PART 2-CHAPTER 9: Let's Be Together Till I Die.

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Gemini playfully jumped at Fourth and wrapped his arms around him, apologizing as he buried his face in Fourth's chest.

"I feel dizzy," Fourth chuckled, reciprocating the hug, "You were the one who said you didn't want to sleep on the couch with me."

"Let's go upstairs," Gemini suggested, holding on to Fourth. "Okay, we'll go upstairs," Fourth agreed, lifting Gemini up. "Wait, no, put me down, you old ass!" Gemini protested. "This is all your fault, now you have to face the consequences," Fourth teased, playfully kicking open the bedroom door.

"Stop it!" Gemini laughed, trying to escape. "You're insane, aren't you?" Fourth gently laid Gemini on the bed and went on top of him. "Are you going to touch me now?" Gemini teased, smirking. "No," Fourth replied, kissing Gemini's neck. "Let's just go to sleep," he whispered.

"HEY!" Gemini exclaimed, sitting up. "Why did you do that?" he asked, puzzled. "I'm tired," Fourth explained, chuckling. "Why would you kiss me like that and then not continue, you shit!?" Gemini demanded, hitting him with a pillow. Fourth responded with a laugh.

The next day..

Gemini sat up and yawned, muttering to himself, "What a terrible day to be born."

"Fourth?" Gemini called out. "Nattawat???" Gemini yelled, standing up and searching for his boyfriend. Realizing Fourth had work, Gemini sighed in disappointment.

"Why do I have to have a month break? I want to go to work too, talk to someone. It's so lonely here!" Gemini exclaimed, grabbing some cereal. "What a lonely shitty day." Gemini sighed as he walked around, eating.

Suddenly, his phone rang. "Gemini? Have you eaten yet? It's already noon," Fourth asked. "Yeah, I did," Gemini replied with a mouthful of food. "What did you eat?" Fourth inquired. "Cereal with orange juice," Gemini chuckled. "Cereal and orange juice together?" Fourth was puzzled.

"Yeah, we ran out of milk so I improvised," Gemini explained, laughing. "Cereal at 1 pm? You need to eat real food, love," Fourth advised. "I want you home," Gemini said as he sat down. "I can't, I have a meeting," Fourth replied over the phone. "I feel so lonely without you," Gemini expressed while eating. "I'm sorry, love. I'm busy but I'll be back as soon as I can, alright?" Fourth assured. "Okay... Bye," Gemini said before hanging up.

"I'M SO LONELY!" Gemini yelled out in frustration. Gemini passed the time by watching TV, playing games, and eating, but he couldn't shake the feeling of loneliness. As he realized his birthday was approaching, he thought to himself,

"I'll ask for that birthday present I've been wanting so badly." Giggling to himself, Gemini continued watching TV. "Oh fuck, I just realized. I have to wait a full two months now.." Gemini said, sitting up. "NOOO, TWO MONTHS!? THAT'S SO LONG!" Gemini yelled, groaning.

9 hours later..

"I'm home Gem, love?" Fourth called out eagerly. Suddenly, Gemini came bounding down the stairs and enveloped Fourth in a tight hug. "You missed me, didn't you?" Fourth teased, returning the embrace. "I didn't," Gemini mumbled, nuzzling into Fourth's shoulder.

"I did," Fourth laughed, lifting Gemini off the ground. "You're so light, Gemini. Do you even eat?" Fourth joked, causing Gemini to chuckle. "Yeah, you're just strong, that's all," Gemini replied. "You think I'm strong?" Fourth inquired, gazing at Gemini. "Yeah," Gemini admitted, leaning into Fourth.

"I know what you're up to," Fourth stated, pulling away. "And it's not going to work." Gemini protested, "Why not?!" "It's not always about that, my love. Just wait for the right moment," Fourth advised with a smile. "But today is the right moment," Gemini groaned. Fourth just giggled in response.

Fast forward to Gemini's birthday celebration.

"Happy birthday, my shit!" Phuwin exclaimed, embracing Gemini. "Wishing you a fantastic day, Gem," Pahn said with a smile, planting a kiss on Gemini's cheek. "Happy birthday, Gemini, it's your special day," Beonnie winked at Gemini. "What's so special about today?" Joong inquired.

Beonnie then whispered something to Joong, causing him to react loudly, "Oh, really?!" Parn chuckled, "You're in for a surprise." "Happy birthday, love. I'm sorry I forgot to get you a gift, I was so busy," Fourth giggled. "Forgot...?" Gemini questioned. "Yes, I got caught up in my work and completely forgot it was your birthday. I apologize," Fourth laughed.

"Why....are you laughing?" Gemini asked, starting to feel annoyed. "Oh, nothing, my love," Fourth giggled. "Why is Fourth acting like that?" Phuwin wondered. Beonnie leaned in and whispered something to him, causing Phuwin to burst out laughing. "Gemini is in for a wild ride," Pahn giggled. "Yes, he definitely is" Parn laughed.

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