Back To The Old House |

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Star and Marco were friends since they were little. Star was sent to the Diaz's house when she was 5 and she quickly became friends with her housemate Marco. They were inseparable. But... when she hit 8, she just... went away. Back home. Back to Mewni. He hadn't seen her since. He... he missed her sometimes. Now he was 16, the pain had faded some but... it was still there... still at the back of his mind.

Marco got home and closed the door softly. His girlfriend Jackie had decided she no longer wanted to be with him... but he was just too numb to even care anymore. She'd gone off the handle at him for giving her a dry response to her break up... he just said 'okay' and walked away... maybe it was a little uncaring of him but what else was he supposed to do? Just beg for her to stay? Heck no.

Marco walked down the hallway but suddenly,


Marco had walked past a photo frame and accidentally knocked it off the wall. He picked up the broken glass and looked at the photo.

It was... 8-year-old him and her... playing in the mud. WAIT... there was writing on the back. He's never seen this before!?

'For my best friend Marco - Star' it read in very shoddy 8-year-old writing.

Marco sighed and threw away the broken frame and glass. He took the photo with him and inspected it more in bed.

"Good times..." he sighed.

When Marco's life was sucking hard, as it usually did... he likes to imagine his childhood again... and back to when his main concern was what type of sandwich he and Star would be having for lunch.

"Star didn't like peanut butter..." Marco smiled.

Suddenly, Marco's door opened slowly....

"Marco honey? You okay?" His mom asked.


"I heard you and Jackie..."

"Yeah... whatever..." he sighed,

"Honey, you can just mope forever..." His mom said softly.

"Yeah, I can..."

"No, you can't..."

"Yes I-"

"Stop arguing with your mother and listen, Marco. These are the peak years of your life! Enjoy them!"

"These are NOT the peak years of my life..."

"Yes they are they- what... what are you looking at?"

"H-Huh? Nothing..." Marco sputtered.

Marco's mom walked over and took the photo.

"Oh, hun... you have to let go of her... she's not here anymore..."


"Please... it'd break Star's heart if she knew you were like this..."

"Why did she have to leave, mom?"

This question broke his mother's heart.

"Oh, hun... she just... didn't need to be here anymore... she... went home to Mewni..."

"And... didn't even give us a way to contact her...?"

"Yes, my sweet... I don't understand either..."

"Will... will I ever see her again?"

Damn... Marco was just shattering his poor mother's heart today...

"I-I'm sure you will my sweetness..."



...A few months later...

Ding Dong...

Marco's mom walked down the stairs and opened the door. What she saw shocked her.

"Hello... old friend..." the familiar face smiled.

"Q-Queen Moon? I... haven't seen you in years..."

"Yes... time has escaped us..."

They embraced and Marco's mom Angie invited her in.

"Oh, gosh, Angie... I didn't realise I left you with nothing to contact me with... I just... didn't realise and after that so much was going on and I simply didn't have the time..."

"You didn't have the time... over the last 8 years?" Angie asked suspiciously and with a little venom. Sure she loves her friend but... this sounded all too suspicious...

"Big war..."

Angie's face relaxed into understanding and care.

"My apologies... I just... wish you'd...stayed with me."

"I understand it completely my friend. Now... about the kids..."

"Oh, Moon... Marco's been ever so down since Star's left... for the past 8 years he's always been sad about it... the pain never left him.

"Oh, Angie... I never knew..."

"You do now..."

"To tell the truth... my Star hasn't really gotten over him yet either... she felt homesick after leaving even though Mewni was her home... or... so I thought. And when the whole Mewni War broke out she craved Earth even more... then the rebels cut off our interdimensional travel... and she... she never recovered after not seeing him for so long..." 

"Moon... they NEED to reunite... they... need each other now more than anything..."

"Yes... they need that... I want my Star back. My happy-go-lucky child..."

"And I want my fun and adventurous boy back..."

"I say... a sleepover... for a week maybe? Or a few days? We can give you time to prepare..." Moon suggested.

"I would LOVE that idea..." Angie smiled.

"I wanna see the look on their faces... when they see each other again..."

"Me too... the excitement is killing me." Angie happily clapped her hands.

Moon handed her a small-looking circular phone. It opens up too.

"This is a Mewman Compact. You can call and message me on it. Capiche? As you earthlings say it?" Moon said.

"Yes. Perfect. See you soon Moon."

"Goodbye, Angie. Great catching up again."

Moon stood up and went outside... she hopped in her carriage and the horses sped off into a portal.

"How about that..." Angie smiled.

Over the next few weeks, Angie began preparing for the sleepover. Marco was very oblivious to it at first but... over time he began to understand the changes and purchases Angie was making.

"Mom, do we SERIOUSLY have to hold another foreign exchange student?" He asked as his mom put a whole new bed in his room.

"Oh, Marco... don't be like that! It'll be fun!"

"Ugh... and why do they have to be in my room? That extra bed is taking up loads of space! Can't you just get a sleeping bag?"

"Nope! This is a special guest Marco..."

"I'm sure the King of England doesn't wanna stay in our house, Mom."

His Mom then pulled out pink bedding.

"Ah. My bad. Princess Camilla. And what the heck, Ma?  A teenage boy and girl in the same room as one another?! Not your brightest idea."

"What? I don't see the problem with putting two hormonal teenagers in the same room... who are the opposite gender... and right next to each other..." Angie said as she slowly realised her own words.

"Mhm. Yeah. Smart move Mom."

"Marco Diaz! You will NOT, under any circumstances, charm our guest. I know you're a handsome boy but you're gonna have to restrain yourself, understand young man?"

Marco blushed.

"Shuuuuuushhhhh Moooooommmmm!"

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