District 13 (Start of Mockingjay Part 1)

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Lilly had called in a nurse and got her to explain everything to me. When Katniss shot the forcefield it blew out and collapsed. A district 13 hovercraft came in to save most of us but by the time it got there Johanna, Peeta, and Enobaria were gone.

My heart hurt a little when I heard that Peeta was taken. I don't know why. I barely talked to him. Then I remembered the pearl. I wasn't wearing the clothes from the arena anymore. When the nurse left, I looked around for it.

I didn't see the clothes from the arena anywhere. I had slipped it under the pad in my sleeve that acted as a pocket as well. I let out a sigh of relief when I saw it on the table beside my bed.

I left it there not wanting to accidentally lose it. I turned to Lilly who looked like she had been crying. Then I realized. "Where's Cason?" I asked her. She stayed silent looking at the floor with her arms crossed.

"Lilly." I say grabbing her arm. "Where is cason?" My voice is sterner this time. She looks back up at me before responding. "There were attacks on district 4 and 12. The capitol took Annie and Cason."

I feel my heart drop. I let go of her arm as my mind races. What will they do to him? Why him? Why not someone else? Then another realization hits me like a ton of bricks. They took Annie too. Finnick. Does he know yet?

The whole point of my volunteering was to keep them safe. Now the capitol has both my best friend and my brother. I feel sick to my stomach. Just like on the train I want to cry but I just can't. The tears won't fall. So, I just pulled Lilly in for a hug.


We sit in the cafeteria at one of the round tables. I move my food around on the plate with my fork. The food here is awful. It's bland and overall, just unappetizing. I still eat it just to make sure I don't go hungry though.

Katniss barely touched her food as she just stared off into space. She went back to district 12. Apparently, it was hard to look at and I can only imagine what district 4 looks like. Lilly sat next to me with her head on my shoulder. She hadn't been eating her food either.

The capitol anthem plays from the televisions that are literally everywhere in the cafeteria. I look to the nearest one as Lilly lifts her head off my shoulder. The capitol seal is on the screen for a few seconds and then it fades into Ceaser Flickerman's face.

"Hello. And a big welcome to all in Panem. I'm Ceaser Flickerman. And whoever you are. Whatever it is that you are doing. If you are working put down your work. If you are having dinner stop having dinner." "You'd think this guy would know about multitasking." I say and Lilly lets out a small laugh before we look back at the screen.

"Because you are going to want to witness this tonight. There has been rampant speculation on what really happened in the quarter quell. And here to shed a little light on the subject is a very special guest. Please welcome Mr. Peeta Mellark.

A/N: First chapter for Mockingjay! It was a little short so we'll add some more stuff in the next one but we hope you enjoyed this one! Thanks for reading!

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