PART 2-CHAPTER 1: Move On, It's Been A Year.

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Move on, it's been a year.

Gemini Norawit Titicharoenrak.

I have been living with my father for a few months now, although it feels more like a year to me. The situation is not as enjoyable as one might think. My father remarried when I was a teenager, but I never had the opportunity to meet his new wife because he neglected me and I ended up running away.

Now that I have finally met her, I am not pleased. For some reason, she insists that I call her "mom," "mommy," or some other nickname, but I find it difficult to do so. To me, she does not feel like a mother figure, but rather just a woman my father chose to marry.

I have been living with my "Family" for about a year now. I have made the decision to leave because staying with them no longer feels right. It is painful to be a part of a family that doesn't feel like a family. Despite my efforts to reconnect with them,

I cannot overlook the past neglect and my struggles with depression that led me to run away. This family is not what I consider a true family. I hope that when I leave, someone will notice my absence and miss me. Let's reconnect, Fourth. I'm committed to making changes. Do I still have a chance to do so?


Fourth Nattawat Jirochtikul.

My life has undergone significant changes in the past year. My younger sister recently welcomed my nephew, Third Pattranite Nattawat, into the world. I am delighted that she chose to use my last name. I have been helping to care for her and the baby for the past few months.

I consider my life to be fulfilling. I have taken over the family business and retired from my career as a professional football player. Not many athletes can sustain a career for over 20 years, so I feel fortunate. Now in my 30s, I have shifted my focus away from romantic relationships. Although Love is obviously catching some tiny bit of feelings for Milk, And that doesn't bother me at all. If she's happy, I am too.

As an older individual, I have decided to prioritize my family and personal well-being. Do I miss Gemini, my past partner? The answer to that question remains uncertain.


"You're really leaving? Oh my gemgem..." Gabriela exclaimed. "Gabriela, please stop. You're not my mother. And yes, I am leaving. It's my final decision," Gemini responded, packing his belongings. "I know I've never been a perfect mother, well step-mother. But I hope one day you'll accept me Gemini," Gabriela said with a smile.

"I've been neglected since I was 13, for 10 years, I've been ignored Gabriela. You'll never be my mother," Gemini declared as he stood up. "I'm sorry for being harsh, please tell Father I left. I'm sorry." With that, Gemini left with his things. "Gemini! Wait, please..!" Gabriela called out, but Gemini ignored her and got into his cab.

As he drove to the airport, Gemini felt unprepared to return to Thailand, the country where his life used to be perfect. Now, however, he was filled with doubt."Welcome back to me," Gemini muttered to himself as he strolled past the economy seats.

As he glanced over at the First Class section, he spotted a familiar face. Ignoring it at first, he was surprised when the person turned around and revealed himself to be "Fourth." Gemini said to himself. "Who? I'm sorry to butt in, but, I think this is my seat. D-14" The Stanger said. "I'm sorry, I'm the window seat, D-14" Gemini replied, showing his ticket.

"Oh sorry, I'm beside you, I'm sorry I didn't notice" The guy smiled. "It's alright" Gemini replied with a smile. "I'm Dew, Dew Jirawit" The guy said. "Oh, I'm Gemini. Gemini Norawit" Gemini smiled, looking at Dew. "Where you going? Vacation? Event?" Dew asked. "I'm going back to my home. Thailand." Gemini said, fixing his things.

"Why did you left?" Dew asked. "Family reasons, But turns out it's not really a family to me. So I decided to come back." Gemini replied. "I'm here with my friend, although he's in the First class. I dont like fancy things, so I decided to seat in economy." Dew sighed. "You're right," Gemini giggled. After talking for a few minutes, Gemini fell asleep.


"Hey Gemini, wake up. We're here," Dew nudged Gemini. "Oh, shoot, I fell asleep. I'm sorry," Gemini stood up. "No problem, let me help you with your bags," Dew offered. "Thanks," Gemini smiled. "Do you want to meet my friends?" Dew asked. "Sure," Gemini replied.

As they walked into the airport, Dew introduced his friends. "This is Satang, he can be a bit of a jerk, so watch out for him," Dew chuckled. "Who's a jerk?" Satang yelled. "And this is-" Dew was interrupted by Gemini. "Fourth, right?" Gemini started to tear up. "Yeah, do you know him?" Dew asked. "N-No, not really. I just feel like I've seen him somewhere before," Gemini giggled awkwardly.

"I have to go now, Dew. Thank you for your help. My friend is here to pick me up," Gemini said, taking his bags. "Already? Why not join us for dinner?" Dew suggested. "No, thank you. I have plans with my friends," Gemini bowed and left. As he walked towards his friends, Gemini couldn't help but feel emotional.


It has been a year and Gemini still hasn't fully let go. Fourth was once the person Gemini loved the most, but Gemini's behavior changed and ultimately led to their breakup. Seeing Fourth at the airport today, looking vibrant and content, Gemini realized that Fourth had moved on.


"Gemini, it's been a year now. Please stop hurting yourself," Phuwin pleaded. Gemini, with tears streaming down his face, tried to explain, "It's just that Fourth used to be everything to me. But I messed it all up and now I'm left with nothing." Mark gently comforted Gemini, patting his head.

"I miss him so much...he was the one I never had," Gemini admitted, burying his head in the pillow. Mark's expression turned somber as he listened. "I wish I could talk to him," Gemini sniffled. Prom interjected gently, "Gem, I hate to break it to you, but that's not possible. Fourth is doing well now..." "That's the problem..he's doing so well. And I'm here looking like a shit hoping we'd be back together." Gemini cried.


"Thanks for the ride Fourth, me and Satang are gonna drink. Wanna?" Dew asked. "I have to take care of my nephew and younger sister. You do you" Fourth smiled and drove away.


"Where's Love?" Fourth inquired Milk. "She's in the bathroom. Third, look, Daddy's here," Milk responded as she lifted Third and presented him to Fourth. "Hello, baby, you're so cute," Fourth said, gently stroking Third's face. "I'm going to bed now. Is there anything you need before I go?" Fourth asked.

"No, I've taken care of everything. You can rest now," Milk replied with a smile. "Let Love know I've gone to sleep, and remind her to get some rest too. She's been lacking sleep lately because of the baby," Fourth explained. "Of course," Milk agreed, smiling. Fourth then went upstairs, put his belongings in their places, and settled into his chair.

Fourth sighed as he signed his papers, feeling a pang of nostalgia as he thought about Gemini. "I can't believe I still miss you after all this time," he muttered to himself, reaching for a photo from a drawer. "You've really changed, Gemini. Even your style is different now." Fourth studied the photo, noting how mature Gemini looked. "It's like you've grown up."

Shaking his head, Fourth berated himself for still thinking about Gemini after a year. He tucked the photo into a book and stashed it away in a drawer, mumbling about how things could have been different if Gemini wasn't such a jerk. "Goodnight to me," Fourth said as he lay down on his bed, trying to push thoughts of Gemini out of his mind.

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