CHAPTER 8: Days Of Sex.

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Gemini gasped as Fourth pressed against his chest, taking a moment to catch his breath. Meanwhile, Fourth entered Gemini and Gemini shuddered.

"Do as I say, princess," Fourth commanded. Gemini glanced at Fourth as he guided Gemini's hand to his back.

Next, Fourth intertwined his fingers with Gemini's, gradually increasing the intensity until Gemini was moaning uncontrollably.

The sensation of being fingered made Gemini cum once more.

Despite feeling lightheaded, Fourth didn't cease his actions. He then bent Gemini over, arching his back before reentering him. "Please, stop," Gemini pleaded,

but Fourth paid no heed, thrusting harder and faster, pulling Gemini's hair as he did so. Exhausted, Gemini buried his face in a pillow, moaning softly.

After another cum for Gemini and Fourth, "We're not finished yet" Fourth declared. Gemini, too fatigued to resist, complied with every command.

After multiple rounds of sex, Fourth finally took a break and headed to the bathroom for a shower.

Gemini buried his face in a pillow, tears streaming down his cheeks as he came to the painful realization that he had become nothing more than a sex toy to his crush. Despite the admiration that others may feel, Gemini knew deep down that this was not what he wanted.

Fourth emerged from the bathroom and saw Gemini crying. With a smirk, Fourth approached Gemini and gently caressed his face,

but Gemini remained motionless, tears still falling.

After Fourth fell asleep, Gemini quietly went to the bathroom to clean himself, tears mixing with the water as he scrubbed his body.

He put on his torn and wet clothes and went to sleep in the kitchen, choosing to avoid being near Fourth.

When Gemini woke up, he found himself in Fourth's bedroom, realizing that Fourth had carried him upstairs while he was asleep.

Downstairs, Gemini saw Fourth happily interacting with another girl, a sight that only added to his pain.

The girl noticed Gemini and asked, "Love, who is he?" She looked at Gemini. "My cook. He cooks for me," Fourth replied coldly. Gemini nodded in agreement and the girl greeted him.

"I'll go now, fotfot. Nice seeing you again. Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow," the girl smiled as Fourth gave her a peck on the cheek.

Gemini felt tears welling up but managed to stay composed.

After the girl left, Fourth's expression changed as he turned to Gemini. "Who is she?" Gemini asked.

"My ex. She just came back from NYC," Fourth replied while sipping his coffee.

"What kind of exes kiss each other?" Gemini questioned confidently.

"What kind of guy obeys his crush and pretends to be innocent?" Fourth raised an eyebrow. "I just want to know," Gemini insisted.

"She's my ex. We broke up because she said I was a jerk, but I still love her. Maybe we can get back together, can't we?" Fourth approached Gemini.

"I don't think she would want to," Gemini replied, looking at Fourth with fear in his eyes.

Fourth walked away, but stopped when Gemini said, "Does she know that you threaten someone just to have sex?" Fourth turned around to face Gemini, who looked scared but tried to remain calm.

"You won't tell her anything if you want to keep living," Fourth said, his hands in his pockets. "I'm not afraid to die. I'll tell her the truth," Gemini replied, tears welling up in his eyes.

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