PART 2-CHAPTER 4: I Was Wrong.

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Are you hesitant to pursue love again because of the fear of getting hurt once more?

Do you fear losing that significant person in your life?

If you've given up, is there a way to regain your strength and move forward?

Is it possible to rekindle the relationship with that person?

Would you consider lying about your feelings even if you still love them?


Gemini weakly uttered, "I'm home," as he entered the room. Phuwin noticed his sadness and asked, "What's wrong? Did something happen?" Gemini forced a smile and replied, "No, I'm just tired, that's all," before retreating to his room. Alone, he muttered to himself in frustration, "Why didn't I realize sooner?"

As he lay on his bed, Gemini lamented, "We're just strangers, aren't we, Fourth?" He clutched his pillow tightly, reflecting on past mistakes and wondering if things could have been different. Gazing at a photo, he whispered, "Maybe if I hadn't been such a jerk, things would be different, Fourth." With a heavy heart, Gemini buried his face in his pillow, lost in thoughts of what could have been. "We're nothing but strangers."


"Hey, we have something to cook," Pahn announced as she walked into the room.

"Put it on the counter, I'll take care of cooking," Fourth stood up. "Where's Joong?" he asked. "He's out, buying something," Beonnie replied, snacking. "What are you planning to cook, Fourth?" Pahn inquired. "I'm not sure yet," Fourth said as he washed his hands.

After finishing cooking, Fourth asked, "How does it taste?" "It's delicious," Pahn replied with a smile. "By the way, we noticed that Love's room was cleaned. Did you do it, Fourth?" Beonnie asked. "No, Gemini probably did it," Fourth replied. "What? Gemini was here? When? How? Why?" Beonnie exclaimed.

"Relax, he just stayed the night. We won't be seeing each other again," Fourth said coldly. "Why not?" Beonnie questioned. "Because he still has feelings for me, okay?" Fourth explained, taking a sip of his drink. "He needs to move on," he added. "But you haven't," Pahn pointed out. "I have. A long time ago." Fourth said.

"You will eventually move on, even if you still have feelings for some shit," Fourth reassured Pahn. "Look at me, I have moved on from Gemini and I'm okay." Pahn was devastated, thinking about how sad Gemini must be feeling. "Do you think I have a choice?" Fourth asked sympathetically.

Pahn shouted, "You have a choice! Spend some time with Gemini and reconnect with him! I know you still have feelings for him!"

Fourth angrily threw his plate to the floor. "Do you honestly think that's a good idea, Pahn? It's been too long! I don't want him anymore! Even if I still love him, it's just not smart!" Fourth yelled as he stormed off.

"It's okay, Pahn," Beonnie reassured with a smile. "Just focus on eating, I'll take care of cleaning this up," Parn said as she cleaned the broken plate from the floor.


"I've moved on," Fourth muttered to himself as he smoked. "I've really moved on, Fourth." He repeated to himself. "Oh, damn it." Fourth cursed as he continued smoking. Suddenly, Pahn called out to him. "Fourth? What are you doing out here in this freezing cold?" Pahn sat down next to him. "It's hot inside." Fourth sighed, taking another drag of his cigarette. "Please stop," Pahn said, taking the cigarette from him. "Smoking helps me relax, give it back," Fourth insisted, trying to retrieve his cigarette, but Pahn stepped on it.

"Tell me the truth," Pahn demanded. "What truth?" Fourth asked. "You haven't really moved on, have you?" Pahn questioned. "I already told you, I've moved on," Fourth replied, pulling out another cigarette. "I'm sorry," Pahn said, taking the cigarette from him. "Sorry for what?" Fourth inquired. "For being overly protective," Pahn sighed.

"It's fine," Fourth assured him. "I apologize for pressuring you to tell me," Pahn chuckled. "I just worry that you're keeping too many secrets to yourself," Pahn smiled.

"I'm sorry fotfot, okay?" Pahn said tearfully. "Don't cry, baby," Fourth comforted her with a hug. "I'm just worried about you, always overthinking." Pahn continued to cry. "Oh, don't cry, it's okay," Fourth reassured her, patting her head. "Let's go inside, Pahn, it's cold," Fourth said, holding her face and smiling.

As they entered, they saw Beonnie and Parn. "Sorry about earlier, Parn. Sorry for making you clean up the shattered glasses," Fourth apologized, hugging her. "I'm sorry, Beonnie, for yelling," Fourth hugged them both. "You're the best friends ever, okay? I'm sorry," Fourth said with a giggle.



Gemini, come eat," Phuwin called out. "Sorry, I can't today. I have to go to the hospital to see something," Gemini replied, gathering his belongings. "Oh, going to the hospital again? What's up with that place?" Phuwin chuckled.

"I have an important patient to attend to," Gemini explained with a smile. "I better get going now, okay?" With that, Gemini left. "Alright, see you soon!" Phuwin shouted after him. "I'll be back!" Gemini assured as he drove away in his car.

"Good evening, Mr. Norawit," the nurse greeted with a bow. Gemini returned the smile and replied, "Good evening to you as well." Making his way to a room, Gemini asked, "Love, how are you doing?" Love sighed and expressed concern about Third having a fever, seeking advice on whether to buy medication.

Apologizing for the late call, Love smiled and said, "It's fine, you're a doctor." After examining Third, Gemini reassured Love, "He's just running a slight fever. Try giving him something warm, like milk or food." Love expressed gratitude, admitting she was a first-time parent and unsure of what to do.

Gemini comforted Love, patting Third's head and asking how he was feeling. As Love prepared to leave with Third, Gemini wished them a safe journey. Love waved goodbye, calling out, "Bye gemgem!" with a smile.

Gemini watched as they left, then sank into his office chair. "Ugh, I really need a coffee," he muttered to himself, getting up. Stepping outside, he headed to the coffee machine and poured himself a cup. "Good evening, Mr. Norawit," greeted the nurse with a smile. "Good evening," Gemini replied, returning the smile.

Returning to his office, Gemini sat down to sign some papers, until he was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Mr. Norawit?" the nurse called. "Come in," Gemini responded. "What's up?" he asked. "Mr. Ray said you can go home now, he'll take care of everything," the nurse informed him. "That's great news. Please let him know I'm on my way," Gemini said with a smile.

After the nurse left, Gemini packed up his things and headed to his car. Driving to a nearby bar for a drink, he ended up getting a bit tipsy after a few hours. "Hey, are you okay?" someone asked. Looking up, Gemini saw Fourth. "Fourth," he slurred, embracing the person. Confused, they else asked, "Who?" Gemini continued, "I'm sorry.."

"Oh..yeah, I am Fourth." Fourth smirked. "How are you?" Fourth asked, patting Gemini's head. "I'm okay.." Gemini slurred. "Hm? Really?" Fourth asked. "Yeah.." Gemini said, giggling. "Do you want to drink?" Fourth asked. "Sure.." Gemini was completely drunk. "Okay then, we'll drink." Fourth snickered.

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