CHAPTER 1: Prioritize Someone.

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As Gemini was on his way to class, his best friend Phuwin came running up to him, out of breath. "Bro, your boy has a match right now. Haven't you checked your phone?" Phuwin exclaimed.

Gemini's eyes widened as he quickly checked his phone and saw the notification for Phi Fourth's match at 3:45pm. "Oh no, I forgot about my friend," he lamented. Phuwin gave him a disapproving look, thinking to himself that Gemini was coddling a 34-year-old.

Rushing to find his ticket, Gemini headed to the nearest train station, anxiously watching the time on his phone, hoping it would slow down as it approached 3:00pm. Boarding the train as soon as it arrived, he continued to check his phone frantically.

Upon arriving at the match, Gemini hurried to his seat and saw Fourth being tended to by his coach, clearly in a tough spot after being tackled.

Gemini turned to a stranger beside him and asked, "What happened to Phi Fourth? Is he okay?" He inquired anxiously. The man replied, "He got tackled in the second half, and number 19 received a yellow card," while pointing to a guy in a blue shirt.

Although still concerned, Gemini felt a bit relieved upon hearing about the yellow card. Meanwhile, Fourth looked disappointed as he stared at his coach. Gemini noticed Fourth becoming increasingly angry with his coach.

Understandably, Fourth was upset as he couldn't play due to a broken ankle. The medics were attending to him, but Fourth left the match in anger. Watching Fourth leave early, Gemini thought to himself, "Did I waste my time on this?"

Deciding there was no point in staying, especially with his crush gone, Gemini called a cab and headed to Phuwin's house. "Hey, it's only 4:50, the match should still be going on," Phuwin began, but Gemini cut him off.

"The match is pointless without Phi Fourth. He was tackled, and the other guy got a yellow card. But I saw Phi Fourth, and he is not happy. He left early," Gemini lamented.

Phuwin asked Gemini if she wanted to go out to eat while he was putting on perfume. Gemini looked at Phuwin in confusion and asked why he was putting on perfume just to go out to eat.

"Let's go to the bar, not a restaurant, idiot. Maybe you'll finally have some luck there," Phuwin joked, laughing as Gemini playfully hit his head before heading upstairs to change.

Gemini wandered around the bar while Phuwin flirted with a guy, prompting Gemini to ask, "Is this a gay bar?" Pinching Phuwin's arm, he teased, "You're gay, right? Maybe you'll find someone here."

Phuwin smirked and gestured for Gemini to drink, but Gemini hesitated, unsure of what to order. Phuwin sighed, knowing he would regret bringing Gemini, and ordered a whiskey for himself before giving Gemini a light shot.

After taking the shot, Gemini complained about the bitterness as Phuwin left to let him order what he wanted, promising to pay for it.

Gemini got the hang of the liquor so he took a shot, and one more shot, and another. "One more" he shared with himself, gemini didn't stop until he was so loaded.

He saw a person strolled in the bar, he immediately checked him out. Gemini took a gander at the person's face and told himself.. How could a person be so hot, the person went to arrange something and looked gemini in the eyes

"Helloooo" gemini said shakily, the person grinned and inquired, "What's your name princess?" his grinned broaden. "Gemini.." Gemini grinned, he was so inebriated he didn't even saw who that somebody is..

"What's yours..?" gemini asked the guy, wanting to know his name.

"That my business, princess. You'll know once your not tipsy anymore" The person sneered.

Gemini I didn't waste any time trying to really focus on his name.. He simply needs that person inside him, "Want do it..?" Gemini drew a circle on the person's polo and grinned.

Once more, the person grinned, he went nearer to gemini and murmured..

"Sure, princess. My place or yours?" The person murmured in Geminis ears. "Yours.." gemini smiled.

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