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"Please..." I cried out "i'll give you anything please just tell me what!" I begged on my knees for him to let me get up, that was just after all he had already done to me.

"Be quiet!" The warmth of his hand seeped through the skin of my cheek in a sting, such fast movements in so little time.

Everything was moving in slow motion making me suffer the pain even longer.

What did I even have to give? Why would I bother trying? I really don't know but I kept it up.

"Stop!" I whined as he turned me around, the loud music vibrating through the house.

"Please! Please just let me go," I was running out of breath "I swear to God I won't tell anyone, Please!" God? Who would save me when i'm swearing on a God I don't even believe in?

"You're being too loud you whore!" He covered my mouth with his disgusting dirty hand as I continued to scream into it.

I could feel him pulling my skirt up as the click of a door opening was heard.

"Yo! What the fuck man?!"

Not even a few seconds later he was running out of the door pulling up his boxers.

Everything was happening so fast I couldn't even catch onto what really was happening.

I pulled in my knees as I cried into them, warm salty tears running down my cheeks.

"Hey, hey, hey..." I flinched as a hand reached around my arm "shit..." the man closed the door and my body immediately tensed.

"Are you with someone?" I looked into the man's eyes before shaking my head.

"Do you got somewhere to go?" Embarrassment hit as I looked away, shaking my head again.

It was true, I had nowhere to go. My landlord had kicked me out about a few weeks ago as I was highly in debt with the rent and I had no family nearby, even if I did my mom was a drunk and my dad was nowhere to be seen.

"You can stay with me..." I thought about it for a second but it was hard too when all I could think about was that man, touching me.

"I promise i'll protect you." I gave in.

It's not like I had anywhere else to go as I was bouncing from house party to house party to try and survive off of the alcohol and whatever kind of "snacks" they had.

He reached his hand out and I took it.

I hugged my body with my bag in hand as we walked through the house, I was paranoid as I looked out for him anywhere.

I now sat in the car as he told me to do, I was overthinking everything at this point.

"Yo Oddy we gotta go!" I glanced over towards his voice as him and another guy with long hair walked out.

'Oddy' took a look over towards me before quickly turning back to the man with dreads.

"Whatever man, you better tell me everything later." He pushed his hand out towards the man with dreads before they both got into the car.

"Look, I don't understand any of this shit but you better not be screwing around and pretending like you have no where to go." The man with dreads spoke up.

I stayed silent even though I wanted to speak up, to say that I wasn't, anything, but nothing came out as my mouth was dry and I could feel the tears coming.

You know that awful feeling you get before you cry where your nose tingles and your throat tenses with that intense lump? Yeah. I was holding everything in as I had already embarrassed myself earlier infront of one of them.

"This just an extra room we got, bathrooms right there," The dreaded man pointed down the hallway before throwing me a towel "and if you really need somethin my rooms righ there."

He made one final glance towards me before letting me do whatever.

I was surprised as we first got here since the house was pretty big, definitely nothing like my crappy old apartment.

I knew I would have to go back though as I couldn't overstay my welcome.

I walked down the hallway into the bathroom quickly locking the door and undressing.

I felt disgusting and dirty.

Partly from not showering in a few day but also from the touch of the man in the bedrooms hands.

I watched my naked body in the mirror before getting in the shower.

I sobbed as I scrubbed.

I was horrified at what my life had come to.

I was meant to go to med school and become a nurse, only I didn't have any money since my mom had stolen all of my savings and spent it on beer. Leaving me with a crappy gas station job earning below minimum wage.


"She looked so empty..." I sighed as I spoke to Oddy about the situation "She said she had no where to go so I offered a place to stay."

"You can't just invite some random into our home, what if she's some stalking fangirl?" Ruby rolled his eyes.

"She was about to get fucking raped. I don't think she would do that to get to us." I gave Oddy a serious look.

"Alright man... I trust you." I nodded my head before getting up to check on her.

I walked the empty halls hearing every creak in this lonely ass house.

I knocked on the door slightly before hearing her make her way towards me.

She opened it slowly before letting me inside and sitting on the edge of the giant bed.

"Uhh I just came to check on you..." I stared at her "What's your name shawty?"

"Ivory." She said it so quietly I almost didn't hear it.

"Ivory?" she shrugged "Its nice, I like it."

"So where you really stay?" she looked up at me with her drained doe eyes.

"I don't stay anywhere..." she mumbled.

"You gonna have to speak up baby."

She looked away in embarrassment, "I'm sorry." I brushed it off before asking another question "You ain't got no family...friends?" she shook her head "no one?"

"No one." I tried to tell if she was lying but she looked real genuine so I decided to leave her alone to get some rest.

"Alright shawty... goodnight."

"Mhm" she hummed as I closed the door.

1079 words

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