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I had spent the whole day packing up my bag for the second time.

Thankfully, Avery was going away to see some family in Louisiana. I figured that it was best since I eventually needed to recollect with Scott.

A faint knock was sent through the door, "Come in!" I sang.

I had tried to be as happy as I could for her since it was the last time seeing her for a while.

"Almost done?" she asked in a slight hurry, needing to be at the airport by 4pm, it was now 3:14pm.

"Yup." I finished with the zip of my baggage.

"Alright let's goooo, Ivy." She spoke through the house as she grabbed her keys, me following behind her towards her car.

I hadn't even thought to text Aristos letting him know I was going back, too wrapped up in what I was going to say to Scott. Too bad I had barely realized when I was reaching to knock on the door.

I gave Avery one last wave, a smile along with it.

The sound of my fist banging on the door earned a groan from inside, I could tell it was Scott.

The door handle being fondled before opening to reveal a half awake Scott, his dread thrown in every direction. However when he saw me he was far from asleep, his eyes almost bulging out of their sockets.

He stood there, just staring, making me clench my bags strap as I grew nervous to be under his presence.

"Who is it?" Ruby yelled through the house, his voice clearer the closer he moved.

His head peeking through the doorway, his hair pulled back into a bun.

He pushed through a still dazed Scott, "What are you doing, let the girl in." he rolled his eyes at Scott as he let me in, shutting the door behind me.

"My bad." Scott mumbled.

Truth is, he did look bad. Not his attractiveness of course, but he looked like some junkie you would see on skid row. It almost made my skin crawl at the idea.

"You didn't tell me you were coming back?" I searched the house, trying to see beneath all of the stuff on the floor.

God, had everything went to shit while I was gone?

"Yeah, I'm sorry I forgot." I spoke as I peeked around the corner of the wall, to see the outside patio completely trashed. The pool had red solo cups floating through it, the cement covered in ashes that had fell from blunts.

"You guys been throwing more parties?" I asked to my suspicion.

"Just a few." Scott spoke, letting me know that it was definitely his idea.

I sighed, going to place my stuff in my room.

My bed completely messed up, the sheets almost coming off.

"God!" I groaned, the boys trailing in behind me, "What?" Aristos spoke.

"I think someone fucked in my bed..." I looked towards them, Scott looking like he was ready to burst into a fit of laughter.

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