a small step.

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The two survivors drove through the darkened and desolate streets of London, scanning for any sign of shelters to rest till the morning light. With the car's headlights piercing through the murked streets, displaying abandoned buildings and empty vehicles, it felt gloomy as if there was a cloud hanging overhead as Ryujin drove.

She took a glance at Yeji and found herself feeling the same pain as hers. Perhaps, it was her last strand of empathy or the guilt of failing to protect her father. She seemed so fragile and vulnerable, cat-like eyes occasionally gazing out at the world that had turned into a nightmare that they had been failing countless times to escape.

After a while, Ryujin spotted what looked like an old, dumped gas station ahead, appearing like a potential place to take shelter for the night. She pulled the car to the station's overgrown parking lot and turned off the engine.

"We'll be safe here for tonight," Ryujin said, her voice weary but firm. "And figure out the rest in the morning."

With that, she opened her car door and stepped out into the chilling weather. Before engaging to scout the station, she opened the back door for her axe and headed in.

The gas station stood like a relic of the past, its windows shattered and pumps long dry. She scanned the shelves, looking for any supplies that might have been left behind. Empty cans and discarded wrappers littered the floor, but there were a few untouched items. As she moved deeper into the gas station, she heard a faint shuffling. Her senses sharpened, tightening the grip on the weapon. With each step, the noise grew louder, until she took in the movement near the back of the store.

A lone zombie, its skin pallid and clothes tattered, was stumbling aimlessly among the shelves. With its work uniform, she assumed that the revenant was once a gas station worker. It hadn't noticed Ryujin yet, but it was only a matter of time. She knew she had to act fast.

So she started approaching it cautiously, sticking close to the shelves. When she was within striking range, she swung her axe, delivering a crushing blow at the back of the creature's skull. Knowing Yeji probably would not want to stay within the same vicinity with a corpse, she grabbed its cold body and began the arduous task of dragging it, its limbs flopping with a trail of crimson painting the floor.

Once outside, she managed to heave the zombie onto the ground where she could call a safe distance from the entrance. Then Ryujin returned to the car and opened the door for Yeji who was still lost in the events from the homestead.

"The station is clear. You can come inside." She told Yeji with a reassuring nod.

Slowly, the cat-eyed woman stepped out of the car and followed Ryujin into the building. The silence within it was unsettling, but it was their safest option in the middle of the night.

"I'm going to grab some stuff."

After settling the feline-eyed woman in the corner of the station, Ryujin walked back to the car, glancing at it briefly before checking her surroundings. She gathered her backpack and opened the trunk to fetch some food, and water along with a couple of pillows and blankets to last through the night.

As she returned to the gas station, Ryujin handed some canned beef and water to Yeji. "Here." she said gently, "You need to eat something."

She walked away for a short second, laying out the blanket and pillow for the feline-eyed woman to rest. After preparing the sleeping area, she subtly looked over her shoulder, taking notice of Yeji blankly staring at the can in her hands.

"Yeji, you need to eat-"

The moment she turned back, sniffles were heard, followed by loud cries.

The dark-haired woman stood back up and spun on her heels, approaching Yeji. As her sobs echoed through the station, Ryujin stood by her side. At that moment, amidst the chaos and fear, it was Yeji's pain that took the centre of the stage.

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