First Interview and The Mockingjay

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I swear I feel my heart stop as Peeta comes on the screen. Katniss stands up and walks to the television. She covers her mouth with her hand. He looks normal. Have they been leaving him alone? But that doesn't make sense. Knowing Snow it just doesn't seem right.

Ceaser and Peeta discuss things like the rebel plan and Katniss blowing out the arena. Every time Ceaser tries to accuse Katniss of something Peeta defends her. At some point Ceaser mentions something about me being involved in the rebel plan and I want so bad to punch him in the face.

I've spoken to Ceaser about war in an interview before and I made it clear as day that I wanted nothing to do with a war. It can go on as long as it needs to as long as I'm not in it. But Peeta is quick to defend me too and I silently thank him.

Even if he's not here, I appreciate it. "I was going to ask you to speak about the unrest, but I think you might be too upset." Ceaser says. "No. No I can." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." They speak over each other for a second before Ceaser goes silent to let Peeta talk and I lean forward curious about what he's going to say.

"I want everyone whose watching to stop and think about what a civil war could mean." People around us start to talk confused about what he's saying and why he's saying it. "We almost wen extinct once before. And now our numbers are even fewer. Is this really what we want to do? Kill ourselves off? Killing is not the answer. Everyone needs to lay down their weapons immediately."

I can't hear the rest of what he says because after he says that the whole cafeteria starts yelling things calling him a traitor and saying he's one of them. I stand up and take Lillys hand pulling her up with me and we both walk out of the cafeteria.

We walked back to our assigned room, and I sat on the side of my bed. Lilly sits next to me. We both stay silent for a minute not sure of what to say. "He's not a traitor." Lilly says, breaking the silence. "No, he isn't. They don't realize what the capitol could be doing to him." "It's because he looks normal. There isn't proof that they are doing anything to him." "And I doubt they'll show him looking sick or injured."

The conversation continues for some time before Lilly moves to her own bed and we both fall asleep.


I stand next to Finnick as we watch President Coin walk up to her microphone. From what I had heard Katniss agreed to be their "Mockingjay" and represent them in the war but she made them agree to some things.

"Good afternoon. Thank you for interrupting your schedules. They have already been adjusted to compensate for the delay. Please check in with your unit supervisors when you resume work. I have an announcement for the citizens of 13. And our welcome guests from 12 and 4."

Something about the way she talks doesn't sit right with me. I've never been great at reading people but something about Coin seems off. "Katniss Everdeen has consented to be the face of our cause to help unite the districts against the capitol. In exchange I have promised several concessions."

I watch with curiosity wondering what Katniss asked of her. Obviously i was hoping it has something to do with rescuing the people in the capitol.

"First we'll assess all opportunities for the extraction of the people held hostage in the capitol." I see Katniss walk next to Finnick and I offer her a smile to which she returns as Coin starts to read off the names. "Peeta Mellark, Johanna Mason..."

Katniss turns to Finnick and I. "I made the deal for Annie and Cason too." She says just before Coin reads off their names. "Good. That's good Katniss." Finnick says "Thank you." I add on. I'm grateful to Katniss. Coin lets us all go back to what we were doing after she finishes her speech.

Later in the cafeteria Lilly and I grab our food and Find Katniss and her friend who I believe is named Gale. They are sitting with Effie Trinket and we sit down as Effie pulls out a folder. "What's that?" Lilly asks as Katniss opens it.

"Cinna." Katniss says quietly as she flips through the pages. I look at the drawings. "They have it." Effie says. "They have the Mockingjay suit."

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