CHAPTER 10: Desperation Of Sex.

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Milk waved goodbye with a smile, while Gemini still looked upset. Milk teased, "Are you jealous? Do you have feelings for Love?" Gemini replied coldly, "No, not at all. "I have to go to class, Gemini. Take care." Milk left.

Gemini couldn't stand the fact that Fourth had already moved on. If you try to make me jealous, you'll regret it, Gemini thought to himself. Later that night, Phuwin was at his mom's house.

Alone in the house, Gemini went to his room and tried to find satisfaction by touching himself, but it wasn't enough. Feeling unsatisfied, Gemini decided to call Fourth. "Hey, can you come over? I need your help," Gemini said. "I'm busy with Love. Maybe another time?" Fourth replied. "It's urgent," Gemini insisted.

I have something important to do as well. Maybe later, Gemini," Fourth said. "I'm in pain!" Gemini cried out. "Help me, I'm dying!" Gemini pretended to be hurt. Fourth finally believed him and agreed to come over. Fourth hung up.

"Love, I have something to take care of. Let's play tomorrow, okay?" Fourth gave Love a quick kiss on the cheek before rushing off to Gemini's house,

concerned about his well-being. Upon arriving at Phuwin's house, Fourth searched high and low for Gemini.

After scouring the entire house, Fourth finally found Gemini in the guest room, crying. Worried, Fourth asked, "Are you okay, Gemini? Can you hear me?"

But as Fourth got closer, he realized that Gemini's tears were fake. "Are you playing a prank on me, Gemini? I left Love to come see you," Fourth said, getting up from the bed.

Suddenly, Gemini pushed Fourth down onto the bed and accused him "You already moved on from me!? Just after a month!?". Gemini tied Fourth's wrists to the bed, causing Fourth to panic and try to break free.

"What are you doing, Gemini?" Fourth yelled, but Gemini responded, "I'm doing to you what you did to me!" Fourth pleaded with Gemini to stop, "I already stopped bugging you since you left, let me go and stop this shit!".

Gemini wiped away his tears and asked Fourth, "What does it feel like to be tied up in a bed?" Fourth, feeling confused and concerned, yelled,

"Gemini, what is happening to you? Are you turning into a psychopath?!" Gemini approached Fourth, but Fourth quickly stopped him, saying, "Gemini, please stop. I don't want to do this."

Gemini pretended to cry and said, "Don't leave me, Phi. You're making Gemini sad." Fourth, still bewildered, asked, "What is wrong with you?" Gemini then kissed Fourth, who tried to resist and yelled,

"Stop! Are you jealous?" Gemini admitted to his jealousy, saying, "Yes, I am. I hate you, but I still have feelings for you. How can you move on so quickly?" Fourth, now understanding the situation, clarified,

"What do you mean move on? Love is my sister, she's not my girlfriend. She doesn't even like guys. Why are you jealous?"

Fourth then broke free from the rope and held Gemini's shoulders, trying to make him understand the truth.

Gemini became emotional and begged Fourth, "Please have sex with me." Fourth was surprised and tried to walk away, but Gemini stopped him. "I need you, Phi! I want you!" Gemini exclaimed.

"Gemini, I've changed, okay? When I remembered my mom's death, I realized what a jerk I've been. I don't want to hookup with anyone anymore, okay!?" Fourth explained.

Despite Gemini crying and pouring his heart out to Fourth, Fourth hesitated at first but eventually reciprocated Gemini's kiss. "I like you, Phi. I want you. Fuck me, please," Gemini pleaded as sweat dripped down his face.

"" Fourth questioned, as Gemini ran his fingers through Fourth's hair, knowing it turned him on. "Please stop trying to seduce me, I need to go,"

Fourth said. "P'Fourth, please have sex with me," Gemini said, embracing Fourth and resting his head on Fourth's chest. "I can't do that. It's not right," Fourth said firmly.

Fourth took a deep breath and gazed at Gemini's hair as he kissed him passionately. Though he desired to be intimate, he knew he couldn't. It dawned on him that he was becoming just like his father. Determined to change his ways,

Fourth decided to stop being a jerk and start doing things right, despite still struggling with his anger issues.

"Gemini, what's happened to you?" Fourth inquired. "Why did you stopped calling me 'princess'?" Gemini replied, his face still buried in Fourth's chest.

"I want to change, Gemini. I don't want to follow in my father's footsteps. I want to do things the right way," Fourth expressed. "This is right. Having sex with me is right," Gemini insisted. "I'm not so sure it does, Gemini," Fourth chuckled.

"I miss you. I miss your touch. You hurt me, but I still miss you," Gemini sobbed. "Please stop crying," Fourth responded. "I miss you so much, Do you know I started to touch myself because I miss you," Gemini confessed.

"What? Why would you do that?" Fourth asked, pushing Gemini away and locking eyes with her.

"I always imagine my fingers is your fingers, and you're touching me." Gemini said,

"Why would you do that to yourself!?" Fourth exclaimed, "I want to have sex with you, but I can't!" Gemini shouted back. "Gemini, I know I hurt you, but I never expected you to touch yourself because of me," Fourth said, feeling disappointed.

"Earlier, I asked you to come here so we could have sex, But it didn't go as planned," Gemini said, tears welling up. "Gemini, why would you do that to yourself?" Fourth asked, pulling Gemini into a comforting hug.

"Because I want you," Gemini admitted, "I feel like you just miss having sex, not me." Fourth smirked. "I miss both," Gemini sniffed. "Well, we can't. I have to go now, Gemini," Fourth said, attempting to leave.

"P'Fourth, please have sex with me!" Gemini pleaded. "No, it's not right," Fourth refused, "It's not just about physical desire!" Gemini insisted. "Do you really want this?" Fourth challenged, raising his eyebrows.

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