CHAPTER 12: Learning About Fourth's Past.

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Gemini stood there, feeling anxious. What if love wasn't really that drunk that night? "Hey Gemini, can you sit down for a moment?" Love said with a serious tone. "S-Sure," Gemini stuttered, feeling scared.

Fourth sat calmly, sipping on his drink. Gemini knew it wasn't a big deal. "What's up?" Gemini asked. "P'Fourth, Gemini. I'm sorry, but I need to go back to NYC," Love said, nervously playing with her nails.

Fourth stopped drinking and looked at Love in disbelief. "What?" Fourth exclaimed. "I feel like it's better for me to be in NYC, even if I'm alone," Love explained. "You can't just leave me again for three years," Fourth said, standing up angrily.

Gemini attempted to soothe Fourth, saying, "Please, Fourth, try to calm down."

In response, Fourth exploded with emotion, expressing, "Do you have any idea how lonely I've been here?

I've spent nearly four years wanting to see you, and now that we're finally together, you're just going to leave me again?

Do you even care about my feelings? I agreed for you to go to college in New York because you wanted to,

but I've been so fucking lonely here. I have no one. Do you realize that?"

Trying to remain composed, "I'm sorry, but I feel like I need to stay there. I think I can pursue my dreams more effectively in New York." Love defended her decision,

"I spent 13 years alone, longing for someone to help me forget my past. When you came into my life,

I was overjoyed. I accepted your decision to leave for college because I knew it was for your future,

but do you understand how lonely I've been for the past three years?

I spent those years alone, cooking, eating, just surviving. I wished for your return, and when you did, I was happy.

But now you're back, you're leaving me again.." Fourth started tearing up.

Gemini found himself at a loss, unsure of how to proceed. "Phi...I'm sorry," Love said, hugging Fourth. "I just wanted someone to be with.

After years of neglect and loneliness, you're the only one I have left. Please don't leave me."

Fourth returned the hug, tears falling as he buried his face in Love's hair. Gemini observed the scene, surprised to see Fourth crying.

Despite Love's decision to leave, Fourth eventually came to terms with it.

Two months later, Fourth finally mustered the courage to speak to Gemini.

"Hey Gemini," Fourth began, taking a seat. Gemini joined him, "I'm sorry for everything," Fourth confessed.

Confused, Gemini asked, "What do you mean?" Fourth admitted,

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I was afraid of being alone again, so I became abusive in an attempt to make you stay."

Gemini chuckled awkwardly, realizing the depth of Fourth's fear.

"I hurt you because I didn't want to lose you," Fourth continued, a smile forming on their face.

Gemini listened intently as Fourth shared his heartbreaking story.

"My mom passed away when I was 13," Fourth sighed. Gemini was taken aback by the revelation.

"She got sick after my sister was born and eventually passed away," Fourth explained.

Despite the sadness of the situation, Gemini remained composed.

"She made me promise something," Fourth continued. Curious, Gemini asked, "What was it?" Fourth took a sip of water before revealing,

"She wanted me to never tell Love about my dad's affair and to leave as soon as possible."

As Fourth's fame grew, he realized he could financially support his sister.

They moved out together, but when she decided to go to college in NYC, Fourth was heartbroken.

"I agreed because I knew it was best for her future," Fourth admitted, looking down.

After his sister left, Fourth felt lost and lonely, everything turned gray after she left.

He immersed himself in his games until he met Gemini. "When I saw you, I knew I couldn't bear to lose you," Fourth confessed.

"I was terrified of being alone again, so I used violence to keep you by my side," he admitted solemnly.

Fourth sighed and said,

"I think it's obvious, Gemini." Gemini tilted his head in confusion, asking, "What's obvious?" Fourth then confessed,

"I like you, Gemini."

This left Gemini stunned and speechless, unsure of how to respond.

"H-Huh?" Gemini stuttered, trying to process the unexpected revelation.

"Do you remember 5 years ago..?" Fourth inquired. Gemini remembered but decided to lie, replying, "N-No, I don't.."

Fourth then recounted a moment from the past, revealing that he had noticed Gemini watching him on the field but had been too preoccupied to engage in conversation.

Touched by Fourth's recollection, Gemini felt tears welling up in his eyes.

"You approached me to ask my age, and when i found out you're actually 16 and underage, i knew we couldn't pursue anything further due to the 12-year age gap," Fourth explained.

"I've been admiring you for almost 4 years, Gemini, but societal norms prevent us from being together," Fourth lamented.

This confession left Gemini blushing, realizing that Fourth reciprocated his feelings.

Fidgeting nervously with his nails, Gemini wondered, "So he likes me..."

Fourth then confessed, "I know I've always been distant and rude, but it was my way of hiding the fact that I have feelings for you. When were having sex,

I felt disappointed and disgusted with myself for not being able to express my true emotions out of fear." Gemini, taken aback, tried to process what Fourth was saying.

"I'm sorry for my behavior, I was trying to push you away by being a jerk," Fourth admitted.

"If I had never approached you at the bar, I could have admired you from a distance, but now here we are,"

Fourth sighed. Gemini remained silent, unsure of how to react.

"I like you, Gemini. When I realized my mistakes, I knew I needed to change. You brought color back into my life, and when you mentioned leaving,

I panicked at the thought of being alone again, so I pushed you to stay," Fourth confessed, tears welling up once more.

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