CHAPTER 16: Taking Care Of Gemini.

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Gemini eagerly inserted Fourth's finger inside him once more, letting out a moan. "Baby, I don't think-" Fourth started to say, but Gemini interrupted, urging him to go faster. Sweat dripped down Gemini's face as he looked at Fourth. "Do you want the AC on? You're sweating so much," Fourth began to ask before Gemini cut him off again.

"No, leave it off. I like it hot," Gemini said, moaning with pleasure. Fourth complied, picking up the pace and causing Gemini to twitch and moan even louder, trying to stifle his sounds.

Gemini came onto Fourth's shirt, soaking it in his cum. Then, Gemini decided to take Fourth inside him. "Wait-, baby!" Fourth protested, but Gemini didn't listen, entering him with a loud moan that made Fourth sweat even more.

Locking eyes with Fourth, Gemini moved up and down, running his fingers through Fourth's hair. Fourth held onto Gemini's waist, guiding his movements and groaning in pleasure as Gemini kissed him passionately.

Fourth eagerly returned the kiss as Gemini arched his back, hugging Fourth tightly. Gemini increased the pace, causing Fourth to cum.

After several rounds, Fourth wanted to stop, but Gemini insisted on continuing, acting as if this opportunity would never come again. This made Fourth worried. "Baby, let's stop now, it's too much.." Fourth stuttered. "No," Gemini replied, continuing to move up and down on Fourth.

"Baby, your legs," Fourth pointed out. "I'm okay," Gemini said, moaning. "Baby, please stop," Fourth tried to intervene, but Gemini was too turned on to stop. "Baby..." Fourth said, trying to suppress his own moans. Gemini came again, leaving the bed soaked in cum.

After catching his breath, Gemini finally agreed to stop. "Baby, let's stop now. Your legs aren't even moving anymore," Fourth said, concerned. "Did I satisfy you?" Gemini asked, tears welling up. "What?" Fourth asked, confused. "Don't cheat on me, okay? Don't leave me," Gemini pleaded, hugging Fourth and crying.

"Why would I cheat on you? I've done everything to make you happy," Fourth sighed. Gemini didn't respond, and Fourth noticed that Gemini had fallen asleep. He gently carried Gemini upstairs and laid him on the bed

Even though it was nearly 5:40 am, Fourth still had a lot to do. He changed Gemini's clothes, cleaned the bed, washed the sheets and clothes, including his own. After that, he went downstairs to wash the dishes.

Fourth also vacuumed the floor, cleaned the couch, and went to the grocery store to buy some things. He cooked for Gemini, cleaned his car, and bought Gemini's favorite desserts. By 7:00 am, Fourth was still not finished.

He cooked Gemini his favorite breakfast, then finally took a shower and got dressed. After a nap, he woke up at 8:10 am and got Gemini ready for his morning classes.

Gemini ate, showered, and got dressed. Fourth then dropped Gemini off at university and headed to his practice. After practice, he cooked for Gemini again.

After lunch, Fourth washed the dishes while Gemini worked on his homework and projects. Gemini reviewed for his finals before Fourth dropped Gemini off at a friend's house for Mark's mom's birthday.

Gemini asked Fourth to accompany him to Mark's house, but Fourth politely declined. After dropping Gemini off, Fourth went home and did the remaining laundry. Despite being tired,

Fourth was alone in the house and had to go to the mall to buy Gemini's necessities before finally getting some rest. However, Fourth's rest was interrupted when Prom called to inform him that Gemini was drunk.

Fourth drove to Mark's house, where he found Gemini passed out on the couch. Fourth apologized on Gemini's behalf and then drove back home.

Fourth helped Gemini out of the car and carefully laid him down on the bed upstairs. "I'm sorry for making you so exhausted," Gemini slurred drunkenly. "Don't worry, just rest. I'll find some clothes for you," Fourth reassured him, heading to the closet to search for suitable attire.

"Hey, wake up for a minute, I'll change your clothes," Fourth said, determined to take care of his boyfriend. "I already bought what you needed, I'll give it to you tomorrow," he added while dressing Gemini.

Gemini nodded drowsily, clearly inebriated. Fourth sighed, tucking Gemini back into bed and washing his clothes before finally retiring to bed himself. Despite his own exhaustion, Fourth was willing to do whatever it took to care for Gemini.

A week later, Gemini had his finals and Fourth dropped him off at university, wishing him luck with a smile. Gemini kissed Fourth before getting out of the car, leaving Fourth to finally return home and catch up on much-needed sleep after a long, tiring week.

After spending a few weeks with Gemini, Fourth announced, "Baby, I have to go to NYC for two weeks." Gemini reacted with surprise, yelling, "Two weeks!?" Fourth explained, "I have to visit my sister, take care of work, you know." Gemini looked concerned and asked, "What am I supposed to do without you for two weeks?" Fourth reassured Gemini, "You can call me whenever I'm free, I'll leave my card with you so you can treat yourself." Gemini accepted this and calmly said, "Fine, go," before turning on the TV.

Despite feeling sad that Gemini seemed to let him go so easily, Fourth left for NYC after a week. He missed Gemini, even though he had only been gone for two days. Fourth hesitated to call Gemini, wanting to see if Gemini would reach out first. However, after a week passed without a call from Gemini, Fourth convinced himself that Gemini was just busy with his studies.

It dawned on Fourth that he was dating a third-year medical student, explaining Gemini's busy schedule and lack of communication.

Gemini tries to convince himself that he doesn't miss Fourth, but deep down he long for Fourth's cuddles and care. Gemini considers calling Fourth but hesitates, worried that he may be busy with his sister. Despite spending seven months together,

Gemini wants Fourth to spend time with his sister but still misses him. Unable to bear the separation after a week, Gemini impulsively buys a ticket to NYC. Using tracking software, Gemini locates the hotel where Fourth is staying.

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