The End of the Arena

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Beetee carries the coil of wire as we walk to the lightning tree. I make sure to stay close to Finnick most of the time we walk just in case something happens. The anthem starts to play, and we stop to watch the sky.

Wiress appears in the sky, and I see Beetee look away. Then the female morphling appears and I put my hand on Peeta's shoulder and give him a small smile that he returns. The anthem dies down and we continue moving.

We make it to the tree, and we all help Beetee get the wire around the tree. When it is completely covered in wire, I'm surprised that there is enough wire to make it to the beach. I stand next to Finnick looking at the tree trying to figure out how there is that much wire in that coil.

Beetee hands Katniss the coil with the remaining wire. "You three girls go together now. Take this. Unspool it carefully and make sure the entire coil is in the water, you understand? Then head to the tree at the 2 o-clock sector. We'll meet you there."

"I'm gonna go with them as a guard." Peeta says beginning to walk towards Katniss, Johanna, and I. "No no no. You're staying here to protect me. And the tree." "No, I need to go with them." "There are two careers out there. I need two guards."

They both have serious expressions on their faces. "Finnick can protect you just fine on his own." "Yeah, why can't Finnick and Johanna or Kora stay with you and the rest of us will take the coil." Katniss says trying to change Beetee's mind. "Yeah, or Finnick and I will take the coil and you can outnumber the careers if they show up." I say thinking of other ways we could play this out.

"You all agreed to keep me alive until midnight, correct?" Beetee says getting closer to Katniss. "It's his plan. We all agreed to it." Johanna looks at both Katniss and me. "Is there a problem here?" Finnick says staring us down.

"Finnick you can't be serious." I say as he just looks at me. There's something else going on that I wasn't filled in on. "No. There's no problem." Katniss says turning to give Peeta a short kiss before turning to go to the beach.

I get one last look at Finnick before following behind Katniss. We got far enough away so they couldn't hear us anymore and I turned to Katniss. "Do you know if there's something else going on?" She just shakes her head no before she stops suddenly.

The wire is caught on something and out of nowhere it breaks in half. Brutus and Enobaria come out from behind some trees in the distance but before Katniss can even try to shoot them Johanna slams the coil into Katniss' head and cuts her arm smearing blood on her neck telling her to stay down.

She then pushes me to the ground doing the same to my arm. When I hit the ground, my head hit a rock causing my vision to blur and my ears to ring. Johanna throws her axe at the careers before running away.

Katniss sits up but I stay on the ground. My head is pounding but my vision is almost back to normal, and my ears are no longer ringing. "Johanna where are you?!" Finnick. I sit up but Katniss puts her hand on my mouth pushing me back to the ground.

Katniss gets up when Finnick leaves, and I follow her slowly since my head is still pounding. We get back to the tree just as Beetee hits the forcefield. We run over to him, and he is shaking on the ground. Katniss picks up what looks like a handmade spear that was next to Beetee and I look at it confused.

Suddenly Katniss screams Peeta's name looking around frantically. I take a few steps back as she runs around looking for him. Finnick comes running through the trees and Katniss grabs an arrow nocking it so she can prepare to shoot him. "Katniss wait!" I yell, trying to get her to stop before she kills Finnick.

Finnick looks at her and puts up his hands. "Katniss. Remember who the real enemy is." He says.

Katniss stands still for a moment before lowering her weapon. Thunder starts to rumble as clouds start to swirl above the tree and suddenly she wraps some wire around her arrow pointing her bow at the sky and I instantly know what she's doing.

Just as the lightning strikes Katniss sends the arrow flying and all three of us are thrown back as the lightning hits the tree. As if my head didn't hurt enough before it hits the ground again just making things worse and the last thing I see before everything goes black is the forcefield falling apart.

When I wake up, I'm lying on a hospital bed in a room that is tinted orange by the lights. I look to my left and see Lilly sitting beside me and for a second, I think we are home. But we aren't. 

A/N: And that's the end of catching fire! Mockingjay Part one will start off pretty intresting! My friends and i have some pretty cool plans for it! Thanks for reading and we hope you enjoyed!

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