-night drag races in abandoned parking lots.

Ryujin eagerly accepted each invitation, with Yeji always willing to join in. Yuna and Chaeryeong brought their car along too, but they were hesitant to race with their new vehicle. Instead, they parked on the sidelines, enjoying the spectacle of the sports cars tearing up the lot.

Seulgi and Lia were regulars at these gatherings, often leaning against the Camaro and laughing at Ryujin whenever she lost a race.

"Can't believe you lost again, Ryu," Lia teased as she pulled up, receiving a scowl from Ryujin.

"It's not my fault they've got newer cars!" Ryujin shot back, glancing through the grated windows. "And the road is still too icy—I don't want to crash with my love in the car with me."

Yeji pouted with a playful 'Aww' and leaned in closer, "Don't be a chicken. I know you've got what it takes to beat them."

Ryujin turned to meet Yeji's gaze, captivated by those enticing eyes that could undo anyone who dared to look.

"Win this race," Yeji whispered into her ear, "and you'll gain more than just victory."

She felt like she was dancing with the devil whenever Yeji spoke with such honeyed allure—no one could ever hold a candle to the divine charm of a woman who could wield such enchantment with her voice.

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