PART 2-CHAPTER 2: Sun Rises Or Sunrises?

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Upon waking up, Fourth opened his windows to admire the stunning sunrise. After taking a refreshing shower and getting dressed, he made his way downstairs where he found his younger sister already dressed for the day.

"Third and I are moving in together with Milk!" Love exclaimed happily. "Oh, that's so sweet!" Fourth embraced Love. "We were thinking about me moving out with my baby and living with Milk," Love continued. "As long as you're happy, I'm okay with it. Just make sure to visit me sometimes, okay?" Fourth chuckled.

"I'll make sure to visit. We're leaving now. See you in a week," Love said, waving goodbye. "Thank you, Fourth. I'll take care of them," Milk said with a smile. "I know you will," Fourth replied. As he watched Love, Milk, and the baby leave, Fourth felt a pang of loneliness.

Now he was alone once more, with only maids and guards for company. Fourth received a call from his friends, informing him they were on their way over. "We have alcohol and food, let's get wasted today!" Parn exclaimed. "Really? I just woke up," Fourth sighed. Disappointed that their plans had changed, Fourth muttered to himself as he tossed his phone onto the couch.

"Let the maids know they can take the day off. I have a lot of friends coming over and I don't want them getting involved in our affairs," Fourth instructed the maid.

"We're here!" Joong announced as they arrived. "Where's Pond?" Fourth inquired. "He's not here, he's out with his sister. Let's just enjoy some drinks," Joong replied, setting the alcohol on the table. "Do you really think it's too early to start drinking? It's only 10 o'clock," Fourth remarked, taking a seat.

"Come on, you used to enjoy drinking," Beonnie teased. "Yeah, I used to, but not anymore. I'm almost 40, I have to be responsible," Fourth explained. "Then we'll all be responsible together," Parn joked. "Take the first shot, my friend," Beonnie offered Fourth a glass. "Cheers," Fourth said as he took the shot. "Wow, that burns," he added.

"You used to be able to finish a whole bottle of alcohol, what's changed?" Joong chuckled. "I've gotten used to taking care of my nephew and sister. I forgot about drinking, and now I refuse to because of them," Fourth confessed.

"But now they're gone, she's moving in with her girlfriend," Fourth sighed. "It's okay, you have us," Joong laughed. "I'm fucked." Fourth groaned.

After a few hours...

"Beonnie, Parn, Joong, come on, wake up," Fourth nudged his friends. "If you guys don't wake up, I'm going to burn my house down," Fourth threatened. Despite his efforts, his friends remained passed out from being drunk. "Fine, I'll leave. You better be awake when I get back, or you won't be invited again," Fourth declared before leaving with his keys.

After driving to a store to buy cigarettes, Fourth was asked by the cashier, "Just this, sir?" Fourth simply replied, "Yes," paid, and left. Returning to his house, Fourth went to the backyard to smoke the cigarette. "I quit two years ago because of you, Gemini. Now I'm back," Fourth sighed as he smoked.

"I miss you, even though you can be a jerk. If you weren't, maybe we'd still be together," Fourth muttered to himself while smoking. After finishing his cigarette, Fourth went back inside his house to find his friends already awake. "Well, look who decided to join the land of the living," Fourth sarcastically remarked.

"We're hungry, want to grab something to eat?" Beonnie suggested, yawning. "Yeah, sure. I'll drive, let's go," Fourth said, grabbing his keys. They drove to a restaurant and enjoyed a meal together. "Fourth, I smell cigarettes on you. Did you start smoking again?" Parn questioned. "Yeah," Fourth admitted while eating. "But you quit two years ago," Joong pointed out.

"I want to explore new things again. I've been stuck in my role as the responsible older brother," Fourth sighed. "Oh damn," Beonnie chuckled. "Just don't start smoking again. It's not good for you," Joong advised. "Come on, guys. I'm almost 40. Let me live a little," Fourth pleaded. "I do want you to live a long and healthy life, so please stop damaging your lungs," Joong said. Fourth agreed to stop.

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