CHAPTER 3: Both Of Their Lives.

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Fourth struggles with anger issues and has a quick temper. He becomes upset when faced with disagreement or when others do not comply with his wishes. His father's actions during his mother's illness and death have left him with deep-seated resentment, leading him to vow never to speak to his father again. Despite this, he would simply ignore his father and act as though he never existed.

In contrast, Gemini is a sensitive individual who is fond of cats and has a gentle heart. He is easily moved to tears and becomes frightened easily, making it difficult to communicate with him when he is upset. Gemini made the difficult decision to cut ties with his family due to a past event. In order to finance his college education, he works tirelessly at three jobs - as a barista, a delivery driver, and a cashier at a convenience store. His dedication to his studies and work has left him sleep-deprived, and he is often described as fragile.

"Marry her, Gedmusthon," Gavin insisted to Fourth, his son.

"I refuse to do that, and don't call me by that name. I stopped using your last name when you cheated on my mom while she was dying," Fourth retorted, staring at his father as he took a sip of his drink.

"You don't have a choice, GEDMUSTHON," Gavin emphasized, throwing his glass against the wall. Fourth remained unfazed and continued to drink his whiskey.

"Do you really think I'll marry her? Who do you think you are, my father?" Fourth raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Gedmusthon, I am," his father replied.

"I'm fed up with your disrespectful behavior, Fourth. Why are you acting this way towards your father?" Gavin yelled.

"What do you mean 'father,' Gavin? When did you ever act like a father to me? Go back to your mistress and leave me alone with your drama," Fourth snapped, standing up and flipping the table.

Enraged, Gavin punched Fourth in the face, causing a red eye and a nosebleed. Despite the physical assault, Fourth smirked and calmly declared, "You will never be my father." He pushed Gavin away.

Fourth drove home angrily and nearly hit three people, I fucking hate this. He thought to himself. Once he arrived home, he quickly went to his alcohol rack and grabbed three bottles of alcohol.

After consuming two of them, he was completely wasted and didn't know what to do. He drunkenly called someone, "Gemini, come to my house," he slurred. "I'm still at work, P'Fourth, I can't leave yet," Gemini replied.

"Forget that, how much do you make there?" Fourth asked, taking another shot. "I make $1,500 a month," Gemini answered. "I'll pay you $10,000. Come to my house," Fourth insisted.

Before Gemini could respond, Fourth hung up the phone. Gemini spoke to his boss and explained the urgency of the situation. Initially hesitant, the boss eventually agreed to let Gemini leave.

Gemini took a cab to Fourth's house, ringing the bell three times with no answer. He tried the door and found it unlocked. Inside, he found Fourth intoxicated.

"Why are you so drunk, Fourth?" Gemini started to ask before Fourth kissed him. At first, Gemini resisted, but soon he gave in and kissed Fourth back. Fourth held the back of gemini's head.

"Come here, princess," Fourth said as he lifted Gemini and led him upstairs. "Take off your shirt, princess," Fourth instructed, sitting down and leaning against the wall. Confused, Gemini asked, "Take off what?" Gemini hesitated but eventually unbuttoned his shirt as Fourth watched intently.

"Now crawl to me, princess," Fourth smirked. Reluctantly, Gemini crawled towards Fourth. "Now, blow," Fourth commanded, pulling Gemini's head towards him. Gemini mumbled in protest as Fourth forced him to continue. Gemini teared up and looked up at Fourth, who told him not to cry before pushing his head further down.

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