Fog and Monkeys

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As we run the fog keeps closing in on us. I ran behind Finnick as we tried to catch up with Peeta and Katniss. The fog touches my back and I slowdown from the pain it causes. Finnick takes my hand and pulls me forward to give me a boost and we continue to run.

We ran and ran, and as Finnick and I caught up to Katniss and Peeta, we stopped because Peeta had collapsed. I helped Katniss get him up and we ran until we all tumbled down a hill we didn't see. When we hit the ground, I hit my head on the jungle floor making me lightheaded.

I watch as the fog gets closer and closer. The fog stops against a forcefield, but my arm is extended out beside me, and it gets caught in the fog. I yell out in pain, but I can't move. The fog must have done something to my joints because no matter how hard I try I can't move.

The fog disappears and I close my eyes. After a minute or so I feel Finnick pick me up and he gently places me in water making me yell again because it stings against my skin. He uses his thumbs to rub whatever is covering my body off my hands, neck, and face.

After I can move again, I sit in the water cleaning myself off. Somehow, I managed to keep my trident with me, so I was also cleaning that off. I look up from my trident for a second to make sure Finnick is close. I look to my left and see Peeta looking at me, but he quickly looks away when we make eye contact.

I don't pay any attention to it and just continue cleaning off my trident. Finnick and Katniss stand up slowly and Finnick quickly grabs his trident. I look up to see what they are looking at and see monkeys surrounding us. I stand up and keep a tight grip on my trident.

"Peeta." Katniss said, getting his attention. "Yeah?" "Walk over here slowly." Peeta looks confused and turns around to grab the spile from the tree he was getting water from. When he does, he comes face to face with a monkey and he backs away slowly into the water.

"Get to the beach." Katniss quietly says, turning to make her way to the beach. But before she can the monkeys block the only way that we can get to the beach. One of the monkeys' pounces at her but Peeta kills it with his machete which sets all of them off.

Monkeys come at us left and right as we fight them off as best we can. I stab one that comes for Finnick and then one that pounces at me. One jumps on Katniss pushing her under water and I use my trident to stab it in the back letting her come up for air.

We made our way to the beach and when I finished fighting off a monkey, I saw someone bleeding next to Peeta. "Who is that?" I ask as I make my way over to him. "A morphling. Help me get her." I crouched down to grab her arm and help him carry her to the beach.

Finnick and Katniss stay on the sand making sure no monkeys got past as Peeta and I drag the morphling girl into the water. Peeta holds her above water making sure she doesn't freak out and trying to calm her down.

As she quiets down, he looks at the sky then back down at her. "Hey. You wanna see something?" He says to her in a calming voice. "Look up. Look. Look at that. It's incredible, isn't it? Look at all those colors. Don't focus on anything else."

As she stops making noise a canon goes off and he gently lays her back down into the water and lightly pushes her out towards the cornucopia so the hovercraft can get her later. 

A/N: Peeta is such a sweetheart in this one and I love it so much. We are greatful to anyone who reads this and as always we hope you enjoyed reading it! Thanks for stopping by to read!

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