PART 2-CHAPTER 11: Tap The Bracelet Twice.

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"Oh, damn. That's good." Gemini grimaced, lying on the bed. "Yeah, good my ass. You snapped my dick in half." Fourth stood up, concerned. "I'm starving," Gemini interjected. "It's already 5pm, what should we have for dinner?" Fourth inquired. "You," Gemini teased, despite the discomfort.

"Seriously, can't you give it a rest? We just had sex yesterday and now, still you want more? Do you want to break my dick?" Fourth exclaimed. "My poor ass," Gemini moaned. "I'll make you something to eat, just wait here," Fourth offered. "Hold on," Gemini called out.

"Let's take a shower together," Gemini suggested. "Sure, let's go," Fourth agreed. "Carry me, I can't walk," Gemini insisted. Fourth lifted Gemini and carried him to the bathroom.


Gemini wrapped his arms around fourth, unable to walk without assistance. Together, they made their way downstairs, where Gemini settled into a chair in the kitchen and observed fourth as he cooked.

Gemini, with his head resting on the table, asked, "Hey baby, where's your phone?"

"Here," Fourth replied, pulling out his phone from his pocket and handing it to Gemini. "Stop snacking on chips. I'm already cooking," Fourth reminded him.

"I won't," Gemini replied, continuing to snack. "Gem, you're not paying attention," Fourth scolded. "It's fine, I'll just have a few bites," Gemini reassured, using Fourth's phone. "Gem, if I finish cooking and you don't eat, I swear," Fourth warned, giving Gemini a stern look. "Okay, I won't," Gemini conceded, hiding the chips. "Don't be stubborn. You're 28 already," Fourth reminded him as he continued cooking.

"Why are you bringing up my age now?" Gemini questioned. "I'm just saying, have some self-control. You're an adult," Fourth advised. "I will!" Gemini exclaimed, pouting. "I'm sorry for causing you back pain," Fourth apologized, hugging Gemini from behind. "It's okay, it's my fault. I was the one who suggested we have sex," Gemini replied , kissing Fourth.

Gemini expressed his love by saying "I love you." Fourth reciprocated by kissing Gemini's neck and giggling, saying "I love you too." Fourth then suggested they eat, to which Gemini happily agreed with a smile.

"Look at these mother fuckers," Beonnie exclaimed, tossing her bag onto the couch. "Oh my goodness," Fourth sighed. "HEY, WHY THE SIGH? WE'RE HERE TO DRINK!" Parn shouted. "Gemini is feeling unwell, he can't drink," Fourth explained.

"Feeling unwell? Why, did you two have a wild night and Gemini ended up paralyzed?" Beonnie smirked. "N-N-" Fourth started to respond but Gemini interjected, "Yes, we had a wild night, but I'm not feeling unwell," Gemini clarified. "OH DAMN!" Joong exclaimed. "Are you okay, Gemini?" Pahn inquired. "I'm fine, P'Pahn," Gemini reassured with a smile.

"How many rounds did you guys go?" Parn asked Gemini excitedly. "Do not ask him that—" Fourth tried to intervene but Gemini interrupted, "5 rounds last night, 6 earlier today," Gemini disclosed. "WHAT!?" Parn exclaimed. "EARLIER?!" Beonnie added. "YOU TWO!!!" Beonnie burst into laughter, collapsing onto her knees. "Wow, Gemini, aren't you... exhausted...? Or maybe in pain...?" Joong said.

Gemini expressed, "I'm exhausted and in pain, but it was worth it." Parn chuckled, "Fourth is a big guy, I've seen him around before." Curious, Gemini inquired, "What do you mean?" Parn explained, "Fourth and I are in the same summer class. He hooked up with a girl in the bathroom, and I happened to witness it—" Before Parn could finish her sentence, Fourth interrupted, saying, "Why bring that up?"

"Please continue," Gemini insisted, clearly becoming frustrated. Parn was at a loss for words. "Go on," Gemini urged. "I was only 16 at the time, Gem. It feels like ages ago," Fourth explained.

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