CHAPTER 11: Take Me Back.

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Gemini nodded, "Yeah.." , "I have a question for you, did you touch yourself today?" Gemini admitted, "Y-Yeah.."

Fourth then asked, "Is that why you're wearing my polo and the shorts I bought you?" Gemini remained silent.

"I wanted to feel close to you, but since you're not here, I had to find something to remind me of you," Gemini explained,

"Who's the pervert now?" Fourth smirked. "I just got used to it, okay?" Gemini retorted.

"Don't be upset, Gemini, I was just curious," Fourth said with a smirk, "I'll go now. Let's just pretend we're strangers if we ever meet again." With that,

Fourth left, leaving Gemini alone. As Fourth sat in his car, he took a deep breath. "I almost lost control," he thought to himself.

He drove back to his house and found Love already asleep in her room. Quietly, he went in and gently stroked her hair, whispering,

"I'm sorry for leaving, Love." With a smile, Fourth left the room and went to his own bed, quickly falling asleep.

Fourth woke up and made his way downstairs to find Gemini and Milk sitting at the table, enjoying their meal with Love.

"Oh, am I out of the loop? What brings you guys here?" Fourth inquired. "Oh, Fourth. Love invited us over for a meal," Milk replied with a smile.

As Fourth went to the fridge to grab something, Gemini couldn't help but stare at him and accidentally spilled his juice all over himself. "Oh god, Gemini! Are you alright?" Love asked concerned.

Unfazed, Fourth grabbed his drink and started to leave. "P'Fourth, give him some clothes to change into! Don't just walk away like that!" Love scolded.

"Why me?" Fourth questioned. "Because you're the only one with men's clothes here. It would be strange for Gemini to wear my clothes," Love explained while helping Gemini dry off.

Reluctantly, Fourth agreed and told Gemini to follow him upstairs.

Gemini took a shower in Fourth's bathroom while Fourth searched for clothes for him.

Once Gemini was finished showering, Fourth tossed the clothes to him.

"Here, they're yours now. No need to return them," Fourth stated as he leave, and gemini was left angry.

Love and Milk decided to head to Fourth's alcohol rack, catching Fourth's attention. "Hey, no touching Love, it's expensive,"

Fourth said as he grabbed a bottle of water. Love then asked, "Hey Fourth, can we have a drink?" Fourth, slightly surprised, replied,

"Wait, aren't you 17?" Love quickly retorted, "Come on, I'm 23!" Fourth chuckled and agreed, "Alright, go ahead and have one."

As they were about to start, Fourth mentioned that he had to go to the mall and couldn't drink. Love insisted,

"Come on, drink with us!" Fourth hesitated but eventually gave in when he saw Gemini approaching. "Okay, fine," Fourth sighed.

Gemini joined them and they all picked out a bottle of alcohol to drink. Love commented on Gemini wearing Fourth's clothes, to which

Gemini laughed and mentioned they didn't have the same clothing size. They all shared a laugh and began drinking together.

Love eventually became intoxicated and fell asleep, "She's the one who wanted to drink but passed out first," Milk chuckled. "Stubborn," Fourth remarked as he took a sip. Eventually, Milk decided to leave as it was getting late.

"Hey, I have to go. I have class in the morning. See you, Fourth," Milk said with a smile before departing. Fourth noticed Gemini and Love sleeping on the couch and sighed. He carried Love to her room and then began cleaning up the mess.

Once Fourth finished cleaning, he gave Gemini a pillow and blanket, tucking him in. As Fourth tried to leave, Gemini grabbed his wrist. "What's up?" Fourth asked, confused. Gemini pulled Fourth closer, causing him to fall on top of him.

"Gemini, stop. My sister is upstairs," Fourth said, attempting to leave. "She's drunk. She won't hear us," Gemini replied with a smirk. "You're drunk too. Let me go," Fourth insisted, trying to break free. Gemini rolled over and ended up on top of Fourth.

"Are you out of your mind? She might see us!" Fourth whispered. "Let her watch," Gemini smirked before kissing Fourth.

Fourth initially resisted but eventually gave in to Gemini's advances, reciprocating the kisses. Gemini teased, "You want this too."

Fourth responded by kissing Gemini again and exploring his waist. Gemini responded by grinding against Fourth's erection and letting out a soft moan.

Suddenly, Love stumbled in, clearly intoxicated. Fourth quickly covered Gemini with a blanket and nervously asked

"W-Why are you here, love?". Love mumbled "I want..water.." Meanwhile, Fourth felt someone touching his dick.

Glancing at Gemini under the blanket, Fourth saw him touching him and whispered "Stop that!".

"What? It's fun" Gemini insisted. Love, still suspicious, questioned "Why is your blanket so big phi? And why are you here you have a room"

Anxious to avoid being caught, Fourth urged Love to return to her room. Once she left, Fourth removed the blanket to find Gemini still touching him.

"You're insane! She almost caught us!" Fourth scolded. Gemini just smirked and insisted "What? It's fun".

"Stop it, Gemini," Fourth said firmly. Gemini then leaned in and kissed Fourth, who responded eagerly, as if he had been holding back for a long time. Fourth gently removed Gemini's shorts and inserted a finger.

Gemini let out a soft moan, prompting Fourth to kiss him again and increase the pace, causing Gemini to swallow his moans. "You wanted this," Fourth whispered as he continued to move faster until Gemini came.

After catching his breath, Fourth suddenly entered Gemini, causing him to gasp and moan loudly. Fourth picked up the pace, making Gemini's legs weak.

The next morning, Gemini woke up in Fourth's room and saw him getting dressed.

"Wake up, Gemini. It's already 12:45," Fourth said coldly, opening the blinds. Gemini complained about his sore legs as he got up.

Gemini showered and put on the clothes Fourth had given him before going downstairs and seeing Love with Fourth.

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