PART 2-CHAPTER 12: Oh, Shit!

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At 2:50am....

"Ouch, my goodness, my dick..." Fourth got up, stumbling. "HEY, OLD MAN, WHERE ARE YOU HEADING?" Gemini shouted. "To take a shower, I guess?" Fourth responded, puzzled. "I'm still upset with you," Gemini said, approaching Fourth.

"You said you forgave me before—" Fourth was cut off by Gemini, "I was being foolish earlier. I'm still upset with you." Gemini walked away. "Upset? You're upset? This guy is insane, ouch. My dick...." Fourth made his way to the bathroom.

Fourth lay on the couch, preparing to sleep, "I'm still stuck sleeping on this uncomfortable couch." Fourth sighed, shielding his eyes with his arms. As he drifted off to sleep, he was abruptly awakened by a loud shout.

"OLD ASS!!?!" Gemini yelled. "OH SHIT AGH FUCK!" Fourth tumbled off the couch. "WHAT?! Oh, it's just you." Fourth stood up. "Why are you over there?" Gemini asked, shouting. "To sleep..?" Fourth replied. "Well, why not sleep next to me?!" Gemini yelled. "You told me not to sleep next to you!" Fourth shouted back.

"That was yesterday! Did I say it today?!" Gemini yelled. "You said not to sleep next to you forever—" Fourth was cut off by Gemini. "AND YOU AGREED?!" Gemini yelled. "No, of course not!" Fourth shouted. "Then get up and come here, you idiot! Stupid motherfucker." Gemini stormed off.

"Shit, grant me patience. My crazy boyfriend is driving me nuts." Fourth sighed and headed upstairs. Gemini shouted, "What are you doing just standing there? Come here!" Fourth let out a sigh and sat down on the bed. "Lie down!" Gemini demanded, and Fourth reluctantly obeyed, feeling scared. "No goodnight kiss?" Gemini yelled.

Before going to sleep, Fourth gave Gemini a quick peck on the lips. "Cuddle me," Gemini requested as he hugged Fourth. "You're not angry anymore?" Fourth inquired. "Forget about that, I'm not mad," Gemini replied, burying his face in Fourth's chest. "I'm sorry for being mean," Gemini apologized.

"It's okay," Fourth reassured, kissing Gemini's forehead. Gemini inquired, "How many rounds did we go earlier?" Fourth responded, "Only two." Gemini expressed, "I don't like the number two because that's how long I stayed with my family, and I don't like it." Fourth was puzzled and asked, "What do you mean?" Gemini suggested, "Let's make it seven."

Confused, Fourth asked, "Make what seven?" Gemini boldly stated, "Sex," surprising Fourth. Fourth hesitated, "Aren't you tired? We've been intimate for the past three days." Gemini shook their head, "No," leaning in closer to Fourth. Fourth warned, "You'll regret this." Gemini playfully replied, "Make me regret it," giggling.



"AGH, DAMN IT..." Fourth groaned in pleasure. "Fourth, OH GOD..fotfot.." Gemini moaned in pleasure. "Oh shit, shit" Fourth intensified his movements, increasing his pace. "AGH, DAMN IT" Fourth groaned again.

Suddenly, the door swung open with a loud bang. Startled, The person exclaimed, "Oh FUCK!" and quickly shut the door. "Don't worry, you're covered," Fourth reassured Gemini as he put on his pants and opened the door again. However, his expression changed to shock when he saw...

"LOVE?!" Fourth shouted in surprise. "You scared me half to death!" Fourth continued, visibly flustered. "What are you doing here? And how did you get in?" Fourth demanded, closing the door behind him. "First of all, I used to live here so I have a spare key," Love explained, raising her voice. "And second of all—oh my goodness!" Love interrupted herself.

"Why are you here?" Fourth questioned. "I wanted to surprise you! It's almost Milk's birthday and I thought we could plan a surprise for her together. I didn't expect to see you-like- like this," Love admitted, covering her face in embarrassment. "And why were you beating up Gemini?!?" Love asked.

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