CHAPTER 15: Surprise.

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Fourth gently held Gemini's shoulders and reassured, "Baby, it's impossible that I'm cheating on you." Gemini pulled away, responding cynically, "Yeah, impossible my ass," as tears welled up in his eyes. "Gemini, it's impossible because I'm getting married!" Parn exclaimed.

Gemini paused, processing the information, and then asked in disbelief, "You two are getting married...?" Gemini began to cry again, but Fourth quickly explained, "No, baby! I'm her wedding planner. We just got back from picking out her dress for the after party," while tenderly running his fingers through Gemini's hair.

"I didn't tell you because I wanted to surprise you," Fourth said, pulling out a bouquet of flowers and a large teddy bear. "It's our monthsary, remember?" Gemini was taken aback, realizing he had forgotten the special day. "You didn't even know it was a special day today. I asked Parn to help me pick out a gift for you because I wanted to make you feel special," Fourth explained, sitting down beside Gemini.

"I'm sorry for causing you to doubt me, and it hurts me that you don't trust me," Fourth sighed. "I need to leave now, my fiancé is waiting for me," Parn said with a smile as she left. Fourth then gently ran his fingers through Gemini's hair.

"After everything we've been through, I always hoped that one day you would trust me enough to feel at ease," Fourth expressed. Gemini quickly hugged Fourth and tearfully apologized, "I'm sorry." Gemini wiped his tears on Fourth's polo.

"Don't cry, baby," Fourth hugged Gemini, "I became paranoid because of the trauma you've caused me." Gemini sniffled, "I'm sorry for hurting you, I love you." Fourth kissed Gemini on the cheek.

Feeling confused, Gemini looked at Fourth without knowing how to respond. "It's okay if you're unsure of your feelings, I'll wait for you," Fourth reassured Gemini as he hugged them for comfort.

After apologizing to each other, Fourth and Gemini have found peace once more. Gemini never reciprocated Fourth's "I love you," but Fourth understands and regrets the hurt he caused Gemini. Wanting to make things right,

Fourth decided to wait for Gemini to say "I love you" sincerely.

Although Fourth wanted to make their relationship public, Gemini preferred to keep it private and unknown due to

Fourth's status as a well-known professional football player, which could cause chaos. As a compromise, they chose to live together and keep their relationship private.

Three months later, Fourth and Gemini have become inseparable, acting like a married couple as they eat, cook, and spend all their time together.

Fourth has never made any advances towards Gemini since they got together, wanting Gemini to feel completely at ease.

Fourth spoils Gemini with gifts, shopping trips, and fulfilling all of Gemini's wants. Fourth even entrusted Gemini with his black card for spending.

The reason behind all of this? Fourth simply wants to hear a heartfelt "I love you" from Gemini, and is prepared to do whatever it takes to earn it.

Gemini's birthday is here and Fourth has planned a huge surprise. He decorated the house and cooked Gemini's favorite dishes, including cakes and sweets. Only inviting their closest friends who know about their relationship,

Gemini was thrilled and gave Fourth a loving hug and kissed his cheeks. After the party, Gemini was feeling a bit tipsy and watched as Fourth cleaned up all the mess.

Gemini watched for a while before speaking, "You don't have to clean it tonight, I'll help you tomorrow," Gemini offered. Fourth insisted, "It's okay. Just go upstairs and sleep. I'll sleep once I'm done washing the dishes." Gemini protested,

"Don't do're making me feel useless." Fourth reassured, "You're not useless, baby. I just want to do everything for you."

Gemini then hugged Fourth in the kitchen, burying his face in Fourth's chest and confessing,

"I love you."

Fourth blushed and smiled, asking, "What did you say?" Gemini repeated, "I said, 'I love you.'" Fourth returned the sentiment, "I love you too..." Gemini reassured, "I'm sorry for not saying it earlier"

"It's okay, I think waiting for that word was worth it." The two exchanged more "I love you"s and affectionate gestures, ending with a tight hug from Fourth.

Gemini glanced at Fourth and asked, "How long have we been together?" Fourth replied, "5 months." Gemini then questioned, "Why haven't we had sex yet? Are you not satisfied with me?" Gemini feigned tears and reassured Fourth, "No, it's not that. I just want to make sure you're comfortable." Fourth looked back at Gemini.

"You don't need my permission. You can have sex with me whenever you want," Gemini stated. Fourth, feeling confused, responded, "What?" Gemini dismissed it as drunkenness and suggested Fourth go upstairs while they did the dishes. Before Fourth could protest, Gemini kissed him.

As Fourth leaned in to reciprocate the kiss, Gemini held onto Fourth's shirt tightly and kissed him passionately. Fourth began to caress Gemini's back and waist.

Interrupting Fourth's attempt to mention the dishes, Gemini declared, "The dishes can wait. I can't." Gemini then pulled Fourth onto the couch, straddled his lap, removed his own shirt, and kissed Fourth once more.

Gemini provocatively rubbed against Fourth's dick, causing Fourth to twitch. "I wish I had done this sooner," Gemini confessed. Confused, Fourth asked, "Done what?" It had been a while since they had sex, and Fourth had forgotten that Gemini was skilled at blow job. Gemini knelt down in front of Fourth and unzipped his pants.

"Woah, baby," Fourth gasped as Gemini took hold of him. Gemini took Fourth into his mouth, moving faster and faster with each passing moment.

Overwhelmed by the intensity, Fourth came into Gemini's mouth. Gemini swallowed, causing Fourth to worry, "Why did you do that, Gemini!?"

With a smirk, Gemini replied, "Didn't you used to want me to do that?" Before Fourth could protest, Gemini silenced him with a kiss.

Gemini grabbed Fourth's finger and inserted it inside himself. "Baby-" Fourth tried to speak, but Gemini was too caught up in the moment, gasping for air and moaning. "Faster," Gemini urged, holding Fourth's finger behind his back. "F-Faster?" Fourth hesitated, but complied with Gemini's request and increased the speed.

Gemini's moans grew louder as he arched his back, hugging Fourth. "F-Fot...!" Gemini cried out in pleasure, "M-More, faster," he stuttered while moaning. Fourth was still unsure, but picked up the pace regardless, resulting in some unpleasant sounds.

Feeling Fourth's arousal, Gemini began to run his fingers through Fourth's hair, still moaning. "Hey, Gemini. Stop touching my hair, you're making me..." Fourth was silenced with a kiss as Gemini came into Fourth's chest, ruining Fourth's polo in the process.

"Wow," Fourth exclaimed, "O-One more time" Gemini requested, with Fourth's finger still inside him. "O-One more what..?" Fourth asked, perplexed. "Do it again," Gemini gasped, trying to catch his breath.

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