CHAPTER 2: What A Night..

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Fourth left the match early. "Fourth, c'mon it's simply a tackle. You can play later!" Joong ran after fourth. "I don't fucking care, If I cannot play this group cant win. A fucking dumbass like you needs to retire. Fucking hell"

Fourth screamed and threw the bandages on his left ankle. Joong drove fourth to his residence and left, fourth on the different hand is disillusioned and angry. He determined to sleep it off however he keeps waking up each minute.

He screwed his shit so he just went to a bar, as soon as he entered he noticed a younger guy drinking, he's looks so innocent and pretty. Fourth said to himself. He simply leaned at the entrance door and watched that guy take a shots.

After looking at him for awhile he got a call and went outside to reply it, after his phonecall he went inside the bar again. This time that innocent man looked at him and they made eye contact.

Fourth went to get some thing and the guy smiled and said, "Helloooo" Fourth smirked.

"What's your name, princess?" Fourth smirked wider. "Gemini.." The guy said drunkly. "What's yours.."

He smiled, "That's my business, Princess. You'll understand as soon as you're now not tipsy anymore." fourth sneered. Gemini smiled and drew a circle on fourth's polo, "Wanna do it..."

Gemini said. Fourth smirked and looked at him, he went closer and whispered to gemini's ears. "Sure, Princess. My place or yours?" Fourth chuckled in gemini's ears. "Yours..."

Gemini smiled.

Fourth drove gemini to his house and they went upstairs, Fourth took off his belt and looked at gemini. Gemini looked back at him nervously, as fourth noticed his nervousness he smirked.

"You virgin?" Fourth said while looking for something, "Y-yeah.." gemini fidgeted his nails. "You won't be after tonight, princess."

Fourth walked towards gemini, gemini on the other hand walked backwards, "Don't walk away from me, princess. You started this" Fourth held gemini's waist.

Gemini gulped in nervousness and puts his palm on fourth's chest looking up at him, "I-I don't know how to.." Gemini stuttered as he looked at Fourth.

"I'll teach you, princess." Fourth puts his hands inside of gemini's clothes and touched every part of gemini's back.

Fourth went closer to gemini's face, "I don't know.. How to kiss" Gemini looked embarrassed, "I'm here to teach you" Fourth lifted gemini up.

Fourth threw gemini on the bed and laid down beside him, Fourth pulled gemini on top of him and caressed gemini's waist.

Gemini bit his finger and covered his face, "Do you know how to blowjob?" Fourth said.

Gemini turned red and covered his mouth, "I know what that is.. But I don't know how" gemini said shyly.

"Come down here, princess" Fourth took off his pants and his boxers, Gemini turned more red; He's so big, He thought to himself.

Fourth held gemini's head and gemini licked his tip, Fourth slightly moaned and looked at gemini; Fuck, am I taking advantage of a drunk guy? He said to himself.

Gemini continue to do it and fourth kept looking at his hair caressing it, "Fuck. Are you sure this is your first time?" Fourth held his moan.

Fourth looked at gemini's teary eyes, gemini struggles to keep up with fourth and wanted to cough, "Mmmmm" Gemini mumbled.

Gemini's eyes teared more as fourth's twitching cock is inside his throat, "Fuck, I'm cumming." Fourth said.

Gemini blushed after hearing that, Gemini sucked more faster making fourth moan more feeling proud of himself. "Fuck, you're gonna regret this tomorrow" Fourth moaned.

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