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I watched Scott as he popped a few pills that I assumed were Xanax.

I couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable as I shifted in my seat; it's not that I hadn't known that he did drugs, it's just the way it reminded me that it was real when I finally seen him do them.

I really wished the two cousins hadn't done them because I had to live in constant fear being reminded that they could possibly OD, but I trusted that they knew their limits.

"Ight let's go." Scott took a few jumps in place as he flung his arms in the air, letting his nerves go.

Aristos followed behind his cousin as they walked onto the stage, I watched from the sidelines as a voice played through the speakers.

'Play me some of that $uicide pimpin man'

A beat was immediately played after that and soon after Scott began to sing, "You motherfuckers pitiful, i'm too sick of you" Scott screamed through the speakers and the crowd of thousands of people absolutely went feral.

The two cousins continued to sing to their song, "Drugs got me fucked up, sluts got me drugged up, Fuck!"

Rubys verse almost made my heartache if it weren't for the beat of the song.

The crowd took a long pause before ruby continued, "Leave a pussy wet then I leave a pussy wet!" The crowd screamed along with Ruby and I found myself wanting to scream it too, if it weren't for the fact that I didn't know the lyrics at all.

The song finished and the crowd roared in excitement of the two, they definitely were known.

"You guys did amazing!" I almost screamed at the two.

They were taken by surprise as we walked towards the tour buses.

"You liked the music shawty?" Scott wrapped a sweaty arm around my neck, "Duhhh!" I said as if it wasn't obvious.

"Which one was your favorite?" Aristos asked me and I took a minute to think before answering, how could I not when there was so many good ones, "Probably... the one where Ruby was like 'I can't recall why i'm suffocating'" I failed to mimic Ruby's beautiful voice.

Ruby laughed at the attempt, "New chains, same shackles?" I nodded in agreement.

"Scott I can feel your wet ass arm touching my neck." I pretended to cringe as I tried to shake it off.

"Hey!" He tried desperately to put it back on me after I shook it off, I immediately ran into the tour bus to get away only to be followed in by a grinning Scott. Ruby walked behind him, too tired to run around unlike Scott.

"Fuck..." Scott let out as he laid on the couch of the bus, instantly forgetting about the reason he came in.

"Yo Ari," Aristos turned towards him as he stepped onto the bus, "Lay down this shits so fucking comfortable." I laughed at the fact that he had been staring at the ceiling in exhaustion.

"I'm good man." Ruby looked in disgust as he watched Scott drip in sweat.

"Your loss dude."


"Uno." I sent a cheeky smile towards the girl who sat in front of me.

She looked into her deck of cards very carefully before pulling a green four out, leaving me to place down my green zero.

I laughed at the face she made in disappointment, "Three in a row baby!" I cheered throwing my hands in the air.

"You're a fucking cheater." she crossed her arms, "Don't hate the playa hunny." I flicked my dread with my wrist.

A door clicked from the insert of a key twisting in the lock before a clueless Oddy walked in, confused on all the noise that we had been making.

"Dinner is served!" He yelled out as if he had been the one cooking it.

"You know," Ivory started as she sat down at the table "I think that McDonalds is slowly starting to become one of my favorite things." she smiled as Ari handed her a twenty piece nugget and handing me the same, no sauce.

"You guys are some fucking weirdos." Aristos stated as he took out his Big Mac, me and Ivory both turning to send him a look.

"How are you going to eat nuggets no sauce and enjoy it?" he said in absolute disgust.

"How could you not?" she shrugged in return as I nodded in agreement.

"It's fucking dry..." he took a long pause before starting again, "but I see why Scott does, this motherfucker eats pussy!" he laughed as if it was the funniest thing ever.

"So what? Ain't no shame in my game." I shrugged shoving a nugget into my mouth before glancing at Ivory, her face in total disgust as she had stopped eating.

"Can we not talk about eating pussy while i'm eating." she hesitantly picked up one of her nuggets, "What like you ain't done nothing?" Oddy teased.

Ivory rolled her eyes and she shook her head, "Come on Ivory, we know you ain't some innocent chick." Ruby gleamed in amusement of what he had started.

"Let's not talk about my sex life right now." She replied in a desperate need to avoid the conversation.

"We'll found out soon Ivy don't worry," she cocked an eyebrow as this had caught her attention "you gonna find someone eventually." Ruby smirked, satisfied in his words.

"Whatever." a tint of red was shown through her tanned cheeks as she desperately tried to hide it with her light brown coils.

She really was beautiful in everything she did.

The fuck was this shit I was thinking.

Of course I didn't feel nothing but a slight friendship with her, but if she asked me to hit I would definitely take her up on that offer.

"What, Scott?" she sent me daggers as I stared at her, waiting for my snarky remark but I had nothing.

I sent a shake of my head to indicate that I really had nothing to say.

"Ready to do this shit again?" Aristos asked referring to the plane trio we had to take to our next show tomorrow.

"Shit..." I shrugged "I guess." everything felt so surreal.

1037 words

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