PART 2-CHAPTER 3: He Refused To Shine.

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Gemini hesitated before speaking, "You don't have to answer that question. Let's go." Fourth got into the car and drove them to his house. "We're here," Fourth announced as he turned off the engine. "You moved out of M. Luna?" Gemini inquired. "No, I just renovated the house. It's still the same, look," Fourth pointed at the store. "There's the old store," he smiled.

"I miss coming here," Gemini said, gazing at the house. "I missed you," Fourth thought to himself. "Let's go inside." Fourth led the way into the house. "Where are the maids and everything?" Gemini asked. "They're gone. I'm alone now, so there's not much to clean. I can handle cooking and cleaning on my own. I don't need them anymore, especially since my sister is no longer here," Fourth sighed.

"I'll cook something for you," Fourth offered. "It's okay, I've already eaten," Gemini replied with a smile. "Do you drink?" Fourth inquired. "Yeah, I can handle them pretty well now," Gemini giggled. "How about some wine?" Fourth suggested. "sure" Gemini nodded.

Gemini inquired, gazing at Fourth, "Where is Love?"

"She has moved out. With her girlfriend," Fourth replied, taking a seat. "Girlfriend? Who?" Gemini asked, taken aback. "Your old best friend, Milk Pansa," Fourth explained. "What?" Gemini exclaimed. "Yes, she unexpectedly ran into us at the mall and we reconnected." Fourth poured Gemini some wine.

"They spent time with us, and Love fell in love. Now they are together and have moved out," Fourth continued, sipping his wine. "You are alone now?" Gemini questioned, taking a sip of the wine. "Yes, completely alone. Just loneliness," Fourth sighed. "Are you alright?" Gemini inquired. "No, not at all. I miss my nephew," Fourth admitted.

"Love has a baby?" Gemini asked. "Yes, she gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Third Pattranite Nattawat," Fourth confirmed. "Your last name?" Gemini probed. "My responsibility, my sweat, my baby. So, definitely my last name," Fourth replied, raising his glass of wine.

Gemini smiled as he observed Fourth, "You seem different now."

"Hm?" Fourth murmured. "You don't indulge in dark alcohol, smoke, or play football anymore?" Gemini inquired. "I do drink, but in moderation. I still smoke occasionally. However, I've given up football. I'm retired now," Fourth explained. "I would love to watch you play again," Gemini expressed with a smile.

"If I tried, my back would give out," Fourth chuckled. Gemini joined in his laughter, and the lighthearted evening continued joyfully.


"Are you drunk, Gem?" Fourth inquired. "No, not at all, Fot. I'm fine, I'll head home, okay?" Gemini smiled, unsteadily getting up. "I'll catch the bus, Fot, I'll be fine." Gemini attempted to walk but stumbled. "You're clearly intoxicated," Fourth observed, assisting Gemini back to a seated position.

Suddenly, Gemini embraced Fourth. "I'm sorry, Fot, okay...?" Gemini began to cry. "What's wrong?" Fourth asked, confused. "I apologize, I've missed you so much," Gemini sobbed. "Let's just enjoy the night, don't spoil it," Fourth chuckled. "Alright, I'm good now, I'll go home, okay...?" Gemini smiled, still drunk. "Wow, you're already drunk from just wine?" Fourth laughed.

"Don't make fun of me, Fot!" Gemini playfully hit Fourth. "Okay, okay, I won't," Fourth smiled. "So.. This is how it feels like..spending time with you again after so long." Fourth reflected to himself as he looked at Gemini.

Gemini gazed at Fourth's lips and confessed, "I've missed kissing you." Fourth was taken aback and replied, "If I can just..." Gemini leaned in to kiss Fourth, but he hesitated and suggested, "No-I-uh..I'll take you upstairs to Love's room. You can sleep there." Fourth helped Gemini upstairs and assisted him in lying down on the bed.

As Gemini held Fourth's face, he expressed his desire to try again, saying, "Let's give it another shot, but this time let's do it right." Gemini smiled and asked Fourth if he believed it was possible. Fourth chuckled and called Gemini crazy before excusing himself to go to sleep.

Alone, Gemini muttered to himself, "Oh, Fourth, how I've missed you." Frustrated, he exclaimed, "AGH, LIFE SUCKS!", "Fotfot..." Gemini fell asleep.


Fourth went back to his room to take a shower before returning to check on Gemini. "Are you asleep, Gem?" Fourth asked as he gently ran his fingers through Gemini's hair. "You're still adorable, but you've definitely grown up." Fourth chuckled to himself before realizing he was talking to no one but himself. "Oh, I'm such a dork," Fourth groaned before quickly leaving the room.

As soon as Fourth left, Gemini turned red, realizing he had been listening the whole time. "You think I'm cute?" Gemini whispered to himself, unable to contain his giggles.

The next day..

Gemini woke up, took a shower, and put on his used clothes. Then, he went downstairs and found Fourth cooking. Gemini inquired, "Are you cooking?"

Fourth replied, "Yes, for you. I have to go to the company today, so I wanted to cook for you before I leave." He plated the food and said, "Thank you-" Gemini attempted to hug Fourth, but he pulled away. "Gem, I'm sorry. We're not together," Fourth said, avoiding Gemini's embrace.

Gemini sat down and started eating. "Is your friend I don't know. 'Phuwin?' Is he out of business now? You can go home," Fourth asked. Gemini chuckled awkwardly, "Oh.. maybe, I don't know."

"I hate to say this, but Gemini, you can't stay here. We're not together anymore," Fourth stated, straightening his polo. "I'll leave, I'm sorry for intruding. Thank you for the meal, it was delicious," Gemini gathered his belongings. "Thank you for spending the night with me. It was fun drinking with you," Gemini smiled.

"I hope you find someone who treats you better than I did," Gemini said sadly. "I'll be on my way now," he bowed and left.

Now.. Fourth is all alone again.

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