CHAPTER 5: What A Long Ride.

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"Let's go," Fourth said, heading towards the car. Gemini followed closely behind, feeling like a loyal companion. As Fourth drove, Gemini nervously asked how long the journey would take.

"We have to drive for 2 hours to a place far away," Fourth replied, steering with one hand. "Maybe you should use both hands to drive, Phi," Gemini suggested, feeling uneasy. "No, just sit there." Gemini spent the entire 30-minute ride feeling anxious,

and Fourth seemed to pick up on it. "Scared?" Fourth teased with a smirk. "Yes, I'm scared of reckless drivers," Gemini admitted with a nervous smile.

"Don't worry, princess. At least I'll die rich," Fourth joked, causing Gemini to look confused. When they stopped at a gas station, Gemini asked if they were close to their destination while Fourth filled up the tank.

After checking the directions, Fourth realized they actually had to drive for 7 hours straight instead of 2. "Seven hours?" Gemini exclaimed, feeling worried. "It's okay, we can make stops along the way to rest,"

Fourth reassured. Confused but trusting Fourth's judgment, Gemini nodded in agreement.

As Gemini and Fourth rode for 4 hours, Gemini suddenly felt an overwhelming desire he couldn't ignore.

"What's wrong, Princess?" Fourth asked. "Can you stop somewhere, please?" Gemini requested, clutching something in his hand. Fourth veered off onto a different route to the left and pulled over in the middle of nowhere.

"What's going on?" Fourth inquired. Before Gemini could answer, he leaned in and kissed Fourth. Startled, Fourth initially pulled back, but seeing Gemini's desperate expression and sweaty body, he gave in and kissed him back.

Moving to the backseat, Fourth created a small space for Gemini to sit facing him as they continued to kiss.

As things escalated, Fourth removed Gemini's shorts and realized just how turned on Gemini was. In the midst of the secluded forest,

Fourth couldn't help but wonder about the risky location for their intimate encounter.

Fourth teased Gemini by placing a finger inside him, causing Gemini to react and embrace Fourth. "You started this, Princess. Now you have to finish it," Fourth said with a smirk. As Gemini realized the consequences of his actions, he knew things were about to escalate.

Moving swiftly, Fourth's hand increased its pace, eliciting moans from Gemini, who covered his mouth in fear of being overheard. "It's okay, no one can hear us here," Fourth reassured Gemini, continuing to pleasure him while sucking on his nipples.

Gemini, overwhelmed with guilt, accidentally released cum into Fourth's shirt. Before he could apologize, Fourth silenced him with a kiss. In a moment of arousal, Gemini removed Fourth's belt and began to touch Fourth's cock.

Surprised by Gemini's boldness, Fourth allowed him to continue, enjoying the sensation. Gemini's actions only fueled Fourth's desire, leading to a mutual pleasure exchange.

Gemini then decided to take things further by inviting Fourth inside him, resulting in a passionate encounter between the two.

"Wow, Gemini really is something," Fourth thought to himself as he held Gemini's waist. He then noticed Gemini covering his mouth to stifle any sounds.

"Come on, princess, make a sound for Phi," Fourth urged, moving quickly and causing Gemini to arch his back and moan. "That's more like it," Fourth said as he continued to pound into Gemini.

Gemini ran his fingers through Fourth's hair, further arousing Fourth. "I don't know why I'm turned on when he caresses my hair," Fourth thought to himself.

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