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It was a quiet, bleak Tuesday at Echo Creek as Janna walked towards the school with a pain in her mouth. She had just been to the dentist but luckily she was pulled out of class so she didn't mind.

As Janna walked towards the school, she noticed something was off. The school was glossed with specks of paper-like purple hearts.

"I don't like what I'm seeing... Star definitely has something to do with this..." Janna whispered to herself as she investigated.

She walked into the school with caution and she trudged through the purple mesh.

"What the hell..." she whispered under her breath.

Finally, she got to the lockers. There, she saw a bunch of girls wrapped up in cocoons made of strange hearts.

"Jeez," Janna said worriedly.

The girls didn't seem to be awake in their 'chambers' so Janna walked on to not draw any attention to herself.

Unfortunately for Janna, she was quite determined to get to the bottom of this so she walked on and began to search classrooms despite how unsafe it may be...

Suddenly, she heard a voice. She'd recognise it anywhere. It was Star. But she was more echoey, like she was in a cave. Janna walked over to the classroom the voice came from and peeked over the doorway.

"Hmmmm... what do you think, my love? Should I encase your friends in pure Mewman hearts or should I leave them be?" Star asked mockingly.

"Star... this isn't you. You need to get a hold of yourself!"

"Awwww. Worried for me, cutie? I'm sure I'll be fine"

It was Star, Marco, Ferguson and Alfonso. Star looked totally different. Her hair and her skin were a dark purple, new wings protruded from her back and she had six spindly arms.

Marco, unfortunately, was attached to the wall being spread out and pinned by the heart goo alongside Alfonso and Ferguson.

"I suppose I should case them up. Don't want them getting in the way of our quality time, right Marco?"

Star extended her arms as Marco looked away. She blasted the pair and they were now in stasis in Star's cocoon.

"Well, I suppose I should throw these guys in a locker. I'll be back... Honey" Star said as she winked at Marco, leaving the class with the cocoons.

Crap. Star was coming. Janna quickly hid behind the corner of the class and held her breath...

Star whizzed by, and the sound of her wings buzzing echoed through the hallways. Luckily, Star didn't spot Janna as she snuck into the classroom.

"I'm not speaking until you get ahold of yourself..." Marco grunted as Janna entered. He assumed it was Star but was soon surprised and worried as soon as he saw Janna.

"I suppose I could just leave you here, chick magnet Marco" Janna mocked.

"JANNA?! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" Marco whisper-screamed.

"I'm here to help, duh" Janna whispered as she tried to rip open the heart-shaped goo holding Marco to the wall.

"It's no use. You have to go" Marco said solemnly.


"I'm sure Star will come to her senses. Just go. I have no idea and I don't want to know what it's like to be cocooned"

"Fine. I'll be back to check on you soon" Janna said as she walked away.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the door. It was none other than Star Butterfly. Well, if you could still call her that.

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