CHAPTER 19: "Perfect" Relationship.

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Fourth watched as Gemini and Love drank. "Why don't you take a shot, Fot?" Gemini, clearly drunk, suggested. "No, it's okay. Just talk to Love," Fourth replied, smiling. Gemini cuddled up to Fourth while chatting with Love. After a while of drinking, Gemini ended up falling asleep on Fourth's lap.

Love was also fast asleep, snoring softly. Fourth carefully stood up, trying not to disturb Gemini, and carried Love upstairs to her bedroom, tucking her in with a blanket. After cleaning up their mess, Fourth was washing the dishes when Gemini woke up, thirsty for water.

"What do you need, baby?" Fourth asked. "I want water," Gemini mumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Okay," Fourth fetched a glass of water for Gemini and helped him drink it. "Feeling better now? Any headache?" Fourth inquired. "No, I'm okay," Gemini slurred.

Heading upstairs to fetch some clothes for Gemini, Fourth suggested, "Wear this. It's comfortable." But Gemini shook his head, refusing to change out of his current clothes.

"Gem" Fourth glanced at Gemini and gently urged, "Come on, baby, you need to change." Fourth assisted Gemini in removing his hoodie. "No..." Gemini whined, clearly intoxicated. "Here, put this on," Fourth handed Gemini some clothes, "Feeling better now?" Fourth inquired.

"Yeah," Gemini mumbled as he hugged Fourth, "I love you." Fourth knew that Gemini only expressed his love when he was drunk, but he appreciated it nonetheless. "I love you too, baby," Fourth replied, running his fingers through Gemini's hair.

The following morning, Gemini woke up to the sight of Fourth cooking. Gemini stood up and saw Love going down the stairs. "Good morning, love," Gemini greeted with a wave. "Good morning to you too," Love waved back. Fourth plated their breakfast and they all sat down to eat.

"You two better eat, it's already 2pm," Fourth reminded them. "Thanks for cooking, bro," Love said as they walked past Fourth, who patted Love's head before turning to Gemini. "Go ahead and eat over there, baby. Are you feeling okay?" Fourth asked. "I'm fine," Gemini replied. "Join Love at the table," Fourth said, smiling.

Gemini headed to the kitchen while Fourth stepped out to take a call. When Fourth returned, he found Gemini and Love engrossed in playing video games. "You enjoy playing video games, huh?" Fourth inquired. "Shut up, Fourth. Can you buy me the new game that just came out? I really want to play it," Love requested.

"How much is it?" Fourth asked, observing them. "It's $500," Love replied, still playing. "500 dollars for a game?" Fourth exclaimed. "It's fine, Fourth. I think she really wants it," Gemini interjected with a smile. "Thanks, Gem," Love expressed her gratitude. "Yeah, sure," Gemini responded with a smile.

Fourth provided Love with the money to purchase the game. After spending two days together, Fourth and Gemini returned to their hotel. A week later, they traveled back to Thailand, where Gemini attended college.

Despite feeling exhausted and jetlagged, Fourth still had a child to care for. Gemini, on the other hand, woke up to find breakfast ready, clothes washed, and money readily available whenever he needed it. He was living the dream life that everyone aspired to have.

Despite being tired, Fourth always made sure to take care of Gemini in every possible way. If Gemini ever asked for help, Fourth would never hesitate to assist. He is the kind of boyfriend that everyone desires, even though he is busy with football.

Fourth ensures that Gemini never feels neglected or ignored, despite still dealing with issues related to his dad and his own life. Although Fourth has cut ties with his dad, he still visits him every year to talk about their lives.

Fourth's dad, Gavin, is homophobic and has never fully accepted Gemini. However, Fourth always reassures Gemini that it's okay and not a big deal. He goes above and beyond for Gemini, never once complaining about his own exhaustion.

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