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It had been at least three weeks since the last time that I had seen the cousins, although it had really felt like a month.

Staying with Avery was fun and all but I hadn't really registered the fact that I had to talk to her everyday, unlike when I was staying with the two they understood not being in the mood for anything and never questioned it.

Aristos had texted me the day after that night I left, he had found Scott later that night.

He hadn't said a lot just that he was really coked out and shit. It was sad watching him throw his life away with all the talent that he had, but it wasn't mine and I couldn't say anything.

Me and Aristos had texted a few times since but I had really missed seeing him.

I knew that I was going to regret my decision of leaving but now that I did, it's embarrassing to go back. I feel that I was too mean to Scott, he didn't deserve what I said.

I decided to shoot Ari a text,

Oddy 🤓

hey ari! wanted to see if u
wanted to meet up,
it's been a while.

Sounds good, where at?

could just come over here
if you want,
i'm sure avery won't mind.

Alrighty see ya lata

I laughed as I hearted his message, turning off my phone to ask Avery if it would be okay.


"She didn't ask bout me?" I asked.

"Nope." Oddy popped the 'p'.

"She cares bout you man, don't worry bout it." Ari touched my shoulder as he passed to get his keys.

"I'm not." Aristos looked back towards me, scoffing out a laugh before turning back around.

"Alright, you keep telling yourself that." I rolled my eyes at his comment.

I wasn't worried, she either cared or didn't. I wasn't expecting her to, but I did care for her. I promised.

I heard the cars ignition start, indicating that Aristos was getting ready to drive away.

I then went to do what I did best, really the only thing that I was good at. I pulled out my laptop and began working on some beats, me and Ruby were working on a new album, just needed a few songs to complete it.


"You look good." I smiled up at the grinning man who looked down at me.

His long curly mane flowing down his shoulders, as well as mine.

Scott would often joke about us being somehow related, even though our races were completely different. It was so stupid yet I missed it so much, almost all of his stupid conspiracy's and thoughts intrigued me so much. I often wondered what he thought about all of the time, wanting to know every single thought at once.

"You too, yung Ivy!" Scott thought that switching my last name with my first would be the 'ultimate' rap name so he said, saying I was blessed to have a name like mine. Now Ruby will not stop using it.

I hated that everything reminded me of Scott because that just reminded me that I had to talk to him, and I already know how that will go.

Maybe I should give him the benefit of the doubt, I always thought so badly of Scott when it came to one on ones and that was just rude of me.

"How have you been?" I invited him into the home of Avery's.

We took a seat at the dining room table, "Same as always, you know." I did know. It didn't make me feel good that I did though, they were some of the most depressed people I knew and it worried and hurt me. I never knew when they would OD or put a bullet in their skull, which they had often joked about.

I just hummed in response, not wanting to talk bring anything up, "How's Scott?" I finally asked as the thought had been so desperately wanting out from lingering in my head.

Ruby looked amused at the fact that I wanted to know, "You know, he was hoping that you would ask about him." He smiled.

"Why wouldn't I?" I laughed breathily.

"He just didn't think so." he shrugged a shoulder as his arms crossed against his chest, adjusting himself in his seat.

"No, he's doing good though..." he spoke before shaking his head.

"I don't know why I'm lying, he's fucking terrible." he let out a breath and I furrowed my brows.

"He hasn't been getting no sleep, he's bought six times in the last three weeks, and he's been out all fucking day." he shook his head at the thought.

"I think he's going too far now, i'm not even this bad." His fingers rubbed his eyes to his temples, stressed out thinking of his cousin.

I shook my head, pathetically I had no words. I had always been like this when I was put in stressful situations.

"I tried to tell him..." I started but he stopped me, "I know, he told me. He's not just going to take that though, he's gonna go till he can't and i'm worried." his face sunk to look towards the table.

"Maybe I should come back." I suggested.

He looked back up towards me, "Yeah but if you're going to come back don't make it because you think you have too, only if you want to." he explained.

"I'll think on it." I nodded in agreement, "I'm gonna get back to Scott, I don't want him doing soemthing while i'm gone." he sighed.

"Okay." I stood up giving Aristos a hug, he rubbed my back as he spoke.

"Call me if you need anything." his voice soothing my stress for a split second.

"Thanks Ari, I'll keep in contact okay?" we both walked towards the door.

"Alright, bye Avery!" Aristos yelled through the house, loud enough for anyone to hear.

I laughed as I heard Avery scream back, "Bye Aristos!" he didn't mind her calling him his first name, only because he knew that she didn't know anything about them, being a major Beatles fan.

"And bye Yung." Aristos winked at me making me smile as I rolled my eyes, "Goodbye Oddy Nuff." I dragged out as I shut the door.

Instantly thinking of Scott's situation as I turned my back on the door, my head turning to look at the ceiling as I thought of what I could do.

Really what could I do?

1085 words

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