Quarter Quell Announcement (Start of Catching Fire)

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After I won my games Finnick, and I became close. He was my mentor but that didn't mean we got to know each other right away. But now that we live right across from each other things are different. I take my brother Cason and my sister Lilly to his house to hang out almost every day.

Annie is almost always there as well, and she and Lilly get along great. Finnick somehow behind my back taught Cason how to gamble but Cason is not good at keeping secrets, so it was only a matter of time before I found out. Cason isn't particularly good at gambling yet, but Finnick always finds a way to let him win. Finnick was smart enough to refuse to play for money so instead they played for random objects like buttons or shells that washed up on the beach.

Just like every other day Annie and I are sitting on the couch watching last year's victors go on their victory tour. I had won the games the year before them, so I found it a little unfair that two of them got to leave the year after but only I got to leave the year before. It's obviously not their fault though. It's clear that they care for each other though I wouldn't say they love each other like people say they do. Anyone looking close enough can see it in their body language.

I look over at Lilly who as always is reading a book. I look back at the screen as Katniss and Peeta exit the stage. Of course, I must look away when they execute yet another person for holding up three fingers and whistling. Anyone who does that now is considered a rebel and is executed on the spot which is just awful. But what can you do when they are far from your district on the other side of the country?

"I hope one day things will be different." Annie says with a sigh. I totally agree with her, but I just nod my head and look to my right to make sure Cason is still there with Finnick. He's a troublemaker when left unsupervised so I have to watch him like a hawk most of the time.

After our parents passed, I had to ensure both stayed under control so they wouldn't get taken away though I didn't really have to worry since Lilly has always had things under control. I still don't understand how they weren't taken away while I was fighting for my life in the arena but I'm glad they weren't.

This year will be the first I mentor tributes so naturally I'm nervous. What doesn't help is the fact that this year is a quarter quell so it will probably be ten times worse than any year. Finnick says it will be fine and I'll do great, but I can't help but wish I could wait just one more year. In fact, I wish I were never reaped in the first place. Sure, I wouldn't have much money, but we were doing fine for ourselves before everything. But I am still glad I made it out because we are doing much better than before. I just wish we didn't have to mentor tributes afterwards though I do get why it's required.


I wish we could watch this at Finnick's house, but it's required we watch it at our own. Today President Coriolanus Snow will announce what this year's quarter quell will be. If it is as bad as I think it will be then I feel horrible for the tributes, I will have to mentor because just the thought of them suffering more than we had to makes me sick to my stomach.

In fact, the thought of suffering at all just makes me want to throw up. The television turns on as Lilly lays her head on my shoulder and I place my head on hers as I wrap an arm around her shoulder. I wrap my other arm around Cason's shoulder, but he shakes it off. He's going through a phase where he thinks he's too cool for anyone, so it doesn't bother me.

Snow makes his way on screen and I immediately frown. Our parents taught us not to hate people so I know I shouldn't but I can't help but hate his guts. I frown even more as he begins to speak. "Ladies and gentlemen this is the seventy-fifth year of the hunger games. It was written in the charter of the games that every twenty-five years there would be a quarter quell to keep fresh for each new generation the memory of those who died and the uprising against the capitol."

At this point I already want to tune him out, but I know I can't and it's important to listen. "Each quarter quell is distinguished by games of a special significance. And now on this the seventy-fifth anniversary of our defeat of the rebellion we celebrate the third quarter quell as a reminder that even the stronger cannot overcome the power of the capitol..."

I lean forward in my seat, removing my arm from Lilly's shoulder, awaiting his next words. "The third quarter quell games the male and female tributes are to be reaped from the existing pool of victors." I sit there in silence processing what he said. Then after what feels like hours but in reality, is only a few seconds it hits me. And it hits me hard. Cason looks at me in confusion, but Lilly knows exactly what Snow meant. I quickly tell them I'll be right back and grab my coat rushing out the door to Finnick's house. 

A/N: Hello!!! Sorry this chapter was so short! This is our first book so bare with us. We will try to improve the chapters as best we can and if anyone has any suggestions on how to make it better please don't hesitate to let us know!

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