CHAPTER 7: Opening Up To Someone.

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Fourth crumpled the paper in frustration and tossed it in the trash can before heading to Gemini's college. He wasn't there to bother Gemini, but rather to practice on the larger fields that the expensive school offered. Fourth had a hunch that Gemini would come to the bench to work on his assignments, and he was right. Watching Gemini from a distance, Fourth couldn't help but feel a strong desire for him.

While Fourth was practicing, Gemini took a glance at him "If you weren't so abusive I would love to stay." Gemini said to himself.. Phuwin overheard and asked about it, "Who's abusive?" to which

Gemini brushed it off "Nothing, I was just you know mumbling." They decided to go get food together, leaving Fourth feeling jealous and frustrated.

Despite his emotions, Fourth knew that causing a scene at such a prestigious school could harm his reputation as a professional player. He struggled with his jealousy but knew that keeping a cool head was essential for his career.

"Fourth, why isn't Gemini talking to you?" Pond asked as he drank water. Fourth replied, "He's probably busy. Let him be." Fourth wiped his sweat and kept glancing at Gemini, thinking to himself,

"He's not busy, he's afraid of me." Pond suddenly announced, "I have to leave, my sister needs me. Joong, I'm leaving!" Joong waved goodbye as everyone departed, except Fourth who remained on the field talking on the phone.

After finishing eating with Phuwin, Gemini saw Fourth still there and assumed he was waiting for him. Gemini approached Fourth and asked why he wasn't leaving, accusing him of causing chaos.

Fourth responded that he had to go and abruptly hung up the phone, teasing Gemini about his glasses. Fourth then took Gemini's glasses and walked away with them.

Unfazed, Gemini let Fourth take his glasses, hoping to avoid being taken back to that house. Walking with -8.00 vision, Gemini pretended to see clearly, but it was obvious he was struggling.

Milk approached Gemini, who was sitting, and asked, "Where are your glasses, Gemini?" Gemini replied with a smile, "I lost them." Milk looked confused and said, "What do you mean you lost them? You have -8.00 vision." Gemini reassured Milk, "I'm not perfect, Phi, I can lose things too."

Suspicious, Milk suggested, "I'll go with you later to buy new glasses. Do you have money?" Gemini shook his head no, and Milk understood. "Why don't you just go back to your parents?" Milk inquired. Gemini responded coldly, "No, I'm not going back there. I tried to make things right with my dad when I was a teenager, but I ended up running away."

Gemini then opened up about his troubled past, explaining how his mom left and his dad was abusive. He recounted how he felt like trash to his family and eventually ran away during his dad's wedding, feeling unloved and unwanted. Tears welled up in Gemini's eyes as he shared his painful memories with Milk.

"At 16, I took on three jobs to afford college, but I fell into debt trying to attend my dream school, S-TAR, which was too expensive for me. I resorted to borrowing money from loan sharks and now I'm being hunted down and drowning in debt," Gemini confessed, wiping away his tears.

Milk hugged Gemini tightly, apologizing for her question and offering to help pay off the debt. Gemini, still emotional, sniffled and wiped his tears away.

After his classes, Gemini returned to his dorm to find his roommate missing. Confused, he noticed Fourth sitting on the couch in a suit. "Why are you here?" Gemini questioned.

"I just got back from my event and found you here," Fourth replied with a smirk. Gemini, feeling defensive, asked why Fourth was in their shared room.

Fourth confidently approached Gemini, warning him not to underestimate him. Leaning in close, Fourth whispered something in Gemini's ear "Let's go".

Gemini shouted, "I don't to go with you anymore!" Fourth responded with a smirk, saying, "Fine, princess. If you won't listen to me, I'll make you."

Gemini was left feeling scared and confused, but also relieved that Fourth was no longer bothering him. Three weeks passed without any contact from Fourth.

Gemini felt a sense of unease after Fourth's ominous words. Late one night, after studying in the library until almost midnight, Gemini had to walk home as there were no more cabs available.

Upon arriving at his dorm, he found the door surprisingly unlocked. As he entered, he was suddenly drugged and lost consciousness.

When Gemini regained consciousness, he found himself tied to a bed in Fourth's house. Despite his attempts to break free, he was unable to escape.

As Fourth entered the room, Gemini pleaded, "Let me go!" Fourth simply smirked and ignored Gemini, approaching the bed without a word.

"Phi, please stay away from me... I'm scared!" Gemini pleaded. Fourth approached the bed and began to stroke Gemini's hair. "Oh, princess. I warned you, but you wouldn't listen," Fourth said with a smirk. Gemini cried out, "You're hurting me!"

"Don't cry, princess. I won't hurt you anymore," Fourth reassured, still smirking.

Gemini, tears streaming down their face, replied, "I don't believe you." Fourth gently held Gemini's face and said, "Believe me, princess. I care about you."

Gemini hesitated, thinking that Fourth had changed. "Can you please let me go now?" they asked. Fourth refused, saying, "No, you belong to me.

What's mine is mine." Gemini, feeling confused and trapped, begged, "Please, Phi, let me go." Fourth finally relented, but only under the condition that Gemini obey him.

Gemini, with no other choice, reluctantly agreed.
Fourth released Gemini and commanded him to stand up, speaking in a cold tone. Gemini obeyed silently and stood up as instructed.

"Follow me," Fourth ordered before leaving the room. Gemini followed without saying a word. Fourth went downstairs, locked all the doors, and sat down on the sofa.

"Come and suck me," Fourth said with a smirk, spreading his legs. Gemini hesitated nervously, asking, "S-Suck..?"

"Just do it," Fourth smirked, urging Gemini to come closer. Gemini took a deep breath and knelt in front of Fourth, undoing Fourth's belt.

Gemini unzipped Fourth's pants and sucked him. Fourth moaned in pleasure, and Gemini picked up the pace, feeling conflicted.

Despite hating Fourth, Gemini found himself turned on. Fourth came in Gemini's mouth and instructed him "Swallow it princess,".

Fourth then ran his fingers through Gemini's hair, pulling him onto his lap.

"Ride me," Fourth whispered to Gemini, who hesitated. Before Gemini could protest, Fourth inserted a finger inside him.

Gemini moaned loudly and embraced Fourth. As Fourth's fingers moved faster, Gemini came in Fourth's lap.

Fourth then inserted his cock into Gemini, causing Gemini to twitch and moan loudly.

"Don't cum yet, princess, I'm not even halfway in," Fourth said with a smirk as he gently stroked Gemini's hair.

"Ride me, princess," Fourth instructed as he continued to caress Gemini's hair. Gemini followed orders, moving up and down faster and faster.

Fourth noticed Gemini sniffing and looked at him, only to see Gemini crying. "Why are you crying, Princess?" Fourth asked with concern.

"It hurts... my bottom," Gemini managed to say through tears. Fourth immediately stopped and embraced Gemini.

"Stop crying now, Princess. I'm sorry," Fourth said as he lovingly stroked Gemini's hair.

"I'm sorry, but we're not finished yet," Fourth added.

Gemini was taken aback when Fourth lifted him without removing his cock and carried him upstairs to his bedroom.

Once on the bed, Fourth got on top of Gemini and began thrusting so vigorously that Gemini couldn't help but moan loudly.

"I-I'm cumming, Phi...!!" Gemini yelled out. Fourth leaned in close to Gemini's ear and whispered, "Let's cum together, princess," before increasing his pace.

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