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"She sacrificed herself for me and I didn't even know her name." I stood next to Peeta as the girl's body was lifted into the hovercraft. "You think she sacrificed herself?" It doesn't make sense. We are trying to get out of here. Who would do that? "Looked like it."

The hovercraft disappeared, and Peeta walked over to Katniss. I looked over to Finnick who was trying to catch fish with his trident. While Finnick Katniss and Peeta were eating the fish Finnick caught I sat closer to the water.

I looked out at the rest of the beach and the cornucopia. It was scary how beautiful it was. I felt someone next to me and I looked over to see Peeta sitting down next to me. We sit in silence for a minute before he breaks the silence.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He says in a soft voice. I nod my head and look back out at the water. "It would be even more beautiful if we weren't trying to kill each other on it." We both stare at the water watching the waves crash onto the sand.

"What's it like in district 4?" he asks, trying to start a conversation. "It's mostly beaches and fishing gear shops. Everything you would expect from a district known for fishing. What about district 12? What's it like there?" "It's not great. Just a lot of peacekeepers and coal miners."

I nod at his response not sure what to say next. I want him to say something else to break the tension and thankfully he does. "So, you have a brother and sister?" He asks. "Yeah. I hope they aren't doing anything stupid." He laughs a little when I say that, and I smile at him.

We sit in silence for a minute again and just like before he is the one to break the silence. "That was nice of you to volunteer for that girl." I look at him then back at the water before I respond. "I mostly did it for Finnick. I want him to be able to go home to her when this is over." "You'd risk your life so he can go home and be with someone else?"

"Yeah." I say in response. "Of course, I don't want this to be how I die but if it means saving him then it's worth it." It takes him a minute to respond. I can tell he didn't really expect that answer, but he understands what I mean.

"You're a good person." He says as he holds his hand out in front of me. "Here. For you." He says and I put my hand under his so he can place what he's holding in it. He drops a small pearl onto my hand. "Thank you." I say and he smiles before getting up and walking over to Katniss.

We all look over when we hear screams and a big wave crash on the other side of the arena. We all stand up as it makes its way to the cornucopia, stopping just before it hits it. It builds up at the edge of the forcefield keeping it in place and then falls as the forcefield disappears.

The water creates a big wave and I have to walk back to stand next to Finnick to make sure I don't go under. As the water goes back to its original size a hovercraft picks up someone that was caught in the wave.

"Someone's here." Katniss says grabbing an arrow so she's ready to shoot if she has to. Johanna, Beetee, and Wiress stumble out of the trees and Finnick runs to them calling out Johanna's name.

A/N: So we didn't have many ideas so this chapter was mostly just having an awkward conversation with Peeta. But we hope you liked it anyway! Thanks for reading!

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