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The sounds of the water dripping down from the faucet was soothing as it blocked out most of my thoughts. Scott insisted I took a bath even though I put up a fight and argued that I wasn't a little kid, looking back on it now it was really stupid and embarrassing.

Once the tub was filled just enough I stepped in, the warm sensation as the water touched my feet.

I couldn't help but wonder if Scott often took baths, since he did have this huge bathtub, it made me giggle at the thought of it.

I fully sunk in the bath, my head against the wall as I slid down into serenity. It was the first break I had since this whole thing, it was only three days since Amelia and Aristos had confessed and confirmed any suspicions.

The tension in the house was unsettling and made me question leaving, but I knew that this was all just a stupid issue that could easily be solved by talking. This bath really cleared my thoughts and see clearer, because if I wouldn't have done it I would've still been saying screw Amelia and Aristos for not telling me.

Really it wasn't at all as serious as we made it seem. Scott and Aristos had yet to talk it out, same goes for me and Amelia.

Amelia and Aristos had been spending time away from the house, coming back at later times when me and Scott are already in bed. I wasn't mad, but I sure was jealous. It honestly made me angry at myself for being jealous, I was so selfish, Amelia wasn't all mine, and Ari and Amelia had been friends long before me and her I have no right to be.

Anytime we would pass in the house it was quiet, not even daring to make sudden glances. It was extremely awkward and we really needed to solve it.

I came on this trip for a vacation and a fun time away from everything with the people that I love, not to just be upset with each other. I had already wasted a week since it was Saturday and I needed to figure this out soon, we all did.

Just one more week with Scott and Aristos, and I wanted to enjoy that time being, no matter our situation.

"Ivory?" Scott's voice sung to me as his knuckles collided with the door, making a sudden noise which startled me out of my trance.

"Yes?" I called back.

"You almost done? It's been twenty." Twenty? I guess I got carried away with my ideas of how to reform our problems.

"Uh, yeah." The water dripped from my legs as I stepped out, wrapping myself in my towel as I dried off. I pulled the drain plug and watched the water float down, the noise was rather nostalgic.

I took one quick look in the mirror and sighed, I hadn't been the same girl I was two years ago. Obviously. I just couldn't believe that after all of this time Scott could still look at me. I had never been one to care about my looks, but I just felt so jealous as of Scott seeing other girls. It was so weird, I didn't know why I felt this way.

Deep down somewhere I really did though.

I walked into the connected room of Scott's, he was sprawled out on top of his sheets with his phone in front of his face, only looking away to watch me walk in.

"Have a nice bath?" His sly smirk crept on to his face, he was so annoying. "Yes, I did actually." I rolled my eyes as I slid my underwear on with the towel blocking.

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