PART 2-CHAPTER 5: Taking Care Or Take Care?

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"Hey, Pahn, I'm heading out," Fourth said as he gathered his things. "I'm coming with you," Pahn insisted. "I'm just going out for a drink, I promise no hooking up," Fourth said. "No, I'm coming, okay? Let's go," Pahn said as she headed to the car. "Ah, damn it," Fourth whispered to himself. "I heard that," Pahn yelled. "Sorry," Fourth said as he punched the air and followed Pahn to the car.

"Where are we going?" Pahn asked. "To a bar. I need a drink," Fourth replied, driving. "Again? You just drank yesterday," Pahn pointed out. "I'm just so tired, okay? I don't want to deal with all this company stuff," Fourth sighed. "Fine," Pahn said, fixing her makeup.


Fourth and Pahn arrived at the local bar and sat down. "Wait, Fourth, I'll go to the bathroom first. Anything you want? My treat," Pahn said as he stood up. "I'll go order," Fourth replied. As Pahn headed to the bathroom, Fourth went to the bartender to get their drinks. While waiting, Fourth noticed someone who looked familiar.

"Hey, I'm Fourth," the stranger said to a visibly drunk person. "No, I don't think you are.... Please let me go," the person replied, trying to break free. Upon closer inspection, Fourth realized it was Gemini. "I am Fourth!" the stranger insisted, holding onto Gemini. "I'm not comfortable, let me go!" Gemini yelled, struggling to get away. Concerned, Fourth approached them.

"Excuse me, what's going on here?" Fourth asked, walking over. "Hey, are you his friend? I'm Fourth," the stranger said with a smirk. "Oh, really? Nice to meet you, Fourth," Fourth replied, shaking the stranger's hand firmly. The stranger winced in pain. "Ouch, that hurts!" he exclaimed. "Quiet down, 'Fourth'," Fourth retorted, Gripping harder.

"Stop!" The Stranger shouted.

"Does it hurt, Fourth?" Fourth inquired. "Who are you!? Stop!" The Stranger shouted. "I'm Fourth," Fourth replied, eyeing the man. "Let me go!" The Stranger yelled. "Gemini, come here," Fourth instructed, looking at Gemini. Gemini quickly stood up and gathered his things, hiding behind Fourth.

"Next time you try to deceive me, make sure you know who you're dealing with." Fourth pushed the man, causing The Stranger to quickly flee in fear. "Are you okay?" Fourth asked, looking at Gemini. "No, I'm sorry, I think I'm hallucinating. All I see is Fourth. You must be another stranger," Gemini said, attempting to run away.

"No, I am Fourth, come here," Fourth insisted, pulling Gemini towards him. "No, please, I'm uncomfortable," Gemini said, tearing up. "I am Fourth. Fourth Nattawat. Gem, it's me," Fourth reassured Gemini. Fourth hugged Gemini, saying, "It's okay, it's me," while patting Gemini's head. "I'm..I was.. I was so afraid... They were touching my legs," Gemini said, crying.

"WHAT!? TOUCHING YOUR LEGS!? THEY WERE TOUCHING YOUR LEGS!?" Fourth exclaimed, causing Gemini to burst into tears. "Gem, you're 28, why are you going to bars alone like this?" Fourth questioned, embracing Gemini. "Fourth! Oh my God, I thought you left!" Pahn exclaimed as she ran over. "Woah.. Gemini..? Why are you crying?" Pahn inquired.

Fourth quickly clarified that Gemini was intoxicated and hallucinating, mistaking the guy for Fourth and touching his legs. "WHAT!?" Pahn shouted in disbelief. "Are you okay now!?" Pahn asked, concerned for Gemini. "Thankfully, yes. But he's still shaken up," Fourth replied. "Let's go home," Pahn suggested. "Okay," Fourth agreed, lifting Gemini and escorting him to his car.

Upon arriving at Fourth's house, Gemini settled onto the couch while Fourth went to fetch warm towels. Pahn remained by Gemini's side and remarked, "You're lucky. Even though Fourth has moved on, he still cares about you." Pahn gazed at Gemini and continued, "I hope that you and Fourth can reconcile. It's not too late, Gem. You two belong together. You may think you're not enough for Fourth, but I believe that you are."

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