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"Respect the creative process!" Aristos yelled at Scott as he forced him to pick up all of his trash from another one of the hundred parties that we had thrown.

Scott mugged the camera that Ari had pushed into his face, Ruby had been on social media a lot lately since they had gained a load of new listeners and supporters.

As of for Scott, he had been ignoring me since the party. Only talking to me when he had to, and even then it had been small responses.

I could tell that Ruby knew that something was up, however I wasn't sure if Scott had actually told him what had happened.

God, if he did I think I might just kick myself out.

It was honestly starting to get on my nerves since the party had happened a few weeks ago and he was acting extremely immature.

If I had known that this is what it would come to I would've never even thought about touching Scott in any sort of intimate way.

But how could I not when he looks like that.

He had caught me staring and I practically started drooling. Despite of how upset I was with him, I couldn't help it.

"Yo wassup girl." Ruby came up to me, phone in hand.

"Nothin much." I gave him a small smile.

He practically snapped his head to the side with a half assed frown on his face, "I'm not stupid." he rolled his eyes as he pulled out a blunt from his shorts pocket.

I often wondered how he wore shorts and t-shirts in this weather.

I shook my head, "Oh, you don't wanna hear about my girl drama." I smiled as I winked my eye.

He smiled too, making me believe that he had left it alone. Oh how wrong I was.

"Yeah, except it isn't girl drama is it?" He cocked a brow towards me, "It's Scott drama." my face must've looked as pale as a ghost because I swear I could've felt it fall off.

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment as the one thing that I didn't want him to know about he just had to know. I don't know what I was expecting though, they were always so close of course they told each other everything.

"Nuh-uh." I shook my head, hoping to save myself.

"It's not like it was a secret anyways," he paused before looking me in my eyes "you're pretty loud."

Oh God, as if it couldn't have got any worse.

"Oh my God..." I groaned, "you've got to be kidding." I sent him a serious face through my fingers as I held onto it.

"Wish I was." he sighed looking down.

I could die right then and there.

"So talk to me." he gestured his hand towards me as he leaned against the chair with his elbow.

He sparked the blunt that was in his hand before offering it to me, I gladly accepted as it was well needed.

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