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Training has to be the worst part of all this other than the games themselves. Finnick and I are one of the first in there. I immediately went to the fishhook making station. I watch Finnick train with a trident as I make some different fish hooks my dad taught my siblings and I how to make.

I look over to see Katniss walking in my direction. When she makes it to the table, she watches me finish the hook before speaking up. "Who taught you how to do that?" she asks, still looking at the hook. "My dad taught my siblings and I a few years ago. I doubt they remember though. They were young." She looks up at me and gives me a small smile. "I'll teach you how to use a bow if you teach me how to make one of those." I consider it for a moment. If I know how to use a bow my chances are better because I would know how to use two weapons including a trident.

"Sure." I say as I look back at the hook. I quickly showed her a few things before we moved over to the archery station. I let her go in first and the door closes behind her as she walks in. The simulation starts and before I know it almost every tribute is watching her.

I stuck around Katniss the rest of the time we were in the training center showing her things I knew like using tridents, identifying fish (it wasn't a station so we sat down for a few minutes so I could teach her the basics), and other little things. She of course taught me some things, but I showed her a few more things.


Katniss sat on the couch while Peeta stood next to her. Haymitch stood in front of them clearly disapproving of her choice in allies. Peeta was not too thrilled about them either. She thought of one last person who they might just agree on. "What about Kora?" Haymitch didn't look like he disapproved as much but he still didn't look like he was so happy about it. "She knows everything we need to know to survive." Haymitch thought for a long moment about it.

"From what I've heard you and Finnick aren't on great terms, and he'll be around her until the last second." "Then nobody." Katniss was set on her decision, and it was clear there was no changing her mind. Haymitch didn't say a word as he left the room.


Back in district 4 Lilly and Cason were staying in Mags' house so they didn't get taken away or anything. They were watching Ceasar Flickerman go over recaps of the tribute parade. Cason had made sure to spend more time with Lilly than ever before. After the reaping something changed about him.

"What if she doesn't make it back?" Cason Looked at Lilly from where he was on the couch with a worried expression. "She will. She'll make it back and everything will be better. Everything turns out better in the end remember?" Their mother had always said that when they didn't have enough food or clothes back before Kora won the games.

"I should have spent more time on the beach with you two." Cason felt horrible for all the times he made it seem like he was embarrassed of them. "Everything will be ok." Lilly pulled Cason into a hug, and they stayed that way for what felt like hours.

A/N: New chapter! We hope you guys like this one because we finally got to see Katniss AND we got a brother sister moment with Lilly and Cason! You guys know the drill! Let us know if you have suggestions on how to improve! Thanks for reading!!!!

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