CHAPTER 18: Doing Everything For Gemini.

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Fourth held Gemini's hand and asked, "Why do you like sex?" Fourth replied with a serious tone, "Because it's enjoyable." Gemini began unbuttoning Fourth's polo shirt and provocatively asked, "Do you only like me because you can have sex with me?" Fourth gazed intensely at Gemini and responded, "I don't just like you, I love you." Gemini pouted, causing Fourth to melt at the declaration of love. Fourth suggested they continue their conversation the next day due to a morning appointment, and headed to the kitchen.

As Fourth buttoned up his shirt and took a drink of water, Gemini approached him and remarked, "Well, we better finish quickly then." Gemini kissed Fourth, who hesitated before reciprocating. Fourth lifted Gemini onto the counter and began caressing Gemini's legs. Gemini ran his fingers through Fourth's hair as Fourth moved down to play with Gemini's chest while still touching Gemini's legs.

The following morning, Fourth woke up early and saw Gemini sleeping peacefully. Fourth decided to go out and buy cigarettes, but ended up accidentally inhaling the smoke when he saw an angry Gemini standing in front of him on the bench.

Fourth quickly threw the cigarette and turned to Gemini, "H-Hey, why are you up so early, baby?" Fourth stuttered. "Why are you smoking!?" Gemini yelled angrily, "I just tried it, you know, haha.." Fourth said nervously, glancing at Gemini.

"Why would you smoke? Do you realize how dangerous that is? You could damage your lungs," Gemini said angrily, "How long have you been smoking!?" Gemini shouted, "S-Since we started dating, I've been secretly smoking.." Fourth admitted.

Gemini stormed off in anger, with Fourth following and stopping Gemini, "Wait, I'm sorry. I just started and now I can't seem to stop," Fourth explained. "I don't care. Don't talk to me until you quit smoking, it's something I can't stand," Gemini said before leaving for their hotel.

Fourth sighed as he threw his box of cigarettes and lighter in the trash. He returned to the hotel to find Gemini drinking water. "I'm sorry, baby," Fourth attempted to hug Gemini, but Gemini avoided it, sitting in a chair and drinking his water.

"I'm sorry, baby, I promise I won't smoke again," Fourth pleaded with Gemini. Gemini turned away, refusing to engage with Fourth. As Gemini stood up to put his glass in the sink, Fourth hugged him tightly, repeating his promise to quit smoking. However, Gemini remained skeptical and pulled away from the hug, retreating to sleep without cuddling Fourth.

The next morning, Fourth woke up to find Gemini cooking eggs. Fourth offered to cook instead, but Gemini ignored him and plated his own food. Despite Fourth's attempts to reconcile, Gemini continued to ignore him, even as Fourth tried to engage in conversation.

As the morning progressed, Fourth realized he needed to leave by noon, but Gemini remained distant and uncommunicative. Determined to make amends, Fourth canceled his plans in hopes of getting Gemini to talk to him.

Gemini was engrossed in his textbook on the bed, paying no attention to Fourth's attempts to talk. "Baby, let's talk, please. I didn't mean to smoke without telling you," Fourth pleaded. Gemini continued studying, ignoring Fourth's words.

"Baby, you came here because you missed me. Why are we fighting? Let's talk please," Fourth tried to hug Gemini on the bed. "Fourth, stop clinging to me. Leave me alone," Gemini pushed Fourth away. "I'm sorry, I'll stop. I promise," Fourth hugged Gemini and started crying.

"Why are you crying?" Gemini asked, confused. "Because you won't talk to me," Fourth sniffled. "Fourth, please stop crying," Gemini said, trying to break free from Fourth's hug. "Forgive me, baby. I'm so sorry," Fourth pleaded.

"Okay, fine. I forgive you, but I can't overlook the fact that you lied and smoked behind my back. Do you realize how worried I was?" Gemini sighed. "I'm sorry, I won't do it again," Fourth promised, looking at Gemini.

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