Reaping and Tribute Parade

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The district escort Shelly Sycana -which if you ask me is a pretty normal name for someone from the capitol- steps onto stage with a look on her face that I can't quite read. She looks almost emotionless which is a first for the woman. As always, she turns on that stupid video from the capital that I have learned to tune out and makes her little speech before walking over to the bowl containing Finnick's name.

I found it strange that she didn't pull a name from the ladies' bowl first, but I guess it's just because Finnick is the only boy while there are three girls. She calls his name, and he walks next to her with a confident look. He looks at the crowd before looking at all three of us girls.

Shelly makes her way to the ladies' bowl and sticks her hand in. It takes a second for her to pick up the folded paper. She walks back to the microphone and opens the slip of paper. "Annie Cresta" Of course Annie starts to break down. I look into the crowd where in the front row my sister is shaking her head at me. I see Mags get ready to raise her hand but before I know what I'm doing I grab her wrist and shake my head at her.

I let go and step forward before Annie can move next to shelly. "I volunteer as tribute" I take a few steps forward to stand next to shelly who steps back to let Finnick hug me. I take one last look at my brother and sister who are in tears before peacekeepers come to take us to the train.

As we enter the train Finnick starts to scold me saying how stupid it was to volunteer but I tune him out. When he's finally done, I just walk to my room on the train and sit on the bed. I can't cry. I want to but I can't. Instead, I just sit there for a while before getting up and going to take a shower.

When I get out of the shower I get changed into a nightgown and slip under the comforter of the bed. It took an hour or so, but I managed to fall asleep.


A day on the train and not much talking later we get to the remake center in the capital where they separate us and basically torture us for hours on end. Then of course there is the waiting part. My stylist Stan comes into the room after what feels like hours. I honestly do not get how he has such a normal name living in the capital.

We go over what the outfits for the parade will look like and then it's time to get ready. I was given a dress that makes me look somewhat like a siren in human form. The top is green, but it fades into blue and pink at the bottom. And the headpiece is big. It's designed to look like coral with shells attached to it. It has little patches of net on it to finish the look.


I have never been much for big outfits, so it feels like a bit much, but I remind myself that it's an effective way to get sponsors

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I have never been much for big outfits, so it feels like a bit much, but I remind myself that it's an effective way to get sponsors. When I get to the chariots the first thing, I notice is what Finnick is wearing, and I can't help but laugh a little at it. He is half naked and the only thing covering anything is a golden fish net. His stylist is bold, but I did not think he'd come up with this.

"That's quite the outfit" he says as I approach the chariot. "You can't be talking." I say with a laugh, and he gives me one in return before throwing a sugar cube in the air and catching it in his mouth. "You want one?" he asks, holding one out to me. "No thank you. But maybe Johanna over there would want one." He turns around and we both watch at Johanna throws a mini fit for whatever reason.

He turns back to me and smiles. "I'm going to go bug Katniss over there. I'll be right back." He walks past me and makes his way over to Katniss who does not look pleased to see him. I turn to the white horses that will pull the chariot and pet one of them until Finnick comes back. "Well, I think it's safe to say that Katniss isn't too fond of me." I let out a chuckle looking back at Katniss who is talking to her district partner.

The anthem starts playing and Finnick gets on the chariot grabbing my hand to help me up as well. I take a deep breath as we are pulled out into the light of day. On both sides of us are people cheering and screaming and I have to grab Finnick's hand to make sure I don't get too overwhelmed and break down right there. The closer we get to the tribute center the more scared I get because the closer we are to the tribute center the closer the games are.

A/N: Hey guys!!!! We hope you enjoyed this chapter!! It's a bit longer which is good! As always if there are suggestions please let us know! Training is in the next chapter so things are gonna get better we promise!!!! Thanks for reading!!

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