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"Don't even say what I think you're about to say." Ari side eyed me as I turned to him from looking at Ivory sound asleep in her seat.

"Just carry h-" I was cut off by him again.

"Absolutely not." He walked to get his luggage.

"Fuck..." I whispered, not wanting to wake her from her deep slumber.

Her curly hair had covered her eyes as she leaned against the window.

"Ivyyy" I sung, "You gotta wake up girl." I gently tapped her at the arm.

"Ivoryyy" I sung again after seeing no movement.

I honestly questioned if she was still breathing.

"Ivory!" I shouted slightly as I shook her, shocking her as she opened her eyes fearfully.

Her face went from horror to complete anger, "Scott!" She mugged me as she crinkled her nose, sending me a hard hit at the shoulder.

"Well damn, girl!" I leaned back, "It's time to go, everyone already got off." I talked as I moved to show her the empty seats around her.

"Oh.." her cheeks heated up in embarrassment, a slight red shining through her tanned cheeks "Sorry." she whispered gesturing to my arm that she had hit.


"Yeah but you didn't have to wake me up like that I thought that I was being kidnapped!" I argued as Scott tried to justify the way he had woken me up.

Aristos laughed as he found humor in our fighting, I immediately sent him a glare and he stopped.

"I would be scared if I saw your face first thing as I woke up too, don't blame the poor girl." Ruby slung an arm over my shoulder as we sat in the living room of the hotel.

"Oh fuck you." He groaned in defeat as I now had Aristos on my side.

Aristos walked over towards his side of the room to go through his suitcase, he scrambled through it before holding up a bag of weed, just enough for one blunt. He walked back over towards us before announcing that he was gonna roll up, "How the hell did you even sneak that through security." I asked with a shake of my head.

"Easy peasy." He sent a smirk my way.

"He made me check to see if I could find it, took me about an hour." Scott sighed as he made his way towards the mini fridge, pulling out a can of Coca Cola.

"Seriously Scott?" I cringed in disgust, "I didn't know you were that bad." I gagged.

Scott raised a brow, "What?" he popped the lid of his soda open.

"Coca Cola is the most disgusting soda ever." I exaggerated.

"Oh really?" he had a cocky smile on his face and I knew he was about to do something stupid.

I was proved right as he licked the can from the side to the top before taking a big gulp, "Ahh!" he exclaimed as I tried not to gag.

"Everyone knows Dr. Pepper is too tier, Coca Cola just tastes like straight carbonation."

"It would be better if it still had the coke in it." Ruby joined in and I turned to look at him, he had been licking the blunt that he had just rolled like his life depended on it, absolutely slobbering on it.

Never knew those were the blunts that Scott was smoking.

Scott laughed, "Sure would."

"You guys are sick." I said referring to liking Coca Cola and the fact that they were licking things.

"You barely learning that baby?" Scott leaned back in his seat as I shook my head in return.

"Are you guys ready for tomorrow?" I asked as tomorrow was their first show of tour.

"Kinda nervous." Aristos admitted as Scott nodded in agreement.

"I'm excited, I never heard any of your music." I said to both of them, thought i'm not sure Aristos was listening as he stared at the blunt infront of him, waiting to see if it will rise.

"Well of course your excited, your not the one singing." Scott replied and I thought about all of the possibilities there could be to what type of music they made.

"Ivory gets the first hit." Aristos said as he walked over towards us, jolly as ever as he handed me the blunt.

"Oh you just want to see me act fucking stupid." I sighed taking the blunt in my hand, placing it in my mouth as he lit it.

I took a hit and immediately coughed it out.

"Holy shit Ruby!" I said through coughs as I heard him laugh at me practically dying.

"It's good huh?" He asked.

"Too good." I held a hand up as I coughed away from them.

"Lemme see." Scott said as he reached for the blunt that I had immediately passed to Ruby after I hit it.

I watched Scott inhale as I tried to recollect myself.

"Awww shittt." He dragged as he tried to stifle his cough.

I now laughed at him as he sent me a glare making me laugh even harder, I could feel it in my stomach at this point.

We sat there passing around the blunt as the two of them smoked their anxiety away from stressing about tour.

I sat in silence as the two of them talked about who knows what. I was extremely happy about the friends that I had made, they truly made me feel at home. Not that i've ever really felt at home, I never felt like I was one to fit in. Being bullied for never having any friends really took a toll on my mental health growing up, but none of it mattered now, not in the moment at least. The two cousins had made me feel like I really belonged, even if they didn't notice that they had.

"You okay Ivory?" Scott asked, snapping me out of my thoughts about them.

"You been real quiet." He then said again.

"Yeah." I nodded my head. In fact I was more than okay, feeling the best I had in a while, feeling included.

1012 words

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