PART 2-CHAPTER 7: Win Or Lose.

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After two weeks, Fourth was busy with work and unfortunately couldn't get in touch with Gemini.


While Fourth was cooking, he received a call from Gemini. With oily hands, he couldn't answer the phone. "Ugh, not now Gemini. Why do you always call when I'm busy?" Fourth sighed and washed his hands.

By the time he was able to call back, he had missed Gemini's call. "Dammit!" Fourth cursed to himself. When he finally answered, Gemini abruptly hung up. "Seriously? You call just to hang up?" Fourth muttered in frustration.

As Fourth sat down to eat, Gemini called again. This time, Fourth answered promptly. "What?" he said, mouth full of food. "I'm outside your house," Gemini replied. Fourth choked on his food in shock at the unexpected visit.

Fourth rushed to the door, his mouth still full of food. As he opened it, he was surprised to see Gemini standing there. "Why did you come when I'm busy?" Fourth mumbled, covering his mouth. Gemini explained that he had been trying to reach Fourth but received no response. "I was fucking cooking," Fourth replied with a sigh before closing the door.

"Can I borrow your phone?" Gemini asked as he set his things on the counter. "Why not use your own?" Fourth questioned, continuing to eat. "My phone died," Gemini explained, taking Fourth's phone without waiting for permission. "I asked you to spend time with me, not take control," Fourth muttered between bites. "Can I use it or not?" Gemini pressed, placing the phone back on the counter.

"You can," Fourth relented, still focused on his meal. "See? You're too easy," Gemini teased as he made the call. "Are we friends or husbands? This is confusing," Fourth pondered to himself while eating. "I have to go now, Phuwin wants to have dinner with me," Gemini announced, handing back Fourth's phone.

"Wait, why rush off so soon after just arriving?" Fourth protested. Gemini announced as he walked towards the door, "I have nothing to do here, so I need to leave."

"Wait, don't leave me or I'll smack you," Fourth exclaimed as he threw his dishes in the sink and ran upstairs. "Where are you going, Fourth!?" Gemini followed him upstairs.

"I'm coming with you," Fourth declared, taking off his shirt. "You don't have to come, I'm just going to have dinner with Phuwin and I'll be back," Gemini insisted. "I'm alone here, okay?" Fourth said, putting on his polo shirt. "I've been sleeping at your house for a week, I basically live here," Gemini reminded him.

"I also need to stop by the mall to buy a new shirt," Fourth mentioned as he sprayed on some perfume. "Come on, Fourth," Gemini sighed. "Wait for me, I'll drive," Fourth offered. "This is so frustrating," Gemini groaned as he went downstairs.

"Ungrateful shit," Fourth muttered as he put on his shoes. "FOURTH HURRY THE FUCK UP" Gemini yelled impatiently. "Why are you rushing me?" Fourth asked as he ran down the stairs. "Because Phuwin is waiting," Gemini replied. "I'll wait for you in the car." Gemini took Fourth's phone without asking and went outside.

"We made up a week ago, and this is how you treat me?" Fourth muttered to himself as he grabbed his car keys. He locked the door and got inside the car. "You're so slow," Gemini teased as he watched a video on Fourth's phone. "What are you watching?" Fourth asked, starting the engine.

"I'm watching your old gameplay, you were really good," Gemini said with a smile. "Suddenly you're being nice?" Fourth chuckled. "I'm just giving you a compliment!" Gemini defended. "I appreciate it, thank you," Fourth replied.

"I wish I could see you play like that again," Gemini said wistfully. "If I tried, I'd probably break my back," Fourth joked. "You're getting old," Gemini teased. "What did you say?" Fourth snapped, feeling offended. "Just kidding, old man," Gemini laughed.

Fourth and Gemini arrived at the restaurant and saw Phuwin there. "Oh, what are you doing here?" Phuwin asked Fourth. "I was feeling lonely at home, so Gemini suggested I come along," Fourth explained. "WHAT!? YOU'RE THE ONE WHO-" Before Gemini could finish his sentence, Fourth quickly covered Gemini's mouth.

"Let's go eat," Fourth said with a smile, pulling Gemini inside. "Get off me, you old shit!" Gemini muttered under his breath. After dining out, Phuwin suggested they go to Fourth's house to have some drinks. "I don't drink anymore," Fourth said. Phuwin chuckled, "Oh, you've changed a lot, haven't you?" Phuwin laughed, "Yes, for the better." Fourth smiled, "Oh, what you mean don't like it! You drank yesterday-" but Gemini was interrupted by Fourth.

"We should head out now, Phuwin. Goodbye," Fourth said, pulling Gemini towards his car. "Why did you lie? You were drinking!" Gemini exclaimed. "Do you want to clean up the mess? Do the dishes?" Fourth asked as he drove. "No!" Gemini shouted. "Then it's better if he doesn't come," Fourth replied.

"Are you saying Phuwin is messy?" Gemini yelled. "I'm saying I don't want to drink. I do drink, but I'm not in the mood for it," Fourth said firmly. "You're a liar," Gemini accused. "I always have been," Fourth admitted. "Is that what you think of me?" Fourth asked.

"Huh..?" Gemini was taken aback. "Do you think I haven't changed at all?" Fourth asked sympathetically. Gemini initially joked, "No, I was just kidding." Fourth responded coldly with a simple "Hmm." Feeling remorseful, Gemini apologized, "I'm sorry." Fourth quickly reassured him, "I was kidding too, no need to cry." Concerned, Fourth asked, "Gem? Are you okay?" However, when he turned Gemini around, he noticed tears in his eyes.

Confused, Fourth exclaimed, "What's going on? Why are you crying?" Gemini angrily replied, "You scared me! I thought you were actually mad!" Fourth chuckled and asked, "Have I ever been mad since we reunited?" Gemini sniffled and admitted, "No." Fourth laughed and added, "Then there's no reason to be scared."


"I'll go to sleep now Gemini." Fourth said, drinking water. "Can we switch rooms? Love's room is full of girly stuff..and I don't like it." Gemini said. "Suffer in pink my boy." Fourth laughed out loud, going upstairs. "Look at this fucking bullshit." Gemini said to himself.

Fourth had fallen asleep but was abruptly awoken by a loud bang on the door. "OPEN THIS DOOR, NATTAWAT!" Gemini shouted, banging on the door once more. "YOU OLD SHIT, OPEN THIS!" Gemini continued to yell and bang on the door. "What the hell, Gemini? It's 3 am," Fourth said, yawning.

"Let's switch rooms. I really don't like it there," Gemini suggested. "Deal with it on your own," Fourth replied, about to close the door, but Gemini quickly ran inside. "Gemini, it's late. Let me sleep," Fourth said, feeling sleepy. "I'm going to sleep here. You'll have no choice but to-" Gemini was surprised when Fourth laid down beside him.

"WOAH!" Gemini exclaimed. "I don't care if you don't like it there. I'm tired. Let me sleep," Fourth said, burying his face in his pillow. "HEY! WE'RE SLEEPING NEXT TO EACH OTHER? WHAT THE HELL?" Gemini yelled.

"Then leave," Fourth mumbled, half asleep. "I DON'T LIKE IT THERE!" Gemini protested. "Then stay," Fourth replied before falling asleep. "FRIENDS DON'T DO THIS!! GO AWAY!!" Gemini tried to push fourth off the bed, but was too heavy to do so.


The next morning, Gemini woke up to find himself wrapped around Fourth. "What the heck!?" He exclaimed, tumbling off the bed in surprise. "What in the world!?" Gemini shouted. "Oh, why are you yelling at 8 in the morning!?" Fourth retorted, getting up. "And you're the one who initiated this, you cuddled me last night," Fourth stated, heading towards the bathroom.

"What!? Me!? Cuddle you!?" Gemini questioned. "Have you forgotten that you like me?" Fourth asked, while brushing his teeth. "I do like you, but we're just friends! Friends don't cuddle!" Gemini protested. "You're the one who cuddled me, so it's your fault," Fourth chuckled.

"Hey, this is so embarrassing!" Gemini cried out, fleeing from the room. "Look at this guy, he likes me but he's scared," Fourth remarked to himself, chuckling.

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