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Me and Germ rose from our seats, our faces filled with absolute horror, not knowing what to expect as we walked in.

"Fuck..." Scott groaned as he held his face in his hands, the bottles that were once on the counter now laid on the ground. Shattered glass was spread across the floor, the smell of alcohol lingering in the air.

Everyone began crowding which was at the same time that Ari had walked in, "Man...What the fuck!" Aristos yelled as he saw Scott on the floor, blood covering his soft skin.

Scott stood up, evil shined in his eyes as he stared down the man who pushed him.

His arm came up before connecting to the guys face. That was just how it started. They continued to throw punches before Aristos stood between them, "Your girls a fucking slut anyways." Scott spoke as he spat in the man's face while Aristos struggled to pull him away from the scene that he had created.

Everyone knew that Scott had started it, everyone knew that he had been caught fucking the guys girl, though no one spoke it we all knew.

The whole didn't even seem real, the molly hitting hard as the events took place.

I hadn't realized that Germ had left my side until his voice echoed from across the house, "Everyone out!" his voice didn't sound very funny to me like it usually did, he was completely serious and anyone could hear it.

I watched as everyone flooded out the front door, obeying Germs instructions.

I was stupidly high and not having fun.

The point of me getting high is to forget all my problems and have fun, but this was the complete opposite causing me to panic as my senses weren't completely right.

"Can someone please help me." Aristos tried to stay calm though I could tell that he was fuming as he tried to get Scott to calm down as well.

Scott was well intoxicated and high off of what i'm guessing, multiple drugs, on top of all of this.

I could hear Scott cussing the guy out still angry at the situation even though the guy was well out of the door.

"Okay man calm down, what happened?" Aristos grew annoyed at the way that his cousin was reacting but still cared.

"Some bitch wanted to fuck, motherfucker just walked in yelling and shit, I walked out and he fucking swung on me." Scott's eyebrows furrowed in anger, "Should be mad at his girl, not my fault she wanted to fuck on me." he rolled his eyes.

For a while I was convinced that Scott wasn't going to leave this alone but he eventually calmed down and forgot about it. He was now in the studio, which was really the shed in the backyard, making new music with Ari.

While me and Germ stayed inside to clean up the mess, however Germ wouldn't let me.

Claiming that he could do it all by himself, but i'm pretty sure there was a time where he almost slipped and was about to ask me to help.

So I sat up on the counter watching him, I felt so rude but no matter how many times I offered he wouldn't let me.

"At least let me wipe the counter or something." I threw my head to the side.

Germ looked up from the mop to me, "Go paint your nails or something, whatever ya do, girl." he continued to mop the floor.

"Whateverrr!" I responded as I hopped off of the counter with a sigh, dragging my dress down to save any flashing.

I sat in my room sobering up, refusing to let myself sleep even though it was about three in the morning.

While alone in the room I came to my senses and really realized what I had done, what me and Scott had done.

What the fuck?

At some point I had convinced myself that I had just dreamt it at some point and that it wasn't real. Nothing had happened between me and Scott, but the wetness between my thighs said differently.

I shook the thoughts out of my head as I walked into the living room, where everyone had been eating, "An invite would've been nice." I waltzed into the kitchen to grab something out of the fridge.

"We thought you were asleep." I turned to the sound of Ruby who looked absolutely flabbergasted that I was still up.

"What, I went to sleep with the lights on?" I raised a brow, "Plus I could never go to sleep without saying goodnight." I rolled my eyes jokingly as I grabbed a donut that we had gotten earlier.

My eyes reverted to Scott, "You okay, Scott?" we all knew the answer to that so I wasn't upset when I got no response, just a simple shoulder shrug making absolutely no eye contact.

This caught my attention, I knew what had happened in the bathroom wasn't just some dream.

Surely I hadn't gotten that fucked up.

I brushed my curls to the other side of my head as they were getting in the way of my vision.

"Germ went home?" I asked as he was nowhere in sight, "Yeah, he was practically falling asleep with the rag in his hand when I walked in." Aristos laughed at the memory.

I scoffed, "I told him to let me help!" I whined.

As I got sucked into a conversation with Aristos, I couldn't help but look at Scott, the memory of us in the bathroom replaying in my head over and over again.

The way his hands grasped around mine on the bathroom door, or his moans in my ear.

I almost forgot that I was sitting at the table with the two of them.

"Hey Ari," I stood up "I think i'm gonna lay down." I gave him a little hug, it was the least that I could give him after all that had happened tonight, he seemed a little hesitant or maybe surprised but eased into it.

"Goodnight Ivy." Aristos smiled, I made one final turn towards Scott, "Goodnight Scott." his dilated pupils looked into mine and I felt like I was going to melt, "Night'" he responded.

1044 words

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