CHAPTER 21: We Met Again.

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Love fell seriously ill one day, prompting Fourth to take her to the doctor. "Can you please examine her? She's very sick and has a headache," Fourth requested the nurse. "Of course, sir. Follow me, I'll call a doctor who is available. Can you wait?" the nurse replied.

Fourth nodded and helped Love sit down. "Are you okay, baby? Just hang in there," Fourth reassured her. "Phi.." Love whispered, clutching her stomach. "It's going to be okay, the doctor will be here soon," Fourth comforted her. Suddenly, a doctor burst into the room, leaving Fourth shocked.

"Gemini," Fourth uttered in surprise. "Dr. Norawit Titicharoenrak, what's wrong with her?" Gemini examined Love and said, "She is ill and experiencing severe stomach pain. Please wait outside, sir, I will update you shortly," Gemini instructed, pushing Fourth out of the room.

After a period of anxious waiting, Gemini emerged and explained, "She had a severe allergic reaction. Did she consume, touch, or come into contact with something she is allergic to?" Fourth hesitated before responding, "Yes, she ate a box of peanuts, but I think that's it"

Gemini inquired, "Is that all, sir?" to which Fourth responded, "Yes, why so many questions? Is she okay?" Gemini then asked, "Does she have a boyfriend or anything?" Fourth hesitated and replied,

"No, she doesn't like guys." Gemini then nervously asked, "Is she a virgin?" Fourth then asked, "Why are you asking me those questions?" Gemini explained, "Because there's a possibility that she's pregnant, sir." Fourth expressed disbelief,

"No, that can't be true. She hasn't lost her virginity!" Gemini reassured, "I know you're worried, but I'll help you guys. Come back tomorrow, and if she still has pain, let her take a pregnancy test."

Love entered the room, and Fourth called out, "Come here, love. Are you okay now?" Love questioned, "Are you not angry that I could possibly be pregnant?" Fourth responded, "I don't care. As long as you're safe." Fourth embraced Love and apologized,

"I'm sorry for not telling you about my virginity." Love whispered, "That's alright. You can't always tell me everything." Fourth then kissed Love on the cheek and said "I love you.", "I love you too, love."

The following day, Fourth bought a pregnancy test and anxiously waited for love to emerge from the bathroom. Despite his fear, he couldn't bring himself to be angry.

Love was all Fourth had left, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing her as well. When love finally emerged from the bathroom, looking defeated, Fourth understood the result: she was pregnant.

Love revealed the test results and tears streamed down her face. "I-I'm sorry, Phi," she sobbed as she embraced Fourth. Overwhelmed with emotion, Fourth couldn't help but cry as well. It was heartbreaking to see such a promising life disrupted by an unexpected pregnancy. Despite the common reaction of families to disown pregnant members, Fourth was determined to support Love. He made a firm decision to step up and take on a fatherly role for her younger sister's baby if necessary.

When Love shared that she had gone to a club with friends and ended up hooking up with someone, Fourth felt a surge of anger. However, he managed to control his temper and reassured Love that he would always be there for her. Despite his initial reaction, Fourth knew that his love and support for Love were unwavering.

Upon learning about the situation, Fourth's father Gavin requested to speak with him privately, excluding Love from the conversation.

Gavin sat down and signaled for a maid to bring him a drink. "Give me something strong, something that can help me keep my temper in check," he said with a smirk.

Fourth asked, "What do you want?" Gavin replied, "I heard your sister is pregnant. She's a great kid."

"Yeah, she's amazing. Are we done here? I want to leave," Fourth said coldly. "Wait a minute, Gedmusthon, your dad isn't finished," Gavin took a shot. "You're not my father," Fourth retorted.

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