How a Revolution Dies

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I don't exactly know why I'm in here, but I guess they just wanted me here to support Katniss. Katniss stood on the platform as Plutarch entered the little control room. The lights came on and Effie placed a Mockingjay pin on Katniss' suit.

"Everyone's either going to want to kiss you, kill you, or be you." Effie says walking back over to stand next to me. "Perfect. Absolutely perfect." Plutarch says over the intercom. The fans on both sides of Katniss turn on making it look like she's outdoors.

"Remember you've just stormed the outskirts of the capitol. Arm-in-arm with your brothers and sisters." Katniss gets down on one knee as Plutarch had told her to. She took a deep breath before standing up. "People of Panem we fight, we dare, we..." Katniss stops mid-sentence and when I see Effie's face, I want to burst out laughing but I hold it in.

"Does she know the line?" Plutarch asks over the speaker and Katniss gets back down on her knee assuring him that she has it. She stands a second time holding up the pole in her hand. "People of Panem we fight, we dare, to end this hunger for justice!"

"YOU'VE JUST BEEN IN BATTLE!" Plutarch's outburst makes me jump a little as I look behind me to the control room. "I-I'm sorry. Excuse my outburst. You've just been in battle."

Katniss tries one more time to say the line but to be honest she is not good at this. We hear a slow clap from behind and I turn around to see none other than Haymitch Abernathy himself. "And that my friends is how a revolution dies." He says walking towards us. "Hello Katniss." Haymitch says pulling a cloth out of his jacket.

Katniss stays silent just glaring at him. "Is this how you greet an old friend?" He asks right before he blows his nose. "Maybe I don't recognize you sober." Katniss snaps back. "I guess it looks as bad as it feels." He turns around and nods at me "Hello Kora." He says. "Haymitch." I reply.

I don't know Haymitch well, but I've heard about him. I watched him fall off the stage during the reaping for Katniss' games. You could tell he wasn't well mentally.

Later Boggs, Gale, Plutarch, Effie, Beetee, Katniss, Haymitch, and I sat in Coins office watching the footage. I can say with honesty that it was not good at all. When the video ended Katniss sank into her chair probably from embarrassment.

Haymitch clears his throat standing up. "Um. Madam president. Indulge me for a moment if you would. Let's everybody think of an incident where Katniss Everdeen genuinely moved you. Not where you were jealous of her hairstyle, or her dress went up in flames or she made a halfway decent shot with an arrow. And not where Peeta made you like her. No, I'd like you all to think of a moment where she made you feel something real."

Effie's hand shoots up. "Oh. When she volunteered for her sister at the reaping." "Excellent example." Haymitch replies. He wipes what looks like blueprints off the board in front of us. "I hope that wasn't important." He says and I can't help but laugh a little. Boggs looks at me and shakes his head and I immediately shut up.

He writes "Volunteer 4 sis" on the board and it translates to "Volunteer for sister". "Ok what else?" He asks and Effie answers again. "Oh. When she sang that song for little rue."

"Oh, yeah who didn't get choked up on that? You know I like you better Effie without all that makeup." he says as he turns to write on the board "Well I like you better sober." She says. I try my hardest not to laugh when he looks back at her but this whole interaction makes me want to fall on the floor laughing.

Haymitch writes "Song for Rue" on the board as he speaks again. "Now what do all these things have in common?" "No one told her what to do." Gale says, "Unscripted yes." Beetee responds.

"So, we just leave her be." I say looking at Katniss. "And wash all that makeup off her face. She's still a girl and you made her look thirty-five." Boggs says. I see Katniss smile at him. I can tell she's not fond of the makeup.

They debate whether to toss her into combat and let it come to her or not. While I'm not against it if she dies then there is no revolution.

Beetee suggests she go to district 8, and she says she wants to go. "And if your killed?" Coin asks. "Make sure to get it on camera"

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