CHAPTER 4: Obeying That Person.

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After the fourth match, Gemini followed Fourth to the car, feeling exhausted. "Do you know how to drive?" Fourth asked Gemini. "I... don't know," Gemini replied, nervously playing with his fingers.

"Of course you wouldn't know, let's go," Fourth said as they headed to his house. Gemini insisted on being taken home, but Fourth refused, insisting that Gemini stay with him. "But my friends are worried about me, I have to go home," Gemini pleaded.

Fourth, in a drunken state, stood up and slapped Gemini, asserting his control over him. "You will do what I say," Fourth said, gripping Gemini's wrist tightly. Gemini tried to break free, desperately wanting to go home.

Finally, Fourth lost his patience and choked Gemini, causing him to struggle to breathe. "You're mine, you will stay with me," Fourth whispered menacingly. Gemini begged to be let go, but Fourth refused to release his grip.

Fourth stormed out in anger, knocking over vases as he left. Gemini fell to his knees, trying to catch his breath. "This is not going to end well," he thought to himself. Gemini cleaned up Fourth's mess and then went to the couch to sleep.

When he woke up later, he glanced at the clock and saw that it was already 4:50am. Turning to his right, Gemini saw Fourth drinking. "Why are you drinking at 4am?" Gemini asked.

Fourth glared at him angrily, and Gemini realized he should just leave Fourth alone. Suddenly, Fourth grabbed Gemini and kissed him passionately. Gemini struggled to breathe and begged him to stop. Eventually, Gemini pushed Fourth away, tears in his eyes.

The next day, Fourth approached Gemini in the kitchen. "Quit your job and stay here," Fourth said, sipping his coffee. "I can't, I have bills to pay," Gemini replied nervously, fearing Fourth's reaction.

"I'll give you 10 thousand a week to spend, but you have to stay here," Fourth insisted. "You can attend your classes, but never speak to me in public. If you see me with fans, ignore me." With that, Fourth threw a piece of paper at gemini and when gemini checked it,

It was a check for 10,000 dollars.

Gemini confided in Phuwin about everything, except for the fact that it was his first time with Fourth. Gemini fibbed and claimed to still be a virgin. After some convincing, Phuwin allowed Gemini to stay with Fourth, although he still harbored some doubts.

Gemini's routine was monotonous - attending school, completing assignments, projects, and essays, cooking for Fourth, and obeying his every command. Most notably, Gemini endured Fourth's unwanted advances whenever Fourth desired. Despite the hardships, Gemini remained dependent on Fourth for financial support.

However, the downside was Fourth's abusive behavior when intoxicated. To avoid Fourth's wrath, Gemini made sure to never anger him while he was drunk. The unspoken rule was clear:

"Don't touch my liquor and always do as I say."

"I'm leaving," Fourth declared as he went out to drink with his friends, leaving Gemini alone in the house. Gemini decided to finish his assignments and clean the kitchen while waiting for Fourth to return.

As Gemini was writing, he received a call from Fourth's coach informing him that Fourth was drunk and that he would be dropped off at the house. The coach asked Gemini to take care of Fourth, and then hung up.

Feeling like nothing more than an errand boy for an abusive friend, Gemini waited outside for Fourth to arrive. When they got there, the coach instructed Gemini to take care of a drunk Fourth, as he had practice the next day.

Gemini struggled to get Fourth upstairs, commenting on his weight as they went. After placing Fourth on his bed, Gemini went to find something for him to wear in Fourth's closet.

As he unbuttoned Fourth's shirt, Fourth suddenly woke up and accused Gemini of trying to take advantage of him. Before Gemini could respond, Fourth drunkenly kissed him.

Gemini, despite Fourth's abusive behavior when he's angry, still found himself giving in and reciprocating his advances. Fourth unbuttoned his shirt and kissed Gemini passionately, eliciting moans from Gemini as he caressed Fourth's waist.

Fourth then proceeded to kiss Gemini's neck and chest, causing Gemini to become flustered and hold onto Fourth's hair. When Gemini hesitated, Fourth encouraged him to continue, "Continue princess, I like it" and asking if he liked it.

Gemini blushed and continued to run his fingers through Fourth's hair as Fourth stimulated him further. As Fourth asked Gemini to say his name, the tension between them increased, leading to more intimate actions.

Despite Gemini's initial reluctance, he eventually gave in to Fourth's advances, calling out his name in pleasure.

Fourth's actions only seemed to excite Gemini more, causing him to become even more flustered and red-faced.

The next morning.

Gemini woke up to find Fourth hugging him from behind, feeling loved after two months of staying with fourth and being helped with financial problems. Gemini stayed still, hoping to prolong the embrace.

When Fourth woke up, Gemini pretended to be asleep as Fourth gently stroked his hair. "I know you're awake," Fourth said before getting out of bed.

"How do you always know when someone's awake?" Gemini asked, puzzled. "I can tell when someone is lying or not, I'm different from others," Gemini replied.

Fourth smirked and headed to the bathroom. Gemini noticed the bed and himself were clean, realizing Fourth had taken care of him while he slept. Blushing, Gemini kicked his feet,

but then remembered Fourth's abusive behavior and felt conflicted. Fourth returned from the bathroom wearing only a towel, telling Gemini to shower before they go to the field. Afraid of refusing and being hit, Gemini quickly obeyed and headed to the bathroom.

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