CHAPTER 22: Affection And Love.

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Gemini apologized tearfully, "I'm so sorry, Fourth. "It's been years and we've moved on from that. Please, let me go." Fourth attempted to break the hug, "I didn't intend to lose you like that. I'm sorry." Gemini continued to cry.

"Let me go," Fourth insisted. "You're a grown man, Gemini.  Don't cry. Are you just drunk?" Fourth asked. "I miss you so much," Gemini expressed, embracing Fourth. "Okay, I understand you miss me. But it's time to let go now. I have an early morning tomorrow," Fourth responded.

"I miss how you used to take care of me. I was jealous earlier because the way you care for love is how you used to care for me," Gemini mumbled. "You're just drunk, Gemini. We're both drunk. Let's get some rest," Fourth suggested, breaking the hug and cleaning up the mess.

Despite Gemini's tears and pleas, Fourth knew it was best to not show any affection or love. Ignoring Gemini, he walked past and began washing the dishes.

Gemini yelled, tears streaming down his face, "Just admit it, you miss me, don't you?" Fourth stopped washing the dishes and glared at Gemini as he approached. "What do you want me to say?" Fourth yelled back, his frustration evident.

"You're the one who destroyed us, Gemini. We were happy before you started acting like a jerk, trying to be someone you're not," Fourth gripped Gemini's shoulders tightly. "I don't miss you, okay? I never will," Fourth declared, pushing Gemini away. "We're done, it's over. Stop trying to fix something that can't be fixed," Fourth's voice was cold and final.

Gemini sobbed, heartbroken. "Just accept that I don't love you anymore. It's time to move on," Fourth's words were harsh. "Leave before things get worse," he warned, turning his back on Gemini. "We were never meant to be together."

"Move on, my life is better without you," Fourth stated before returning to the kitchen. Gemini wiped his tears, gathered his belongings, and left the house.

Fourth, feeling drained, decided to load the dishes into the dishwasher before heading upstairs to find Love waiting for him. "Were you listening?" Fourth asked coldly. Love, sensing his mood, replied, "I'm okay, just go back to sleep. Staying up late isn't good for the baby." With that, Fourth retreated to his room, leaving Love feeling concerned but ultimately deciding to go to bed.

The next morning, Fourth acted as if nothing had happened and even went out to buy groceries, specifically picking up Love's cravings. At the checkout, the cashier noticed Fourth's somber expression and asked if everything was alright. Fourth simply replied, "Everything's fine," too exhausted to engage further and just handed over his card.

As the cashier urged Fourth to open up if something was bothering him, reminding him that there is always someone willing to listen, Fourth was struck by the truth in their words. He realized that sharing his feelings with someone who cares is the key to finding relief.

"Good morning, love. I brought you chocolates," Fourth smiled as he handed them over. "Thank you. Are you feeling okay?" Love asked with concern. "I'm fine. I have practice later. Do you want to come? Walking is good for you and the baby," Fourth suggested as he put the groceries away.

"Yeah, sure. I want to go to the doctor today. I'm feeling sick," Love said. "Okay, let's go see Dr. Drew," Fourth suggested. "No, I prefer Dr. Norawit," Love insisted. "I don't think he's available today. Let's just go to Dr. Drew's," Fourth reasoned.

"Why not see Gemini?" Love asked. "He was drunk last night, he's probably resting now," Fourth explained as he sat down. "Let's just go to Dr. Norawit, please," Love pleaded with doe eyes.

"Alright, fine," Fourth agreed with a smile. Love hugged him and they headed to the hospital. When they arrived and saw Gemini wasn't there, Love felt disappointed. "I'm comfortable with Gemini. Why isn't he here?" Love whined. "It's okay. I'll just get the pills he told me to get you." Fourth said.

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