CHAPTER 20: Let's Fix This.

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Gemini timidly knocked on the door, "Fourth, can we please talk? I didn't mean to respond that way." Tears streamed down Gemini's face as he pleaded, "You're the one who begged me to stay, Gemini... Why are you the one letting me go?"

On the other side of the door, Fourth's voice was cold, "I had a bad day, Fourth. I hope you can understand. Let's discuss this, please." Gemini's heart sank as he heard Fourth's exhaustion, "Let's talk, Fourth, please."

"I'm so tired, Gemini. I'm just so fucking tired," Fourth's voice cracked with emotion. Gemini's knocks on the door grew weaker as he whispered, "Let's talk, Fourth, please."

"What is there to talk about?" Fourth's words were sharp, "I thought you were different from my family. I thought you would give me the love I've been longing for all this time."

Gemini was stunned by Fourth's words, "Fourth...?" he questioned. Fourth's voice trembled with sadness, "If my mother were alive, I would never be stuck with someone who doesn't care about me. I will leave for practice in the morning, I expect you to be gone once I'm back." Fourth locked the door and went to his bed.

Gemini fell to his knees in front of the door, tears streaming down his face. He regretted ruining such a good relationship and wondered if there was any way to fix it.

Fourth woke up and showered, then changed into fresh clothes. He noticed Gemini packing his belongings, but feeling too hurt to confront him, Fourth decided to ignore him and went downstairs to gather his things before leaving.

Gemini went downstairs and approached Fourth, "I'm leaving now, I'm sorry for—" but Fourth walked past him before Gemini could finish. "Apologies can't erase the pain you've caused me. I'm grateful I never revealed our relationship to my fans," Fourth stated.

"I regret thinking you could change me," Fourth declared, staring intensely at Gemini. "If I come back and you're still here, don't make me ask you to leave." With that, Fourth gathered his belongings and drove away. Gemini hung his head and wept.

How could Gemini have destroyed such a promising relationship? He collapsed to his knees, tears streaming down his face. He realized he had neglected Fourth, but never expected it to lead to this end.

Two weeks later, Gemini informed their mutual friends of the breakup. They comforted him, while Fourth tried to remain composed.

Fourth missed Gemini, but knew a one-sided relationship was not healthy. He confided in his friends, and they all shared a drink together.

Fourth initially quit drinking and smoking because of Gemini's influence, but now he no longer wants to be the person Gemini shaped him to be. Despite his efforts to stay sober, Fourth has started drinking again and occasionally smokes while watching TV.

Without Gemini in his life, Fourth's health has deteriorated. Although Gemini may have tried to reconcile with him, Fourth is too exhausted to make an effort. After four years of avoiding visiting his mother's grave, Fourth finally mustered up the courage to go. As soon as he arrived at her grave, he was overcome with emotion and tears welled up in his eyes as he recalled the trauma of his mother's death.

The tears that Fourth had been holding back since his mother's passing finally began to flow freely. All the emotions he had suppressed for so long were now surfacing.

Fourth wept uncontrollably, feeling that,

if he had only gathered the courage to talk to his dad, maybe his mother would still be alive. Perhaps if he had never been born, his parents wouldn't have fought. And if he hadn't wished for a sister, maybe they wouldn't have gotten divorced.

The thought of reuniting with his mother consumed him, and he fell to his knees, overwhelmed with emotion. His unhealthy coping mechanisms and cold demeanor all stemmed from his unresolved issues with his father.

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